Ocean International Building, Nanshi.

With the process of foreign trade in recent decades, Liu's ocean group not only stabilized its foundation, but even swallowed a lot of assets. In addition to the wharf in Nanshi, it also involves many fields such as shipping, real estate, foreign trade and so on.

The owner of the Liu family also ranks among the wealth list all the year round, but just like this ocean international building, although it is famous, it is not obvious.

The ocean international building is not high, but it has more than 30 floors and is square. It really doesn't have much publicity among the colorful high-rise buildings in Nanshi. In addition, COSCO Group focuses on foreign trade. Although this building is an office place, it has been relatively deserted.

But today, the ocean international building is much more lively.

"Little brother, have something to say, passive manual feet." a black cloth shoe gently kicked the black guard on the ground.

The guard in black looked at the visitor, but he didn't care about the pain on his body. He quickly got up and made way.

The visitor didn't look at the guard, but walked straight through the fallen black guards and stood ten steps away from ye Xiaogu.

"Old Meng?" although Chen Yao was pinched by Ye Xiaogu's neck, I don't know if this cry woke ye Xiaogu up. At the moment, ye Xiaogu just held Chen Yao in vain, but he didn't exert any force.

"Why are you so embarrassed?" old Meng glanced at Chen Yao, his mouth slightly raised, and his face was smiling.

Old Meng was wearing a white cloud pattern Tai Chi robe. His face was ruddy and mostly friendly. He had a pale hair and a childlike face, but he was a bit of a fairy, and his air was extraordinary.

Chen Yao didn't answer for a moment, but ye Xiaogu tilted his head and looked at Meng Lao with a smile on his face. For a moment, he seemed to have some doubts.

"......." ye Xiaogu was looking at Meng Lao with his head tilted, but Chen Yao knocked on his head and looked at Chen Yao for a moment.

"Meng Lao is here, dare to make a mistake! Don't go away!" although Chen Yao is pinched by Ye Xiaogu, she is inexplicably hard at the moment, and yells at ye Xiaogu.

"Oh... Look at my memory." looking at Chen Yao yelling at ye Xiaogu, old Meng smiled with a suddenly realized expression on his face, "ye Xiaogu, Mr. Ye, right?"

I don't know if it's the momentum. Even if Chen Yao yelled at ye Xiaogu several times, ye Xiaogu was still led by Meng Lao, and even Chen Yao, who was holding up in his hand, slowly put it down.

"......." Chen Yao saw ye Xiaogu put himself down. For a moment, his words stagnated, and he forgot where he had just scolded.

Ye Xiaogu's eyes were full of ink, and he seemed to lose interest in Chen Yao. He just tilted his head and looked at old Meng.

"Little girl, please let me go." ye Xiaogu looked at Meng Lao, who glanced over Lei Yin in ye Xiaogu's hand, but smiled more deeply. A simple sentence called Chen Yao to leave.

Chen Yao frowned quietly. For a moment, she grabbed ye Xiaogu's wrist with both hands and said painfully, "no, he just grabbed me..."

However, the words were not finished, but old Meng started with Tai Chi, with a certain movement on his hands. When he stepped on his feet, he suddenly aroused a spirit and directly pushed Chen Yao and the surrounding black guards away.

Chen Yao used to hold ye Xiaogu's arm, but suddenly she didn't have time to grasp it, but she was pushed more than ten steps away.

"... old Meng." Chen Yao looked at the two people in the distance, but whispered.

Meng Lao's strength leaked out and directly pushed the people away, but he took another step under his feet, stretched out his hand and motioned, "Mr. Ye, come and practice with the old man?"

Ye Xiaogu still didn't seem to react. He just tilted his head and looked at old Meng. However, Meng Lao's words fell, but he didn't wait for ye Xiaogu's hand. He jumped three steps away from his feet. Between three and five steps, he rushed to ye Xiaogu's body and slapped ye Xiaogu on the chest.

