I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 983: experiment

Song Jian stared at the skeleton crow and felt a slight faint undead power from it. This kind of power was not the first contact. In the city of Doom, those zombies also had such power.

It's just that the power of the undead on this skeleton crow is much more.

"A arrogant human, you don't even know what kind of existence it is annoying!" Seeing Song Jian didn't seem to be afraid, the voice from the skull crow's mouth also appeared a little annoyed: "Before I was doing an important The experiment didn't bother you, maybe it gave you some illusions! I just heard that you are even going to attack my castle? Then I am in the castle and waiting for your arrival, don't let me wait Too long, otherwise I will turn your territory into a place of death ... "


After talking about the skeleton crow, he didn't wait for Song Jian to respond, patted a pair of bone wings directly into the air.

Catherine looked at Song Jian with a worried look. In her opinion, with Song Jian's current strength, it was extremely unwise to challenge a powerful corpse witch lord.

"We don't have a siege vehicle, we have too few soldiers, and we can't even climb the walls of the other castle. Even in the wild, we are not the opponent of a corpse witch lord, let alone go siege ..." Catherine tried Discourage Song Jian, but it is clear that the effect is not very good.

"If you're scared, this battle will be under my command!" Song Jian glanced at Catherine coldly and said.

Catherine immediately felt Song Jian's contempt, flushed, and angrily shouted: "Do you think I'm afraid of death, I just don't want to make meaningless sacrifice, now you go to attack a corpse witch's castle, except for the other party Adding a few low-level skeletons will have no effect. "

"In my opinion, you are fearless of death!" Song Jian said, "The real soldier never asks how strong the enemy is, just asks where they are! Even if I am the only one, I want to be in this human territory. Eradication of the cancer! "

Seeing Song Jian's righteous expression, Catherine was a little speechless, but Song Jian's words also deeply shocked her.

"Don't ask how strong the enemy is, just ask where they are? Damn, what kind of idiot said this, but why did I feel a little **** when I heard it, can't wait to fight?" Catherine said to herself Road.

Just after she returned to God, she found that Song Jian had already ran towards the castle of Carada, the witch, alone.

"What an arrogant weirdo!" Catherine gritted her teeth and led the army toward Song Jian. She touched a scroll in her arms and whispered, "Even if I fail, at least I can take you away without losing your life. There are just too few stupid people like you now. , But, in my opinion, you are more like a warrior than those lords, real warriors! "

According to the information obtained from the city ’s main government, Song Jian knew that the corpse witch was a fifth-level unit in the undead camp, one level higher than the Crusaders led by Catherine. Based on ordinary units, a corpse witch can deal with about fifteen to two. Ten crusaders, if possessing powerful terrain, a corpse witch can even block an army of more than a hundred crusader fighters.

Ordinary corpse witch soldiers are best at using groups of death clouds to cause range attacks on enemies. If such an existence becomes a hero, the death clouds it masters, whether from the range or power, Will increase exponentially.

"The army behind Catherine, I'm afraid that one person will be killed by the other party, right?" Song Jian glanced at Catherine who followed, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After entering this assessment world, Song Jian has been occupying resource points and accumulating troops, but he never put the hope of victory on these soldiers, the only thing he believed, and then the sword in his hands.

As he said just now, even if he is alone, he will attack the castle of the corpse witch lord, because he believes that it is enough to have him alone.

"I'm crazy, and I'll go with you to attack the castle of a corpse witch lord!" Catherine drove the war horse to Song Jian's side and murmured.

Song Jian smiled slightly and said, "Think about it, if we win, this battle will be led by you. At that time, your name will be spread throughout the human kingdom, and your father will definitely use you Proud. "

"First of all, we have to be able to defeat that corpse witch, or in its castle!" Catherine said, unmoved, rolling her eyes.

"Relax, in front of my long sword, the obstacle will be split by me, if not, then two swords!" Song Jian haha ​​laughed.

"Is your sword an artifact? Even the legendary top artifact, Doomblade, cannot have such a powerful ability." Catherine could not help but say.

"You'll know when the time comes!" Song Jian nodded, and nodded.


In the distance, a barren land without grass, a castle full of undead style stands on the vast plains. Inside the castle, the corpse witch Karada stares at a crystal ball. The picture displayed in the crystal ball is through the skull crow. Seeing Song Jian and Catherine and the army behind them.

Seeing the slightly shabby army behind Katherine, not even a siege vehicle, Karadak laughed suddenly, his jaw trembled slightly, and the upper and lower rows of teeth collided slightly, making a "click" sound. This is a way for the undead to laugh.

"Hahaha, I thought it was just a few young warriors with a feverish mind. I didn't expect it to be two madmen who didn't know how to live or die!" Carada sent out several skeleton crows, expanded the investigation scope, and found that Song Jian did not set anything Ambush, suddenly lost interest in him.

Without a siege vehicle, don't even want to break the castle's hard walls. Just so the soldiers want to attack a corpse witch lord's castle, I am afraid that even the wall cannot be approached.

"Compared to two arrogant and ignorant lunatics, my research is more important!" Karadda gently wiped the crystal ball on the crystal ball, eliminated the image inside, and turned to walk towards his laboratory.

In Karadlab's laboratory, a black baby corpse of only two meters in length ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ was placed in a special container surrounded by countless black crystals, forming a magic circle, constantly The power of gray undead was poured into the body of this black baby dragon.

The corpse witch seemed to be trying to resurrect the black young dragon into an undead creature, but after a long time, the black young dragon showed no signs of resurrection at all.

The corpse witch Carada cut his wrists expressionlessly, a ray of gray breath oozed from the wound of the wrist, and floated towards the corpse of the black baby dragon;

Karadada began to chant a spell, and the strange spell sounded like a distant and desolate ballad echoing in the laboratory. Spells came out of the laboratory. The undead creatures heard the spell in the castle, and the green flames in their eyes rose sharply, exuding a violent breath on their bodies.

A dark cloud slowly circled over the entire Undead Castle, and in the rolling clouds, black lightnings and thunders roared from time to time, and there was a loud "bang" over the castle from time to time.


PS: Thanks to the author, "I Give You Motivation" for a reward of 100 starting coins ~

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