I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 977: Human main city

Song Jian rode on the unicorn and slowly descended to the gate of the castle. Because of the surrender of the unicorn, the army of beasts led by it broke up directly. All the beasts scattered and ran away. They all ran towards the wild mountain forest. No One dared to return to the castle.

At this point, the gate of the castle had been broken, Song Jian rode into the unicorn and walked in slowly;

System: You have found a human castle. Will you occupy it as your main city?


The entire castle was suddenly shrouded in white light, as if it were controlled by a large hand. All the destroyed or destroyed buildings were slowly restored to their original condition. The ruined castle was suddenly renewed;

At the same time, Song Jian jumped out of a translucent light curtain in front of the eyes of the whole castle;

Silo Castle [First Order]

Owned buildings: City Main Mansion Level 1 (200 gold coins can be obtained per day); Wall Level 1 (defense 500 points); Guardhouse Level 1 (5 gunmen can be recruited per day); Material Warehouse Level 1 (10 units can be upgraded daily) General resources).

This main human city is a bit rude, but Song Jian's announcement to occupy a main human city shocked all other appraisers.

"How could it be so fast, for three days, we didn't find out where the main city of the dungeon camp was. Why did he find the main human city as soon as he entered the game?"

"Is it a coincidence or good luck? The human camp found the main city so early, and there were no soldiers in the main city. Why did it fall so quickly?"

"Damn, we must also speed up. Everyone gives up to continue to occupy the resource points, hurry to explore the map, and find the main city of the **** camp as soon as possible!"


If Song Jian is only one person with strong strength, the appraisers of other camps will not be attentive. The assessment world depends on the army, not personal force. They do not believe that with Song Jian's strength alone, they can defeat tens of thousands or even 100,000 troops.

But if the main city is discovered and occupied by the opponent in advance, the forces of the human camp will develop rapidly, which is unacceptable to other competitors.

Song Jian didn't know how big a shock the announcement that he had occupied the main human city. He just felt that the humble human main city in front of him had too many resources to develop. Just rebuilding a city gate would cost Five hundred units of wood and eighty units of stone, if only the accumulation of ten units a day in the material warehouse and the two resource points occupied by them, I am afraid that it will take at least one month to build the gate;

However, it is not enough to build a gate. There are too many buildings to be built and upgraded in the castle. If the resources cannot keep up, the main city will only become a drag;

"Recruit some soldiers first, and then explore the surrounding environment!" Song Jian secretly said;

There is only one place in the main city where soldiers are recruited, which is the watchtower. Five gunmen can be recruited each day. The recruitment price for each gunman is one hundred gold coins. Song Jian directly recruited them all;

The next moment, a soldier wearing a leather armor and holding a sharp spear in his hand came out of the watchtower. They only had the height and weight of an ordinary adult. They didn't look very strong, but they looked quite disciplined. After coming out of the watchtower, they are automatically lined up;

"Observe your orders, Lord Lord!" The five gunmen shouted in unison;

"The morale is pretty good!" Song Jian nodded. At this time, he realized how precious the lucky jewels sent to him by the flower elves, and kept morale high, which was obviously not an easy task.

"Pikeman: Attack 6, Defense 4, Skill: Spurs"

Looking at the properties of the pikeman, Song Jian finally nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, it looks like a soldier."

Song Jian rode a unicorn with five gunmen and walked towards the gate of the castle: "Explore the surrounding environment first, and find as many resource points as possible ..."

A gust of wind passed, and a huge black shadow appeared in the sky. The unicorn seemed to feel the threat, looked a little irritable, snorted, and kept his heels on the ground.

"Black Dragon!" Song Jian narrowed his eyes and looked towards the sky. This is an adult black dragon with a body length of more than ten meters. The scales are shining with a metallic luster. The direction of its flight is exactly what the flower elves said. Deep in the Elven Mountains where the Dark Lord is;

"Isn't Flower Elf saying that the Black Demon King occupying the Elven Mountain Range is a black dragon who is old and weak and still injured?" Song Jian frowned, and the Elven Mountain Range was too close to his main human city. Once the time is right, he will definitely kill the black dragon, or it will threaten his main city too much;

"No matter what, let ’s explore the surrounding environment first, and let the black dragon's things go aside ..." Song Jian secretly said.

Choosing a direction at random, Song Jian took five gunmen to explore forward. Only a few hundred meters away, Song Jian found a tall mill standing next to a river bank.

Around the mill, there is a large area of ​​farmland being cultivated, and a group of farmers with wooden forks are working in the farmland;

System: You have found a mill with a large group of farmers guarding it. Are you attacking them?

The mill can produce food, and if you want to build an army, food is an indispensable resource.

"Offense!" Song Jian ordered five gunmen;

Soon, the five pikemen formed a sharp front and rushed towards the working peasants.

Seeing five gunmen rushing over, a group of farmers greeted them with a wooden fork. They were several times the number of gunmen. They quickly surrounded the gunmen and the fight broke out;

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The gunman gave a roar and took the lead in launching an attack. The lance in his hand easily pierced the farmer's body without any armor. Blood splattered. Soon, each peasant was killed. Song Jian's battle information column also appeared. With waterfall-like battle information;

System: Your Lancer killed a emaciated farmer and gained 2 combat experience;

System: Your spearmen killed a strong farmer and gained 5 combat experience;

System: An angry farmer attacks a gunman with a wooden fork. The gunman takes 2 damage and loses 1 life;

System: Forced by your army ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The morale of the farmer's name drops by 1 point;


Song Jian didn't do anything, just watched quietly in the distance, because he had a mutant unicorn as a mount, all the troops he led increased the attack by 15 and the defense by 10, meanwhile the attack speed +2 and the marching speed + 1.

With the effect of the mutant unicorn mount strengthened, coupled with maintaining a "high morale" state, although there are only five gunmen, they have always been crushed during the battle.

After killing more than a dozen farm names, the remaining farm names finally issued a frightening cry and began to flee;

System: Your army defeated this group of farmers and won a brilliant victory;

System: You get 650 gold coins and 200 units of food;

System: You found an unguarded mill. Do you want to continue the occupation?


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