I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 984: attack

The rolling clouds and thundering thunder in the sky guided Song Jian. He ignored the winding road and ran straight towards the witch's castle.

Soon, the two came to the desolate wilderness, and a magnificent city appeared before them.

"Three-level castle, unexpectedly, its castle has been upgraded to third-level ..." Catherine looked at the iconic building in the castle, the main city of the city, with a complex look.

"Is it three levels?" Song Jian thought of his castle. The city's main house has not been upgraded yet. Many buildings have not been built because of lack of resources. Now his castle does not have even one level, but it is better than Level 0 is stronger, it should be regarded as a quasi-level castle.

"After occupying this castle, maybe I can treat it as my main city ..." Song Jian thought thoughtfully.

"If you are going to be an undead lord, this is a good choice!" Catherine said politely: "This castle is full of the power of death. Ordinary people can not stay in it for long, and they will become undead creatures. All the buildings in the castle are built to enhance the strength of the undead arm. Do you want to lead an army composed entirely of undead soldiers? How long do you think you can lead them? Are you not afraid of the mutiny of the soldiers as a whole? "

Song Jian stopped talking for a while. This knowledge is common knowledge to people in this world, but to outsiders like Song Jian, he has no knowledge of it. Even in the city's mansion, it is impossible to cover all the information. Explain it to him.

"Well, it's a pity ..." Song Jian said, shaking his head.

"If you can capture the lord here, maybe you can make it your hero, and then it will continue to lead the castle, then there will be no problem." Katherine said.

"Oh, this is a good way!" Song Jian's eyes brightened.

Catherine looked at Song Jian for a moment and was speechless. She led a team with the first and second arms as the main force. She not only wanted to capture a third-tier city, but also wanted to captive a corpse witch lord to become her hero. Look at Catherine Here, this is just the idea of ​​a lunatic.

"I'm crazy, so I will come with you!" Catherine whispered, and at the same time she reached out and touched the scroll in her arms, placing it in the most convenient position, ensuring that if necessary, it can be placed in the shortest time. take it out.

This is a teleportation scroll, which can teleport everyone to a safe place previously set during the battle. This is the biggest card and guarantee that she dares to follow Song Jian.

In the wilderness, a team of dozens of pikemen and archers, three griffins and seven or eight crusader fighters, led by a female knight hero, committed suicide courage toward a house filled with death. Spirit III's Undead Castle ran.

Song Jian, like a do-nothing traveler, rides a mutant unicorn and looks at the surrounding environment from time to time.

The closer you are to the Undead Castle, the more abundant the power of death. Ordinary humans are very uncomfortable with such an environment. If it was not for Catherine's possession of lucky gems, I am afraid that along the way, morale fell at least three or four points.

The morale can reach 12 points at the highest. Beyond 10 points, you can enter a high morale state. No matter the skill trigger rate or the damage can be maintained at a high level. If the morale drops below 6 points, the soldiers will be careless. In combat, the skill trigger rate will be very low, and attack mistakes will be high. If morale drops below 3 points, soldiers will have a high chance of escaping in battle.

Therefore, although the lucky gem is only a treasure of treasure, but for the lords of this world, its effect is even more useful than some low-end artifacts.

Catherine led the army to stop 800 meters away from the Undead Castle. This distance is not the best distance for siege, but it is very suitable for evacuation.

"The other party has at least three hundred skeleton warriors, more than one hundred ghosts, fifty vampires, and ten or more corpses ..." Catherine took out a binocular and looked carefully at the walls of the Undead Castle. In the past: "There are three automatic crossbow towers and two corpse shooting towers on the wall!"

Putting down the telescope, Katherine turned her head and said to Song Jian expressionlessly: "Just three automatic crossbow towers and two corpse shooting towers, we can shoot all our troops under the wall!"

"It doesn't matter, you just need to launch an attack. By then, your name will be spread throughout the human world!" Song Jian smiled at Catherine with a confident smile.

"Maybe it's the image of a fool who can't help it!" Catherine said, rolling her eyes.

Song Jian was unwilling to explain anything, but just smiled and said, "Let's attack."

Catherine took a deep breath, pulled out her long sword, and yelled at the undead castle of Lei Yinzhen with all her strength, and shouted, "Soldier, attack!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The morale-filled human warrior roared, and even the three griffins snarled his wings.

The team began to move slowly, and charged towards the undead castle 800 meters away. Song Jian was faster than them. The flame wings emerged from behind, and the figure looked like lightning, from the back of the mutant unicorn. Fly up and go out.

Catherine saw the flaming rainbow of wings of flames dancing after Song fitness, her eyes looked surprised, and she said to herself, "This is, the light wings of high-end archangels?"

Angel is the seventh-level human race, the most powerful being, but in the legend, above the angel, human beings also have the eighth-level army such as high-ranking archangels.

Many lords believe that high-level archangels are the advanced existence of angel arms, but many human lords with angel arms have upgraded angel arms to the top level ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ advanced angels, these angels Although the strength of the arms has been greatly enhanced, it has not yet broken through the seventh-tier arms to reach the eighth-tier.

The most notable feature is that the wings of angel arms are white, and when they are advanced to archangels, their wings will turn pale gold.

But the legendary high-ranking archangels, their wings are like light rainbow wings, just like Song Jian's wings behind him at this time.

Song Jian didn't know how shocking Catherine was with his flame wing. He had already entered the undead castle's alert range faster than the human army in midair.

Three crossbow and arrow towers and two dead witch shooting towers have locked Song Jian in midair. Each crossbow radiating with cold light emitted a sound of "嘣, 嘣, 嘣", and shot at Song Jian;

On the shooting platform of the corpse witch, the dark green clouds of death in the hands of the two corpses wandered towards Song Jian, covering a large area around Song Jian's location.


PS: Thank you for "Uncle is so sleepy" for the starting point of 200 ~

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