I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 991: Giant

The earth element temple has a simple and low-key architectural style, and it is all constructed of gray rocks. There is only a shallow gap between the large and large rocks, and even a piece of paper cannot be inserted.

Dozens of huge stone pillars stood side by side, each of which was more than ten feet tall. Standing in front of the temple, Song Jian felt that this was a palace built for the legendary giants.

There was a roar of beasts from the temple, making Gutua cautious.

"Sir, it seems that something has been occupied here ..." Gutua said ugly.

If it is only a temple without an owner, the most guarded by it is a group of earth and stone elements, but if it is an occupied temple, then there may be a large number of guard soldiers.

"Go, you'll meet them when you go in." After that, Song Jian took the lead in walking toward the temple.

Entering the temple, Song Jian came to a spacious hall. A giant over ten meters tall was sitting on a stone seat at the end of the hall.

The giant has a bronze-colored body, and the whole body exudes a metallic luster. When Song Jian saw it, it seemed to be sleeping. After feeling the breath of Song Jian, the giant slowly opened his eyes.

"Humans, go back, this is not where you should come!"

"This is the territory of the giants. If you don't leave, it will be regarded as a provocation against the giants!"

The voice of this giant was like two huge rocks rubbing against each other, which sounded a bit harsh and made Song Jian frown slightly.

"Seven giants with different giants, how could there be a giant family here?" Gutua's face changed greatly, and she couldn't help but take a two-step back and whispered.

"Seventh class of arms?" Song Jian raised an eyebrow. There is no giant in the data of the city's mansion, and the giant monster in front of him is already a fifty-level dominance boss, even in the game world. Terrific presence.

"Sir, let's step back for the time being. This place is occupied by the giants. We will not be their opponents." Gutua whispered.

The giant in front of him silenced all the units behind Gutua. Although he just sat motionless on the stone seat, the imposing force emanating from him made these low-level units wave their weapons at it. There is no courage. If Gutua insists on launching a battle against the other side, I am afraid that this team's morale will drop to the minimum and all arms will flee, because this is not fighting, but suicide.

"I'm coming." Song Jian lifted his right hand, summoned the Heavenly Sword, and slowly walked up towards the giant.

"Arrogant!" The giant slowly stood up, looking at this tiny human, with a hint of doubt in his eyes. Even the Dragons did not dare to despise it so much. How could a human who could not even reach his finger height have courage? Draw a sword at it?

The giant slowly raised his right leg, and the bronze-colored thigh was like a thick copper pillar, pressing down towards Song Jian.

Wan Jianjue!

For a moment, the sword value surged from Dan Tian towards the sky-breaking sword at an extremely fast speed, Song Jian's face showed an abnormal red halo, and the sky-breaking sword in his hand waved fiercely at the bronze giant;

More than two hundred spirit swords chopped on the giant's body, stunned countless bright Mars, and then a deafening explosion exploded on the surface of the giant's body, making its movement stagnation. Can't help but back towards the left side.

The giant, more than ten meters tall, weighs more than 3,000 tons, and a random step can cause earthquake-like shaking.

"Human beings, you can take me one step back, and you are enough to be proud!" The giant's eyes showed a look of surprise. He has never encountered such a powerful human in his thousand years of life.

Song Jian stared at the giant, his face changed slightly. The giant's defense was too strong. Originally, each sword could cause more than 2,000 points of damage, but it was pressed into a thousand points and it was The resistance is also extremely strong. The original additional more than 1,000 points of fire damage to each Spirit Sword also directly weakened to more than 300 points.

"Even in the dominance BOSS I encountered, I have never seen such a powerful defense and resistance." Song Jian secretly said, a little under his feet, his figure quickly receded.

"Let's run away now, don't you think it's too late?" The giant roared, as if the thunder burst in his ear.

In the giant's heart, killing ideas emerged, and when preparing to catch up with Song Jian, the red lotus sword array composed of countless spirit swords suddenly bloomed around it.

A dazzling flame of red lotus bloomed fiercely, continuously swirling around the giant, and bursts of cutting metal-like harsh friction sounded continuously in the sword array, accompanied by a burst of angry roar and roar from the giant.

"Honglian Sword Formation can't kill it ..." Song Jian squinted at the giant who was struggling in Honglian Sword Formation. He figured out the damage of Sword Formation and the remaining HP of the giant. .

This is a horror that he has never seen before, and he was able to face the second stage of Wan Jianjue without showing a slump. At this time, most of the giant, the bronze skin on the surface of the body has turned dark red, just like A piece of calcined iron ingot.

"Is this really just a Level 7 service? So to what extent is a Level 8, Level 9, or even a Level 10 service even more powerful than it is?" Song, who had been flat all the way down, had a slight disdain for the assessment world. Jian, suddenly changed the previous view.

"The water in this world is too deep, no wonder it will be a world with a second-order combat capability assessment!" Song Jian thought to himself, looking forward to the third phase of the change in the Red Lotus Sword Formation.

Soon, the Red Lotus Sword Formation slowly closed and wrapped the giant more than ten meters high, but it was obvious that the Giant in the Sword Formation was struggling furiously. The surface of Red Lotus was not prominent There are huge boxing marks. The giant wants to break the sword array. There are already some slender cracks on the surface of some red lotus leaves. If they stand still for a period of time, I am afraid that this giant will really break out of the battle. ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ At this moment, a sharp sword with a length of more than ten meters appeared in the sky over the Red Lotus Sword from the air, and the horrible sword air seemed to be emitted from the blade, like a mist, standing Song Jian, tens of meters away, the skin of the dew on the arm also slightly felt the tingling sensation. The fine hairs seemed to have an electrostatic effect, standing upright.

It was as if there was a huge invisible arm holding this long sword. After it was lifted up slightly, the long sword fell at lightning speed, splitting towards the center of the closed red lotus, leaving a fan-shaped sword air in the void. Afterglow, Gutua suddenly felt a tingling in her eyes, and closed her eyes quickly, but the tears still came out involuntarily.

"This time, the power of Honglian Sword seems to be unprecedentedly powerful." Song Jian also narrowed his eyes and stared at the falling Red Lotus Sword.

Uh ~

A slight cutting sound sounded, and the painful howl of the giant echoed in the hall of the Earth Elemental Temple.


PS: Thank you for the 500 starting coins for "Super Rain Greatly" ~

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