Nanshi, noodle shop.

"There's no smell..." Bai Feifei looked at the bowl of fat sausage noodles on the table, leaned closer, smelled and said.

I didn't know what to eat all the way. Unconsciously, I stopped at this small noodle shop.

Bai Feifei hesitated at first, but after a while, she walked into the noodle shop and ordered a bowl of fat sausage noodles.

"How could anyone like to eat this?" Bai Feifei said to herself. In her mind, she thought of the scene of Ye Xiaogu eating fat sausage noodles. "Eh ~ it's disgusting... Forget it, don't eat it."

While Bai Feifei was talking to herself, a long tailed squirrel came in outside the door and jumped quickly and gently onto the table. I just didn't know whether it was claw slip or something. I didn't stop for a moment and almost bumped into Bai Feifei's fat intestines.

Bai Feifei hurriedly picked up the fat sausage noodles with both hands and let the long tailed squirrel slide into his arms, "cat? Aren't you guarding the house? Why did you run out?"

Between the words, Bai Feifei looked at the long tailed pine tree, which was a little strange for a moment.

"I asked him to bring me." a woman in her twenties came into the door.

Bai Feifei looked at the visitor and was slightly stunned. "Are you awake?"

"As soon as you left, I woke up. You little thing is really considerate." Ren Hanxiang looked at the long tailed squirrel in Bai Feifei's arms and said with a smile.

Bai Feifei looked at Ren Hanxiang and said, "you don't wear glasses?"

"Asked ye Xiaogu. He said he lost it when he saved me." Ren Hanxiang looked at Bai Feifei with bright eyes and asked, "ye Xiaogu said there was a fire in my house. Do you know?"

Bai Feifei was slightly stunned. Ren Hanxiang, who didn't wear glasses, had an inexplicable and elegant temperament, which made Bai Feifei feel inexplicably close. For a moment, she subconsciously replied, "it's true..."

"Is it?" Ren Hanxiang slightly raised her eyebrows and looked at Bai Feifei strangely.

At this time, Bai Feifei reacted more or less. For a moment, she was a little stunned. Then she said with a straight face: "yes, there was a fire."

Ren Hanxiang smiled and said faintly, "you are not like him. Your face becomes too abrupt and unnatural when it becomes too fast."

Hearing Ren Hanxiang's words, Bai Feifei asked curiously, "have you known ye Xiaogu for a long time?"

"It's not a long time, but it's only three or two months if you really want to count." Ren Hanxiang thought slightly and said casually.

Bai Feifei looked at Ren Hanxiang's head so sideways and frowned. She thought about things, but her heart moved slightly for a moment, "... It's so beautiful."

"He's an interesting person... But there are many strange things to get along with." Ren Hanxiang seems to think of the key point, but he turns a little positive, and asks, "why do I faint inexplicably when I meet ye Xiaogu? Isn't he doing something strange?"

"What strange thing?" Bai Feifei said slowly with a sudden blush on her face.

Ren Hanxiang looked at the red clouds rising on Bai Feifei's face. For a moment, she raised her eyebrows and said suspiciously, "what are you thinking?"

"I didn't think about anything." Bai Feifei saw Ren Hanxiang looking at herself and was a lot sober for a moment. Hurriedly looked around, stretched out his hand and shouted, "haven't you eaten? I'll buy you something to eat."

"... it's really hard to learn well." Ren Hanxiang looked at Bai Feifei's panic. For a moment, he thought of Ye Xiaogu. He couldn't help laughing and said, "since you're avoiding the topic, you must be natural. You're flustered and it's hard to avoid being noticed."

Bai Feifei was slightly stunned for a moment. She took a quiet look at Ren Hanxiang. The waiter in the store came over and broke the embarrassment.

"What would you like to eat?" Bai Feifei looked at the menu.

"Do you have preserved egg and lean meat porridge?" Ren Hanxiang asked.

Bai Feifei looked at the menu carefully and didn't seem to find anything like porridge. She didn't answer for the moment.

"There's millet." the waiter answered.

"Let's have a millet porridge." Ren Hanxiang made a simple sentence and bypassed Bai Feifei.

