I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 992: occupied

The bronze giant's chest had a scar that was several meters long. This sword almost split it directly into two halves. The big puff sprayed blood like copper juice, and a scream of scream was in the elemental temple of the earth. Echoing.

Song Jian was able to feel that the breath of the bronze giant was rapidly fading at a speed almost visible to the naked eye, and it was even very difficult to stand.

"Human, you are the enemy of the giants ..." The bronze giant screamed and turned away to escape. At this moment, a huge palm suddenly appeared above its head. This palm was almost Filling the entire hall of the temple, before the bronze giant escaped two steps, the huge palm pressed down at it at lightning speed.

The bronze giant made a scream, but the scream stopped shortly after it sounded, and the whole person was pressed into the temple floor.

Banging ~

As if the earthquake, the entire temple began to shake violently, Song Jian and Gutua and the soldiers behind him were all blown out by the energy raised by this blow.

Gutua struggling to stand up, looking at the trembling temple, with a horrified look: "God, the temple will not collapse?"

Some buildings in this world have indestructible properties, such as the dwarven treasure house, the naga treasure house, and some recruiting buildings and resource points in the wild.

These places can only occupy and plunder, but it is impossible to completely destroy them, and it seems to have certain characteristics in nature.

The same is true of the Earth Elemental Temple. This place is not only a place to recruit Earth Element Warriors, but also a promotion barracks that upgrades the quality of Earth Elements, so it is also indestructible, but now, Gutua has bewildered in his heart. Maybe the reason why it ca n’t be destroyed is that the force exerted is not enough?

Fortunately, this violent shaking finally stopped, except that the temple was more dilapidated, but it did not collapse, which made Gutua's heart slightly better, otherwise the collapse of some common sense cognition will make him the whole world view. Are affected.

The two waited outside the temple for a long time, and finally the smoke and dust fell to the ground. At this time, obvious cracks appeared on the surface of the dozens of stone pillars supporting the temple. Countless cracked crushed stones rolled randomly on the ground and steps. The temple in front of them , Is simply a dangerous house that will collapse at any time.

"We, shall we go in?" Gutua asked cautiously.

At this time, Song Jian had a frown, and he could feel that the breath of the bronze giant had disappeared, but it was also killed in the third stage of the Red Lotus Sword Formation. This is really a seventh-level unit, according to speculation , Its strength is at most similar to the same level of Dominant BOSS, but the strength shown is far better than any of the Dominion BOSS Song Jian encountered before.

"This is only the seventh-level arms. There are eight, nine, and even tenth-level arms in this world. If those examiners can find these stronger arms, I'm afraid I will pass the assessment ..." Song Jian groaned in his heart for a moment , Finally made a decision, that is to recruit a third hero as soon as possible, and then start the battle mode.

"Today the pub can be completed. There is a certain chance that there will be wandering heroes in the pub. At that time, I will recruit one casually, and then start the battle mode as soon as possible." Song Jian secretly said.

The low-level arms, with Song Jian's strength, don't care about quantity at all, but if high-level arms like the Bronze Giant appear, it will be a big trouble.

Song Jian and Gutuya walked into the temple and found that the bronze giant was not dead yet. At this time, on the floor of the temple, there was a huge palm print in the center. The bronze giant was lying on his back and watching them come in. The Bronze Giant stared at Song Jian's face and said with a weak voice, "The giants will not let you go ..."

"Not dead yet?" Song Jian's face showed a look of surprise. The third stage of the Red Lotus Sword Formation was enough to cause millions of points of damage. How much of the blood of this seventh-level unit was so difficult to kill.

However, looking at it, it seems that it has lost the ability to continue fighting. It is only a matter of time before death.

When Song Jian was about to speak, a sudden crackling sound was suddenly heard in the bronze giant's body. Then, the sword mark left by the original red lotus sword on the chest began to quickly extend to both sides, countless The cracks spread outward from the sword marks. After a while, the cracks looked like spider webs and covered the entire body of the bronze giant.

Boom ~

With a muffled sound, the bronze giant's body collapsed and turned into fist-sized fragments, almost covering the entire palm print.

"Finally died." Song Jianchang was angry, at this moment, a huge experience surged towards him and Gutua.

Gutua even went up three levels, becoming a 35-level hero, and Song Jian ’s experience slot also moved forward a little bit, with about 10% experience.

"How can there be so many?" Song Jian was a little surprised, and glanced at the corpse of the bronze giant with a complex look. You know, before he destroyed an entire castle of the undead, how many undead guards he killed, he didn't gain much experience , But now he just killed a seventh-level unit and gained such a large amount of experience, which made him feel strange.

"It seems that the rules of this world are slowly changing?" Song Jian secretly said.

Just then, a grand voice sounded in the hall.

"The human camp has occupied an earth element shrine. Three earth elements can be recruited here every day. At the same time, certain elements can be spent to upgrade the earth elements to more powerful stone elements!"

This is a world announcement ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ can be seen by all faction heroes. This is also the most direct way to increase the reputation of the lord. Sometimes such announcements, unfortunately, attract many powerful heroes to come and come.

Gutua can't wait to recruit the earth elements. After getting Song Jian's permission, Gutua hurriedly walked towards the inside of the temple. Within a short time, Gutua's excited smile came from the temple. sound.

"Hahaha, there are more than thirty elements of earth and a dozen elements of stone here. It's great, so many troops have been accumulated ..."

After a while, Gutua came out with a large group of earth and stone elements, while holding a scroll with a tricolor glow in his hand.

As soon as Song Jian's eyes lighted up, this scroll even exudes quality light, which is a god-level scroll with a higher quality than the legendary quality.

"If you use it to upgrade Wan Jianjue's level, I'm afraid that one can directly improve one level!" Song Jian couldn't help getting hot.


PS: Thank you for "100 Northern Coins" for the reward!

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