"Suddenly thunder Tai Chi..." Chen Yao frowned at the moment when Meng Lao started.

The so-called inheritance is always one out of ten. In addition, it is difficult for the world to tolerate those who violate the ban with force. There are few people in the world who can be called martial arts. Coincidentally, like the Nan family, the Meng family is also famous for its ancestral practice of Tai Chi.

Tai Chi comes from the Taoist health preservation skill, but it has been improved a lot since it was introduced into the secular world. Later, it removed the killing moves and used Qi strength, which has completely become the use of health preservation.

However, the Tai Chi handed down by the Meng family is handed down in one continuous line. It not only retains the use of Qi and strength, but also attacks and defends. Even after several generations of improvement by the Meng family, from form to form, from form to essence, they can step into the Taoist door, and there are unusual Taoist priests who Nourish Qi and refine spirit between their fists and feet.


At the moment of Chen Yao's reverie, Meng Lao and ye Xiaogu fought in an instant. Meng Lao's flick was a test, but black eyed Ye Xiao led Lei's life alone, but suddenly burst.

For a moment, the boundless thunder and lightning flash, accompanied by the sound of thunderbolt, no one dared to look directly at its edge.

But even in such a momentum, Chen Yao faintly felt bursts of Qi coming.

"Still fighting?!" Chen Yao narrowed her eyes and wanted to see the war between ye Xiaogu and Meng Lao. She only saw that Meng Lao was standing in the distance, but her hands were gurgling blood.

"Meng Lao?" Chen Yao looked at the blood color on Meng Lao's hand, but was slightly surprised and couldn't shout.

The smile on Meng Lao's face has long dispersed. At the moment, his indifferent face makes people more or less afraid to approach.

"......." it seems that he heard Chen Yao's cry. Old Meng looked at Chen Yao with the same smile on his face. He raised his hand and said: "... That boy."

Hearing this, Chen Yao looked sluggish for a moment.

"Running so fast, feeling so sharp, like a dog..." Meng Lao sighed, looked at the blood color on his hand and gently shook his head.

Chen Yao looked at the distant corridor and frowned slightly.


There is loneliness, fear, helplessness and desire in the dark.

With a burst of inexplicable palpitations, the darkness in front of Ye Xiaogu suddenly dissipated, "eh? What's the situation?!"

In the middle of the air, ye Xiaogu looked down at his feet, and the thunder in his hand suddenly disappeared. Ye Xiaogu fell directly from the air.

"Ah ah!!!"

Between the lightning and flint, ye Xiaogu fiercely waved his right arm. The thunder aroused a flash of lightning, but it just eased up.

The next moment, ye Xiaogu still bumped into the ground.

"... old city?" ye Xiaogu touched his head, frowned and looked around.

The houses here are neither high nor dense. There are many buildings in the new area in the distance, but they are like two worlds here.

"Why did you get here?" ye Xiaogu whispered, but there was a trace of blood on his forehead.

Ye Xiaogu didn't care at first. When he reached out and wiped it, he found that it couldn't be wiped clean. For a moment, he was still a little stunned, "is this a broken head?"

In a simple sentence, ye Xiaogu raised his mouth and smiled. Although I don't quite understand what happened, the current situation makes ye Xiaogu want to laugh.

After laughing for a while, the smile on ye Xiaogu's face gradually converged. When his eyes became colder, he just lay on the ground and squinted at the sky, but his heart was inexplicably dark, "what am I doing?"

The feeling in the dark, especially quiet, that feeling is not beautiful. Because ye Xiaogu can vaguely feel the emotion in the dark, full of outrageous desires.

It's like watching the beast in his heart suddenly open its teeth and claws to kill wantonly, but he can't do anything. He can only watch. This feeling is not beautiful.

The reason why people have facial emotions is not only to express, but also to cover up and disguise. Ye Xiaogu is not very good at disguise, but he really lost his face and put everything on the bright side, which seems too direct.