Seeing that Ren Hanxiang had ordered, Bai Feifei slowly raised her head and looked at the fat sausage noodles in front of her.

Ren Hanxiang looked at Bai Feifei, smiled and said, "since you ordered this noodles, how can you eat it?"

Bai Feifei listened to Ren Hanxiang say so, but for a moment she frowned slightly, holding chopsticks, and hesitated a little on her face.

"Don't want to eat?" Ren Hanxiang asked.

Bai Feifei picked up the noodles with chopsticks and ate them quickly, but she couldn't help but feel sick at the entrance.

Ren Hanxiang looked at Bai Feifei. For a moment, she couldn't help laughing and said, "it's too hot?"

While talking, Ren Hanxiang was about to get up, but Bai Feifei waved her hand again and again. After a while, she calmed down and said, "it's all right, just a little not used to it."

"Girls who like to eat fat sausage noodles are rare, especially girls like you." Ren Hanxiang sat back in a simple sentence.

Bai Feifei was curious for a moment and asked, "a girl like me?"

"Very clean girl." Ren Hanxiang smiled and said, "when I am a teacher, I can see people better."

"What kind of person is ye Xiaogu?" Bai Feifei didn't ask herself much, but she was curious about ye Xiaogu.

Ren Hanxiang looked at Bai Feifei, gently shook her head and said, "I'm not a good man."

"Not a good man?" Bai Feifei looked at Ren Hanxiang. Ren Hanxiang happened to look at Bai Feifei too. She was puzzled and sighed in her eyes.


Nanshi, nameless alley.


A loud noise suddenly came from the depths of the alley. It seemed that there was smoke rising faintly. However, the old urban area of Nanshi was sparsely populated, and there were few people in the alley. For a moment, no one looked at it.

At the end of the alley, a panther suddenly jumped up, but suddenly broke up, but turned into smoke.

"Why? How can you have such power?!" he gasped silently, his coat was torn and his body was full of blood.

But more than ten steps away from the silent body, Nanbo Zhao slowly opened his hood and looked at it silently, but he didn't say a word.

"!!!" looking at nanbozhao silently, his face changed greatly, "how can you have this thing?!"

Nanbo's move is still silent, moving towards silence without haste or delay.

Silent, his complexion changed greatly, and he looked frightened. The black umbrella in his hand was self-centered, drawing all kinds of animals out of thin air, mostly small animals and birds.

Small animals and birds are coming. It seems that Nanbo's move has not been seen, but there is a rising wind between walking. It even leads to a wind. It is like Xi Feng when walking slowly. The momentum is startling.

"Wind and rain in all directions!!!" silently looking at the momentum behind Nanbo Zhao, he couldn't help but say for a moment.

In the world, there are tyrannical Lei Gang, and naturally there are other inheritances.

Wind thunder volcano, four element gas gathering, known as the upper four gates, wind disease! Lei Jin! Fire! Landslide!

There are four doors under it, earth fire and Feng Shui. Take the four boundaries.

The so-called five elements and Five Spirits in Taoism include gold, wood, water, fire and earth. In the world, there are first inheritors of the "upper four gates", opening the "wind, thunder and volcano" four gates, and then followers of the "four realms", inheriting the "earth, fire and Feng Shui", which is called the "world of eight gates".

The so-called eight sects are the eight famous sects in the world. These people are not all religious sects, but also random families or personal forces. However, the power of being known to the world should not be underestimated.

Among them, Lei Gang, the "upper four gates", also known as the "old four gates", is prosperous. It is rumored that Tianshi gate and Tianshi Zhang attracted Lei gang from Zhengyang at the beginning of opening the mountain, and even changed the color of heaven and earth, washing away thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. All sentient beings were frightened and the sun and moon were silent.

Even after the civil strife of Tianshi gate, the inheritance of Tianshi gate was lost. But every time there are people who hold Lei Gang, there is no one in the world who has not caused a storm. It is really a man of the hour and it is difficult to ignore.

