I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 997: Corpse witch

There is no black dragon in the Dragon Nest Hall, but a humanoid creature wearing a black robe with its face hidden in a hood. Its right hand holds a spine-like staff, and the left hand is in the robe. The shade of the hood revealed two scarlet eyes.

"Who the **** are you?" Song Jian asked loudly.

"Aren't you looking for the Dark Lord, I'm the Dark Lord here." This humanoid creature opposite Song Jian was tumbling with a thick undead breath. These undead breaths have condensed into substance, constantly changing, and sufferings have emerged. The struggling human face growled silently toward Song Jian around its body.

"Dark Devil?" Song Jian hesitated and couldn't help asking: "Isn't the Black Demon a black dragon, how could it be you?"

"Black Dragon, oh, do you mean it?" The humanoid waved his right hand, and from the top of the lair hall, a huge dragon head was exposed. This is a huge black dragon, but it just appeared in front of Song Jian's eyes. It is the body of a black dragon. It should have been a dark golden vertical pupil. Now it also exudes scarlet light, his body is dry, his skin and dragon scales are shimmering with a layer of rusty dark red. Many places have been rotten. , Showing the bones inside the forest.

"The corpse dragon ..." Song Jian sank in his heart. The former Level 3 Undead Castle, where the corpse witch lord had always dreamed of creating a corpse dragon, but under the attack of Song Jian, he failed, until the end of the war. No corpse dragon exists.

But now, there is a huge corpse dragon in front of Song Jian, and it is still made of a powerful adult black dragon as a template.

"The adult black dragon is a seventh-level unit. Although the corpse dragon has lost its sage and self-awareness, the magic of the dragons cannot be performed, but the physical strength is even higher, and more importantly, those are deadly to living things. The weak heart, the skull, is not a weak point for a corpse dragon at all. "Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

An adult black dragon and a dead dragon let Song Jian choose. Song Jian could choose an adult black dragon. Although the rank of the corpse dragon is the lowest among the seven arms, its combat effectiveness can be ranked at least in the top three.

"You killed the black dragon here and made it into a corpse dragon?" Song Jian was surprised.

"Well, speaking, I was able to successfully make such a corpse dragon, thank you for that. If it weren't for you destroying the third-level undead castle and letting a young corpse dragon escape to me, I'm afraid I can't figure out how to make a corpse dragon ... "The Dark Lord issued a pleasant smile.

Talking, a young dragon came out and stood beside the Dark Lord. This young corpse dragon was the one that escaped from the original Undead Castle. It hid under the thick foundation of the Undead Castle. When Song Jian left, he got up from the ground.

Originally it was born in this dragon nest and became a corpse dragon, because the undead corpse witch has died, it also restored its freedom. With some fragmentary memory fragments, it returned to this dragon nest again. .

As a result, he was captured by another corpse witch who had just occupied it, and became a slave to the corpse witch through the contract. It was also through his body that the corpse witch developed a method to make a corpse dragon.

"Unfortunately, if you could destroy that Undead Castle earlier, then I would have two corpse dragons, instead of just one as now, and the other just a semi-finished product." The corpse witch put the hood on Down, a skull-like head was revealed.

Bang, boom ~

After a loud noise, the bones of a dragon slowly came out of the shade. There was no trace of flesh on the bone. The whole body was gray bones. At the bone of its right leg, a very obvious crack could be seen. .

"This is the black devil in the mouth of the flower elves before. An old aging black dragon. I have studied countless ways to make a corpse dragon before. It was unsuccessful. This corpse suffered too much damage. As a result It was a pity to make only a bone dragon ... "The corpse witch shook his head and sighed.

At this time, the corpse witch seemed to have acquired a new toy, and could not help but want to show off to others. It said a pity in his mouth, but it showed a proud look, staring at Song Jian's Face, wanting to see a look of horror and despair from above.

But soon, it was disappointed. Song Jian's face remained expressionless and seemed unmoved at all.

The Bone Dragon is only a six-level unit.Whether it is magic or physical strength, it is far from being comparable to an adult dragon family. The only advantage is that it inherits the hard bones and dragon power of the dragon family, and has a certain degree of addition to other creatures At the same time, it can also spit dragon breath, but the dragon breath at this time is completely formed by the condensed energy of the undead. It does not have the hot temperature and burning effect of the dragon breath, but has a strong corrosive effect. Power is worse than the real dragon.

"A sixth-level bone dragon and a seventh-level corpse dragon. Is this all your hole cards?" Song Jian said coldly.

"And me, the host's most loyal slave, Ghost Caru, Giggle ~" The spirit of Hua Jing next to Song Jianming appeared flashing next to the corpse witch, restored the original appearance, a group of black and gray Shadow creature.

"I have long felt that you have a problem ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ But I need you to lead the way, so I haven't revealed you ..." Song Jian said gazing at the ghost that was constantly floating up and down in the air.

"Humans, you have no choice but to surrender, why not surrender me, and let me transform you into an immortal undead creature, wouldn't it be better to be an undead hero?" The corpse witch smiled.

Kaka Kaka ~

Behind Song Jian, a large group of undead warriors appeared, blocking all the passages. These are advanced skeleton soldiers comparable to the second-order arms, and are the favorite cannon fodder of the undead heroes.

"You are the most stupid human hero I have ever seen, even dare to come to Dragon Nest alone. Even without me, your end will not be better. Well, my patience is limited. You have three seconds. Consider my previous proposal ... "the witch said coldly, the wand in his hand had begun to glow gray light.

"If you are willing to be an undead hero of my Majesty, then I can consider saving your life!" Song Jian said calmly, "But I believe that if I don't take down these two big toys, you will not Will consider my suggestion, so I will be kind to ask you again after killing your two big toys. "

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