I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 994: Homeless hero

There are not only recruitable heroes in the tavern. Ordinary humans and even soldiers in the castle will also come here for a drink and relax when they have nothing to do.

Song Jian walked into the tavern and looked around the noisy environment. With Gutua's reminder, he found three heroes to be recruited in the tavern.

To be honest, these heroes are difficult to distinguish from each other in appearance.

Among them were a middle-aged man with a moustache, a strange man wearing a green suit and a hat on his head, and a strange man with a blue body. Big fat man who rises from his body.

The first two men seemed to be humans, and the last big fat man in blue seemed to be an elemental creature, which made Song Jian a little weird, didn't he say that the tavern could only recruit heroes of his own camp?

Maybe he saw Song Jian's doubts, Gutuya whispered in his ear: "That is a powerful homeless hero. Generally speaking, taverns will have a small chance of appearing homeless heroes. The heroes of the faction are much stronger, but recruiting is also very difficult. To complete their test ... "

"Test it, that's all right." Song Jian withdrew his eyes on the big blue fat man. This world is not his main world, and he doesn't plan to continue to develop in this world. As long as he completes the assessment task, I am afraid he will Will never appear in this world again.

Song Jian first came to the table of the middle-aged man with a moustache. Of the three people, only this man gave him a pure human feeling. Although the other man was also a human, he was hidden inside him. With a powerful force, this kind of power gives a quiet and peaceful forest taste, obviously not a human being can have.

"It should be the hidden blood of other races, but it has not been reflected yet." Song Jian secretly said.

"Hello, I am the lord of this castle. Are you interested in joining my Majesty?" Song Jian asked the middle-aged man with a two-moustache moustache.

"Not interested." The middle-aged man replied without looking up.

Song Jian: "..."

Doesn't it mean that recruiting the heroes of this camp will be simple, what kind of ghost is it?

"It's okay, Lord Lord, each hero has his own personality and temper. Maybe you are incompatible with him ..." Gutua comforted beside him.

"Incompatibility? I didn't meow to find my wife in a blind date!" Song Jian couldn't help but talk in his heart. But in fact, recruiting heroes and blind dates in the tavern is somewhat similar. Sometimes, these heroes who are added to His Majesty are even more reliable than their wives ...

Song Jian said nothing, but stood up and walked towards the man in a green suit and a green hat.

But soon, he got up from the table again, his face became even more ugly.

"Lord Lord, this hero has the blood of elves in him, and is a powerful hero. If he is an elven lord, it will be easy to recruit him, but if the human lord, the chance is very low." Gutua in Said aside.

Song Jian could clearly hear the other's consolation, and after nodding slightly, he walked towards the third blue fat man with blue light flashing from time to time.

The blue fat man seemed a bit boring in the pub, and the guests around did not dare to approach it. Even the waiter in the pub hid it and did not want to come forward to serve. Not a glass of water.

"Waiter, two glasses of the best wine here." Song Jian shouted as soon as he sat down. He suddenly thought that recruiting a hero is actually the same as contacting a professional mentor before. He must start with feelings. If he is familiar with the other party, then he will make a recruitment request, which will be much easier.

"You are such a good lord!" Blue Fatty said gratefully. "My name is Solam, I am looking for a man named Wenger Magnus, I have traveled through many castles, But still no trace of him ... "

Hearing here, Song Jian sank in his heart. The task of recruiting this hero would not be to help him find this man named Wenger, and even if he finds it, in case the other party is also a lord, would he not be in vain? Busy?

Continue to listen to this blue fat man called Thoram. It turned out that it was sealed in a crystal bottle for more than a thousand years. It was this man named Wenger who saved it and put it out of the bottle. It came out, it was a little confused for more than a thousand years because it slept, but just asked the other party's name and left the other party.

When Thoram woke up completely, he realized that he seemed to have missed something. This is the person who saved it. How could he let the other person leave so easily?

Solam was grateful for the person who saved it, and vowed in his heart that he would always be loyal to the other party, but that person left after saving Salam, so Solam set foot on the trail of searching for that person.

After listening to Thoram's story, Song Jian suddenly realized that it was impossible to recruit this hero, but it also showed how powerful this hero seemed like a monster.

This blue fat man has no defense against others, and is very talkative. Song Jian and it talked for more than an hour, and both were very happy.

At this moment, the door of the tavern was pushed open, and Catherine walked in with grudges from the outside.

"I'm working hard to occupy the resource, but you're drinking and chatting here?" Catherine went to Song Jian ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ shouted.

"Oh, Catherine, you have worked hard. You do n’t see me idle. I am not here to recruit heroes. Do you want to help you share some?" Song Jian smiled, pointing to Gutua and said, "This is my new recruit Gutua, the mage hero, is a cursed mage. We have just occupied an earth element temple, Gutua, this is Catherine, a female knight, and my first hero. "

After Catherine and Gutua looked at each other, they saluted each other, and the two had not spoken yet. At this moment, at the wine table not far away, the hero with a two-handed moustache suddenly stood up, Walking to Catherine, she said, "His Royal Highness, Her Majesty the King is very worried about you. I hope you can return to the palace immediately. I'm here to protect you back to the palace."

"Who are you?" Catherine's face changed, turning her head to stare up and down at the man.

The middle-aged man froze with a bitterness on his face, and said, "My Highness Princess, my name is Ou Ling, and I am your archery training instructor."


PS: Thank you for "Happy Wind Boy's Good Friend Rob" for the 1000 starting coins ~

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