The reason why silent has a special liking for ye Xiaogu is not just that ye Xiaogu and Liu Shengyan are close. More importantly, in the studio of Nanshi university that day, I silently saw ye Xiaogu lead Lei Gang to kill the fierce ghost with a knife.

It is love or talent, and it is curious, or silent, or even specifically called by the fast hand, but hoping to see what the future of Ye Kwai Gu will be.

However, I didn't think of the long lost old four gate in the rumors. But a ye Xiaogu suddenly appeared in the past few months. At present, this infamous Nanbo move also has the inheritance of the old four gate.

Wind and rain in all directions, taken from the wind level of the upper four doors, is the first guide among the four doors. Although the momentum is not as fierce as Lei Gang, the wind was strong in the past, and the wind blade was like rain. It can even cut the mountain and break the sea.

Such a power now seems to be even more shocking.

However, unlike Zhengyang Leigang, the owner of the eight winds and rains is not a disciple of the sect, and even unknown in the world, so that it disappeared silently later, and it is difficult to find inheritance in the world.

I can't imagine that this southern family will have the inheritance of wind and rain in all directions.

Is the person who created the storm in all directions the ancestor of the south family?

Ye Xiaogu has Zhengyang Leigang, and he is silent and strange. Zhengyang Leigang is passed down from the Tianshi gate. Dozens of gates have been learned by predestined ones. It is the simplest but most complete inheritance of the eight gates.

Since ye Xiaogu is protected by the big demon, it's not strange to gather all the eight families to inherit. I'm afraid it's silent. But why does nanbozhao, an ordinary person who has faded out of the circle of Taoist inheritance, have the inheritance of all winds and rains?

You know, even Nanliang, who has been called Nanjia by Nanyuan for a hundred years, doesn't reveal the slightest clue about the wind and rain in all directions.

Is it true that Nanjia is so willing to give a waste inheritance rather than a genius in the door?

Silent do not understand, in fact, silent do not need to understand. I just feel a little idle and bored.

Nanbozhao's hair moves with the wind, which comes from the momentum of wind and rain in all directions. The inheritance of the eight gates is so strong that it even appears on the outside, just like the Lei Yin in ye Xiaogu's hand.

The birth of the eight gates makes the world known. It's a kind of glory that can't be covered up.

But now it is a silent death.

Unlike ye Xiaogu, Nanbo recruit, a student who was still playing basketball a few months ago, not only can skillfully control the storm in all directions, but also has more power than the silent old Jianghu.

"Why?" silently looking at Nanbo's move, he raised the black umbrella that still drew the little beast. "Even if Nanliang took this inheritance, I'm not surprised... Why are you a waste?!"

The words fell down, silently and suddenly waved the black umbrella, but it directly threw out a thick black color, which suddenly turned into a three Zhang black dragon. Facing Nanbo's move, it was a wordless roar.

Nanbo Zhao's face was more than indifferent, and he didn't even change his eyes. The wind behind him suddenly soared, and the invisible wind blade attacked the black dragon in an instant.

The continuous wind blade cuts off the flesh of the black dragon. The black dragon also soared and rushed to Nanbo.

However, more than ten steps away, the black dragon came in an instant, but it rushed directly to Nanbo's move, only half a meter away.

But it's just that. When the black dragon comes, a gust of wind suddenly rolls up around Nanbo Zhao, and the invisible wind blade flies, which seems to form an invisible net.

However, half a meter away, the black dragon was unable to move forward, leaving only the flying ink all over the sky.

About half a minute later, the black dragon was exhausted by Nanbo Zhao's body protecting wind blade, but it was silent, but it was half kneeling on the ground, and there was only breathing strength.

Nanbo Zhao saw that he was silent and half kneeling on the ground. He had no power to fight back, but he didn't kill. He just stood and watched.

The wind around Nanbo Zhao is constant. It seems to be showing off something to the silent, and it seems to be announcing something.

Silent for a moment, I don't have any mind. I guess Nanbo's mind. The last black dragon gathered the last silent mental force. It was deadlocked for about half a minute and still could not be saved. Silent, I am more or less desperate.

