I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 996: Dragon Nest

The Elven Mountain Range stretches thousands of miles to the west of the human camp territory. It cuts off the human camp and the tower camp. If you want to cross the two camps, you must either use the teleportation array or walk more than 100 kilometers along the mountain and pass through the Shanquan Pass However, Shanquan Pass also has a very strong guardian, at least a group of monsters of the seventh rank are waiting.

Song Jian crossed a forest and penetrated into the Elven Mountains. If he does n’t have flying ability or advanced pathfinding skills, his physical energy will double, and there are a lot of monsters in the mountains, most of which are some of the fourth-level units. It is very difficult for other heroes to hunt black dragons.

After spending more than half a day, Song Jian finally saw a huge hole on the highest peak of the Elven Mountain Range. The diameter of the hole was more than 30 meters. The dragon's head was carved around it, and the dragon's mouth was a dragon. Wei Zhang's huge mouth.

Song Jian flew straight towards the entrance of the cave. When approaching the entrance, from the mountain forest near the entrance, a large group of dragon lizards with two heads suddenly flew out.

These dragon lizards are a group of large lizards with the blood of the dragon family. They are the lowest-level dragon beasts. They have the ability to fly at low altitudes, and their attacks are also highly toxic.

The poison of dragon lizards is almost no cure, and can only be removed by using the poisonous sac inside the dragon lizard. That is, if the dragon lizard is poisoned, the dragon lizard must be killed to survive, otherwise it will only Can wait for death.

Appearing in front of Song Jian at this time were more than twenty dragon lizards. They were huge in size and ascended into the air, feeling quite like choosing the sky and the sun.

Dragon lizards are four-level arms, but these two-headed dragon lizards are all top-ranked arms after promotion. They have the strength of five-level arms. They are the guardians of the black dragon's lair. court death.

Song Jian summoned the sky-breaking sword and waved it with ease. The spirit sword swept over the dragons. After a roar, two dragons with good luck were not killed. They were scarred and sent out. A scream screamed and fled towards the forest.

Monsters below the 7th level have no ability to resist in front of Song Jian, and are not his all-in-one enemy.

These dragon lizards, which look very powerful to ordinary heroes, do not even have the ability to delay Song Jian's speed. After a short time, Song Jian stood at the entrance of the black dragon's lair.

A rotten stench of meat flew from the mouth of the cave, and at the same time a deep roar, the owner of this dragon's nest seemed to have noticed the arrival of Song Jian, and a slight sense of threat lingered in Song Jian's heart With.

Walking towards the black dragon's lair, you can see dried blood traces on the rock wall all the way, which makes Song Jian frown. You know, the dragons have wisdom that is not weaker than humans, and in many ways they are not Less graceful than humans, at least the residences of the Dragons are almost all palace-like. They are not good at building, but they are very good at grabbing territory from other races.

It is full of stench like now, there are blood-stained caves everywhere, only beasts will live there, and the real dragons don't bother to live in such places.

Continue to walk along the passage. Soon, Song Jian saw the piles of bones. Among them were humans and young elves, but more of them were huge beast bones.

The stinky smell that filled the cave before came from here. The number of these wrecks alone exceeds thousands. No wonder the black dragon here will be called the black devil by the flower elves in the elven mountains.

Unmoved by Song Jian, he continued to move forward. The passageway was getting larger and larger. From time to time, a hot air stream was sprayed from the depths. At the same time, Song Jian could hear the "bangs" coming from the depths of the cave. The sound of the "long" magma impact seems to be an active volcano deep in the cave.

At this moment, a translucent flower elf figure appeared out of thin air, floating in front of Song fitness, this is the soul of a flower elf, which should be left after being killed by the black dragon.

"Human hero, are you here to slay the Dark Lord?" Asked the spirit of the flower elf.

"Yes, I have been commissioned by the Flower Fairy Luna to come here to kill the Dark Lord who crippled the Elven Mountain creatures." Song Jian nodded.

"Great, I can lead you to the Dark Lord, I know where it is, kill it, and I will be free." The spirit of the flower elf shouted excitedly.

Song Jian's eyes narrowed and he stared at the spirit of the flower elf. After a while, a smile appeared on the corner of Song Jian's mouth, and he nodded and said, "Please take me, I can't wait to take it killed."

"Where's your warrior?" After the flower elf glanced at Song Fitness, he asked, "Are you alone? Where are your warriors?"

"I don't need any soldiers, I can kill it alone," Song Jian said.

Hua Jing's soul spirit showed a disappointed expression on his face and shook his head. "You are the one who can't kill the Dark Lord. Although it is very weak, it is not a human hero that can kill it."

"How to know without trying, I am full of confidence in myself." Song Jian laughed and said.

"Okay, I hope you can succeed." Hua Jing soul spirit did not insist, nodded, turned and flew towards the depths of the cave.

"There are only so many souls of flower elves, isn't it strange?" Song Jian said to himself, in a voice that only he could hear.

Song Jian did not expect that the road in the black dragon's lair is much more complicated than he thought. There will be a fork in the road after seven or eight meters. It is dense like a spider web. If there is no one to lead the way, I am afraid that light is in these passages , Will make Song Jian turn dizzy.

Song Jian could feel that they were heading all the way towards the bottom of the mountain, and a scream of hiss was coming from deep in the lair.

"It is coming soon ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The Dark Lord will torture us every day for pleasure, and many brothers and sisters are tortured to death." Hua Jing's soul face showed a look of fear and sadness.

"Is that so?" After Song Jian perceives it carefully, he suddenly asks: "In this lair, is there only the Dark Lord, is it a subordinate or an army?"

"Subordinates, the army?" Hua Jing's soul spirit looked surprised and shook his head. "The Dark Lord is only one person. It is very powerful. It can't be defeated without the subordinates and the army ..."

Song Jian nodded, instead of continuing to question, he followed Hua Jing's soul and continued to move forward.

Soon, the two came to a hall, when a dry, husky voice sounded in the hall.

"Well, another idiot who has thrown himself into the net, a guy who wants to become a dragon-slaying hero, your end will only become the ration of my little pets, and the soul will be confined in this nest forever torture ..."


PS: Thank you for "100 Moon Coins" for rewarding

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