I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 993: Death knight

Gutua glanced at Song Jian, and seemed to perceive the other side's over-enthusiastic look, and could not help showing an awkward smile. He said softly, "Master, this is a scroll that can only be learned by soil magicians, and requires advanced Wisdom and advanced soil magic can be learned ... "

Song Jian also noticed that his eyes seemed to have some problems. He couldn't help but coughed twice and said, "It's nothing. I just haven't seen such scrolls before. I'm just curious. Gutua, let me see this one. Scroll? "

Gutua's face showed an embarrassed look. This is the coveted god-level scroll. Once learned, he is a powerful curse-proof mage.

But soon, Gutua handed the scroll to Song Jian. No matter from which aspect, Song Jian could not master the curse. If it only satisfied the curiosity of the lord, Gutua felt that there was no questionable.

This is Gutuya. I don't know Song Jian has a skill that can swallow other skills to increase the level. If you know, I'm afraid I won't surrender the scroll so happily.

Song Jian took the scroll and looked closely. This scroll seems to be made of some kind of beast leather, and there is a strong resemblance to Longwei.

"Even if it's not the Dragon, the leather master who made this scroll is probably not weaker than the dragon ..." Song Jian thought to himself.

On the surface of this scroll are many dark golden magic runes, and there is a seal on the scroll. Once opened, this scroll will be destroyed in a short time.

Song Jian didn't want to learn this scroll, but wanted to know if his Wan Jian Jue could swallow it to improve his level.

Sure enough, in a short time, Song Jian received a system prompt that Wan Jianjue could swallow it to increase his level, which immediately surprised Song Jian.

However, in the end, Song Jian returned this scroll to Gutuya. After all, he had promised the other party, and now he regrets that Song Jian can't get over the obstacle in his heart.

And since you can get a scroll of forbidden spells, you can get the second, third, ...

"Master, in fact, it is not too late for you to start learning magic now. You know, human castles can build magic towers. As long as you build magic towers to the top, you will have a chance to learn curse in magic towers ..." Tuya comforted Song Jiandao.

"Can I get a forbidden spell in the magic tower?" Song Jian couldn't help asking, his eyes lit up.

"Yes, but it must be built to the top level ..." Gutuya saw Song Jian's eager eyes and quickly explained the shortcomings of building a magic tower to obtain a forbidden spell: "But it takes a lot of resources, and even if The top-level magic towers have random forbidden spells. It can't happen to be the one you are proficient with ... "

The entire human kingdom continent, even the most powerful kingdom of Erasia, has not built a top-level magic tower. With Song Jian's current strength, if he wants to build a top-level magic tower that can appear forbidden spells, it is simply Tianfang Ye. Tan.

However, Gutua is not good at hitting his lord at this time, and can only hope that Song Jian will not transfer his anger to him after being disappointed.

"Even if there is no curse, the next level of magic is not unacceptable ..." Song Jian secretly said, "As soon as I went back, I started to build a magic tower."

The human camp occupied an earth element temple, just like a small wave, and did not set off waves in the appraisers of other camps. All appraisers are rapidly improving their strength, and they are very tacit, Each appraiser can only recruit up to two heroes, and they are delaying the time of the battle mode. After all, the longer the time, the better it is for them.

At this time in the **** camp, the devil's castle has been renewed, and their castle has begun to rise to the third level, and a large number of military camps have begun to be built.

"His prince, in a day at most, our main city can be upgraded to level 3, and the resources for level 4 are upgraded, and we are ready to upgrade at any time." A demon with a goat horn on his head was assessed. The author said respectfully to Prince Sara.

At this time, Prince Sarah was proud of himself. Although he was only the second assessor to occupy the main city, he believed that he was definitely the first person in all camps in the development of the main city.

At this time, almost all the camp's appraisers have found the abandoned main cities of their respective camps. However, only four camps were actually attacked, and the other camps were building up their forces to prepare for their own main city.

"How far has the undead camp developed?" Prince Sara asked.

In the view of Prince Sarah, the human camp is not scared at all. After all, there is only one person. Even if the strength is strong, the personal strength is too small in the face of the massive army.

Only the undead camp is Prince Sara's confidant. They can accumulate troops even faster than the **** camp. Therefore, Sara directly arranged an appraiser, doing nothing else, staring at the world announcement and collecting other camps. , Especially the information of the undead camp.

"The castle of the undead camp has begun to upgrade to level 2, and it has also obtained a lot of resources and troops in the wild. Among them, the pasture occupies six places, and the iron ore field occupies eight places ...." Information on the undead camp was reported.

"They are not developing at a slow rate!" Prince Sara's face showed a relaxed smile. The development of the undead camp did not exceed his expectations, and everything was under control.

"His prince, the undead camp seems to have found a death knight's barracks. It has tried to occupy it once, but failed. The focus of the undead camp recently is probably to occupy this death knight's barracks." The examiner looked at Sa. Pulling the prince, he said carefully.

"What, the death knight?" Prince Sarah was shocked. This was a sixth-level service. Only by raising the castle to the sixth level could a recruitment barracks be built for recruitment.

Almost all camps now have second- and third-level arms ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Once the undead camp has taken over this field barracks, they continue to recruit, and when the final battle is held, they will have a six-level army in their hands. I'm afraid no one will be their opponent.

"Let everyone expand the search and find high-level field recruiting sites in the **** camp!" Prince Sara's face turned blue. For the first time, he found that things were starting to move in a direction beyond his control.

Just when all the camps were frantically searching for high-level recruits in the wild, Song Jian and Gutua had returned to their castles.

At this point, all the first-level buildings in the castle have been completed, and the second-level has begun to be upgraded. Song Jian and Gutua also appeared in front of a newly-built pub with strong wine aroma and noisy sound. Passed through the wooden door to the street.

"It looks very lively!" Song Jian smiled slightly, pushed the door of the tavern and walked in.


PS: Thanks for the "starting ride on the wandering first" reward 500 starting coins ~

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