Silent is not the most powerful courtier of the Liu family. It depends on the mastery of array and brain to rank under the eaves of the Liu family. If you suddenly meet the white blades, you can't take it silently.

"... the wind and rain in all directions won't make you mute?" he calmed down silently and reluctantly recovered himself. "Since you want to wait for the help of the Liu family, you don't want to kill a few more?"

"It's not that I despise you. Although you have all kinds of storms, you may not be able to defeat the Liu family's plans over the years..." silently took a long breath, and even reluctantly stood up with a black umbrella. "I don't think you're the kind of person who can't see the accident clearly, otherwise you wouldn't deliberately look for such a place."

"Come on, what do you want to do?" although I got up reluctantly, I was silent. In the end, it was too heavy internal friction, and I was trembling for a moment. "Don't look at me, I'm also an old man of the Liu family for decades..."

The silent words fell, and Nan Bozhao's eyes moved slightly. He looked at it and asked in a hoarse voice, "where is ye Xiaogu?"

"......." hearing this silently, he was slightly stunned, "ye Xiaogu?"

Silent, although I don't know what grudges nanbozhao and ye Xiaogu have, as far as ye Xiaogu is concerned, there are only a few people around him. You can find them casually. Why do you come to ask Liu's family?

"You said it was ye Xiaogu who had nothing to do all day and wandered around?" even if his life was hanging on the line, he couldn't help asking a silly question for a moment.

The words fell. Nanbo just looked at it, but there was no answer.

Silently and inadvertently, he looked at Nanbo's move, but his heart moved slightly for a moment.

Although Nanbo's move is amazing at the moment, it is dull in both face and eyes.

"Sure enough, what stimulation did you get and what secret method did you use?" silently frowned slightly and looked at the indifferent Nanbo move. "I mean, even if it's the power of eight door inheritance, it's too rebellious to have this momentum in recent months..."

Between silent thoughts, I couldn't help sighing, "even without this momentum, it's actually very rebellious..."

However, although the power of these eight inheritance is good, silence is not greedy. The reputation of the eight gates is so loud that there are mountains of corpses behind them. In the current world, even now the lower four doors are unable to suppress the scene in the face of the gradually surging forces of all parties.

What's more, since the decline of the upper four gates, almost everyone in the Yin and Yang circles has chased and killed, and the glory of the upper four gates has also been exchanged for this almost unparalleled scourge.

This is also one of the reasons for silently lamenting the inheritance of the eight gates. Those who inherit the power of the eight gates must also bear the blood and hatred of the past. Year after year, they have been peeped at from generation to generation until the power dissipates.

"But now... Is it silly to force the wind and rain in all directions?" the silent heart moved slightly and couldn't help looking at Nanbo's move.

But at present, I don't know how conscious Nanbo Zhao is. It's not easy to slow down and try it at will. However, since Nanbo Zhao can't even find ye Xiaogu, maybe it's really silly.

Silent for a moment, now Nanbo recruit this dull face, I'm afraid that even saying a place name is useless. But if you really take Nanbo's move to find ye Xiaogu. Killing ye Xiaogu is small. If you lose your target, it's not worth killing him silently.

Silent finally found the weakness of this Nanbo move and reluctantly found some hope for life. Naturally, she was unwilling to give up this chance of life. At the moment, it takes so much time with Nanbo.

Although I don't know what method Nanbo has used to catalyze the storm in all directions, there are two things, and there are no definite blessings or disasters. Nanbo recruit forcibly improves the power of all winds and storms, I'm afraid it won't last long.

Anyway, at the moment, Nanbo's move is not killing. I don't mind spending so much time with Nanbo's move. The final winner is still unknown.

While confronting nanbozhao silently, there was a loud noise in the building of ocean international, and then several people in black flew out.

On the corridor, a man in a white coat pinched a 15-year-old woman in one hand, but his eyes were full of ink, as if he were possessed by magic.

"Ye Xiaogu! Why do you TM come to me every time you go crazy!" in ye Xiaogu's hand, Chen Yao couldn't help shouting at ye Xiaogu.

Ye Xiaogu tilted his head and looked at Chen Yao blankly, as if he was curious.

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