Ye Xiaogu doesn't know whether his personality is really split, maybe it's just too much pressure, maybe it's a psychological problem

"... I'm really a pervert." ye Xiaogu didn't know why, and an angry remark from Bai Feifei came out of his mind.

Thinking about it, ye Xiaogu felt a strange faint. I think the fall was really serious just now. If we don't deal with it, I'm afraid ye Xiaogu really can't get up in a while.

Although I feel a little guilty, I still underestimate ye Xiaogu if he really wants to die here.

Heart read together, ye Xiaogu slowly climbed up, put his hand over his head and walked away. As for the idea deep in my heart, I dare not think about it.

Although there are no young people in the old urban area of Nanshi, there are still some old people living here. Besides the nearby vegetable market, there is even an old hospital.

As usual, such hospitals should be relocated. It just seems to take care of the mood of the old city. It is a good thing to open a branch hospital and keep the old hospital.

Ye Xiaogu covered his forehead and didn't know if he had pressed the wound, but now the blood is endless. He shouldn't have found the right place.

Ye Xiaogu reached out and touched his head, trying to find out where the wound was. After all, the blood was flowing, which was worse than the fountain. Ye Xiaogu was also flustered for a moment.

When ye Xiaogu stopped, he inadvertently saw a sign hanging in the distance, "Yang Jianping clinic?"

"There are doctors in this place?" ye Xiaogu couldn't help sighing. The place he fell down seems to be the demolition area of the old city. There's no one there. Otherwise, ye Xiaogu would have to be surrounded by good people.

But there is still a clinic in such a shabby place. Looking at the name, ye Xiaogu faintly wants to see the owner of the clinic.

"... is there anyone? His head hit the door. Can you wrap it?" ye Xiaogu slowly opened the iron door. The iron door made a sour sound, which made ye Xiaogu tremble in his heart for a moment.

The clinic seems to have seen no outsiders for a long time. In broad daylight, it's dark. I can't see clearly at all. I just vaguely see a vision chart hanging on the wall.

"Can't it be nobody?" ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and said to himself.

When ye Xiaogu was about to leave, a light was on in the room, and then a man came out slowly, "the doctor is coming!"

Ye Xiaogu was stunned by the sound, and then pushed the iron door open a little. The sun sprinkled into the room and shone on the visitor.

In his thirties, he wore a white coat, black framed glasses and a national face. He didn't look like a doctor, but like a soldier.

Ye Xiaogu looked at the man. He stepped back and looked back at the sign outside. "Your name is Yang Jianping? Is that the doctor here?"

"Yes, I'm Yang Jianping, a doctor." Yang Jianping smiled at ye Xiaogu, but he didn't seem to laugh often. With such a smile, his face is a little stiff, not to mention, but also looks a little creepy.

With this dark room, ye Xiaogu didn't dare to step for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu looked at Yang Jianping and frowned slightly, "are you really a doctor?"

"Yes." Yang Jianping nodded, and the smile on his face seemed to be much more natural.

Ye Xiaogu frowned at Yang Jianping's bloody surgical gloves and asked, "what's this?"

"Kill fish." Yang Jianping smiled and took off his gloves, revealing a pair of slender hands.

Ye xiaoguben came to prepare to enter the room, but looking at this posture, his heart tightened inexplicably, frowned and said, "didn't you bring money to the doctor?"

"... if you have no money, don't give me a doctor." Yang Jianping looked at ye Xiaogu, and his smile didn't decrease.

"Forget it, I won't see it." ye Xiaogu stepped back slowly with a simple sentence. He ran with his head covered before taking two steps. He spilled a lot of blood all the way.

In the shabby clinic, Yang Jianping frowned slightly, looked at the bloody gloves on the table, and whispered, "... Are you aware of anything?"

