I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 976: Mount

"It seems that if you want to occupy this castle, you must defeat this group of beasts." Song Jian clenched the sky-sword and walked towards the beasts;

Seeing Song Jian approaching, the beasts immediately became turbulent, but in the roar of the mutant unicorn, the beasts behind them suddenly calmed down, and they did not look like those who felt Song Jian's strength before they scattered. Like a beast.

"Can I suppress the fear of instinct, just because there is a leader?" Song Jian secretly said, his eyes locked on the mutant unicorn in the forefront.

As long as you defeat this unicorn and lose its restraint, the beast army behind it will probably collapse directly, just like other beasts.

Seeing Song Jian approaching, the mutant unicorn yelled, the horn on his forehead suddenly burst into a lightning-like light, crackling sounds sounded, and lightning began to beat in the air;

Slap ~

With a bang, the lightning of finger thickness shot out of the horn, leaving a twisted trajectory in the air, and shot towards Song Jian;

Song Jian subconsciously wanted to dodge, but the speed of the lightning was too fast. Before he could act, the lightning released by the unicorn hit Song Jian's chest;

With a bang, Song Jian could not help but step back two steps, feeling like a heavy hammer hit his chest, the plasma flowing on his body, he even lost control of his body and fell into a paralyzed state;

However, this state lasted for a very short time, even less than a second, which triggered the talent "cheeky" immunity directly;

"More than 1,800 points of damage, the power is not bad. If it is someone else, I am afraid that this time I will be seriously injured!" Song Jian looked at the loss of blood value, secretly in his heart;

Although it is only an elite beast, its attack power is comparable to the boss-level boss in the game world, and the attack speed is extremely fast. Even Song Jian can't escape, but can only resist.

After a moment of hesitation, Song Jian displayed the Xuanyue Streaming Sword and rushed towards the unicorn. If Wan Jianjue was used, I am afraid that the unicorn and the beast behind it could not even keep the body, but Song Jian was thinking about Only mutated unicorns are conquered to become their mounts in the assessment world, so they cannot be spiked directly;

Song Jianying turned into a streamer, stabbing towards the unicorn. The speed of the streamer sword was slower than the lightning released by the unicorn, but it was almost the same. The unicorn's eyes showed a horrified look, and he was preparing to face Backed off, but was severely chopped on the body by the breaking sky sword, and immediately lost control of the body;

Feeling that the body was slowly floating, the unicorn screamed in horror. Although the beasts behind them were terrified, they still roared and launched a charge towards Song Jian;

System: Forced by your force, the beast army led by mutant unicorns, morale drops by 2 points, and attacks drop by 20;

Uh ~

The unicorn's body shot several blood arrows, and his breath suddenly slumped. A huge black bear standing more than two meters tall and waving his palms shot towards Song Jian. Several wild wolves got around after Song fitness. Attacked him;

The sky-breaking sword smashed from bottom to top, splitting a black bear directly in half, twisting its waist, a sword swept across, the roar of five or six wild wolves came to an abrupt end, and the body was like a broken pocket. Throw away in the distance;

These beasts couldn't bear Song Jian's attack at all, and in the blink of an eye there were already seven or eight beasts killed by Song Jian;

However, there were too many beasts. Song fitness still suffered two heavy hits. A wild boar slammed into his thigh, and two wild wolves bit Song's left leg.

Song Jian had a double-digit injury floating above his head. These beasts are equivalent to ordinary monsters of level 40 and 50, and the attack has dropped by 20, which will not cause much damage to Song Jian. If it is not too much, Song Jian can even ignore their attacks.

The mutant unicorn had already stood behind the army of beasts, looking at Song Jian's eyes, showing a trace of fear. The previous Xuanyue Streaming Sword had lost more than 10,000 points of blood and blood, which has made The unicorn felt the threat of death, saw Song Jian entangled by the beast army, and the mutant unicorn immediately had the idea of ​​running away;

After taking two steps back, the mutant unicorn unfolded the black wings and was about to escape towards the castle. Although Song Jian was fighting the army of beasts, he kept his attention on the mutant unicorn and saw that he wanted to escape. , Suddenly moved;

The shackles of war!

Song Jian released the skills of a "Warlord's Armor" towards the mutant unicorn. Suddenly, a shackle formed by the aura of black light flew towards the unicorn and locked its limbs directly. Even the wings behind him were entangled with countless black light condensed silk threads, making it impossible to move at all.

Ang ~

The unicorn screamed in horror, staying in place and not moving, Song Jian's heart moved, the sword shadow was cast to show off, the clone coped with the attacks of ordinary beasts around, and the body rushed towards the mutant unicorn;

The blood value of the unicorn is less than 30,000 points in total. At this time, it has dropped to less than half. Song Jian controlled the intensity and slashed it with a sword and sword. In fifteen seconds, Song Jian will stand alone The blood and blood value of the horned beast fell below 10, and there were less than three thousand points. At this time, the time of the war yoke skill was reached, and Song Jian also stowed the Sky-Breaker Sword and began to hit it with his fist;

Huh ~

The unicorn fanned the black wings, blowing a gust of wind, and at the same time, the horns on his head began to bloom and attacked Song Jian;

The remaining unicorns did not give up the attack, which made Song Jian feel a little annoyed. If it was not for conquering it and becoming his own mount, I'm afraid Song Jian would have killed it already;

Feeling the killing sentiment from Song fitness, the mutant unicorn's body shook slightly, gave up the attack, and fluttered his wings and turned towards the air;

"Just can you fly?" Song Jian snorted coldly, and the flame wings emerged from behind him, a figure like electricity, chasing after the unicorn, riding directly on its back, holding his left hand around his neck Mane, right fist and hit his head;

嘭, 嘭, 嘭 ~

Although it was bare-handed, the damage was not low. Soon, the blood value of the unicorn was hit below one thousand points. Song Jian hesitated for a moment, and then continued to attack, I am afraid that he would be killed.

"Submit or die?" Song Jian shouted in a unicorn's head ~ www.ltnovel.com;

The unicorn's body trembled slightly, and his eyes showed an unwilling look. After waiting for a while, Song Jian saw that he still didn't make a choice. He snorted and summoned the Heavenly Sword, stabbing at the unicorn's head Over the past

Just then, the system sounded.

System: The mutant unicorn is forced by your force to yield to you, and you can turn it into your own mount;

System: Owners of mounts can increase the attributes of the army they lead;

System: After being accepted as a mount, it can only be used in the assessment world. After leaving the assessment world, the mount will be free again;


A golden light flashed, and the mutant unicorn suddenly became obedient, holding Song Jian, and slowly falling towards the castle gate.


s: Thank you for "500 God Coins" rewarded by "Wushen Zhao Yun" ~

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