"It's strange that people are not scared when you stand in such a broken place." a man in his twenties, with broken red hair and bandages on his upper body, came out slowly in the inner room. By the light in the room, the man's face is just the opposite of Yang Jianping. It looks a lot less upright, but it is a woman's melon seed face, which looks much softer.

It's just that the room is too dark to see the specific shape for a moment.

"... how can people come in when you stand here with such a stiff face?" the man said casually, especially making fun of Yang Jianping.

"When you get up, I'm afraid the man will see your hair, and I'm afraid he won't believe you're a doctor." Yang Jianping and the man seem to be familiar.

"Seriously, isn't this place going to be demolished? There are prohibitions around. How did he get in?" after a simple smile, the man seemed to react.

Yang Jianping smiled and said casually, "flew in."

"Flying in?" the red haired man was puzzled for a moment.

"You didn't get up just now. That person is ye Xiaogu." Yang Jianping made a simple sentence and didn't say much. "There's no need to think about it now. He's just an outsider. I'll sew the wound for you first. It hasn't been long."

"... OK." the red haired man frowned slightly, but there was no entanglement.

When they entered the inner room, the iron door of the clinic was closed by themselves, and the door lock was suddenly closed.

On the side of the road, ye Xiaogu staggered for more than 100 meters. For a moment, he couldn't stand the blood on his head and had to stop.

"What a ghost doctor... It's not that momentum. Just look at the hand and the blood on the glove." ye Xiaogu wandered for a long time and decided to slow down first, although he didn't want to stop like this. But the head lost too much blood, and there was no way.

I don't know why, the Yang Qi in the body doesn't seem to work. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid ye Xiaogu will really lose too much blood and die.

Although this strange clinic is not far away, at present, ye Xiaogu can only find a corner and sit in luck to arouse the Yang of his left hand.

After all, the Yang Qi of the left hand is the root of Ye Xiaogu. If this thing is gone, I'm afraid ye Xiaogu will be finished.

Ye Xiaogu has done these moves several times, but he is also very skilled.

Under the influence of the mind, the Yang Qi in the yuan body seems to be awakened slowly and run gradually.

"Is it really suppressed?" ye Xiaogu felt the Yang Qi in the yuan body, and couldn't help sighing for a moment. "It's too scientific for personality division to suppress this Yang Qi?"

However, in addition to ridicule, ye Xiaogu managed to stop the blood on his head, gradually attracted Yang Qi, and the wound gradually healed a lot.

Although the feeling of Yang flowing over his head was particularly comfortable, ye Xiaogu didn't dare to stay much near such a strange clinic. After a simple luck, he got up and left.

Ye Xiaogu walked for more than ten minutes and didn't get out of the relocation area. For a moment, he was more and more afraid of the Yang Jianping clinic. He ran as he walked.

If it had been in the past, ye Xiaogu wouldn't have been so afraid, but now ye Xiaogu has fallen a hole in his head, there are no Yin and Yang eyes, and his left hand is useless. If you encounter any ghosts, it's really a little difficult.

"So arrogant?" ye Xiaogu thought about Yang Jianping's appearance. For a moment, he couldn't help frowning slightly, and automatically classified the clinic into a place like human meat steamed stuffed bun shop.

Thinking, even ye Xiaogu couldn't help but feel a cold in his heart, and his feet accelerated a few steps.

Fortunately, this place is so big. Ye Xiaogu spent more than 20 minutes walking and running, and finally walked out of the relocation area.

After another toss, ye Xiaogu finally came to yipinju.

Yes, I kept walking. I didn't have the money to take the bus, nor did I find the car ye Xiaogu drove out last night.

In front of yipinju, ye xiaoguyou also washed his face and changed his white coat. He only wore a shirt with flowers and casual pants with big peonies.

But it's not worried about Bai Feifei, but Ren Hanxiang is still at home. If she sees ye Xiaogu covered with blood, she's afraid to scare her.

Although he was fully prepared, ye Xiaogu was slightly stunned when he returned to yipinju.

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