Su city, Yang family's private club.

The cups and dishes on the table were in a mess, and it could be vaguely seen that it was a big meal.

There was still a rare silence in the room, except for a slight rustle in the bathroom.

Ye Xiaogu stood in front of the mirror. Wang Pei was very considerate and tied a bandage to the wound on ye Xiaogu's shoulder.

Although the wound on ye Xiaogu's shoulder was bitten by Wang Pei, Wang Pei seems to have been trying hard to refuse to help ye Xiaogu heal the wound with the charm of the Heavenly Master. Its name is "long memory."

Ye Xiaogu doesn't know whether Wang Pei's injury has worsened or whether he is really leaving a lesson for himself.

Wang Pei's bite can be regarded as showing his teeth and rattling. It has slowed down for three or two days, and ye Xiaogu still has no strength in his left hand.

Ye Xiaogu wanted to see what happened to the wound. Wang Pei also stopped him from seeing it.

If it weren't for the pain on ye Xiaogu, ye Xiaogu would really think that Wang Pei was hurt.

However, having said that, ye Xiaogu turned to wipe the corner outside and looked at the wound while looking in the mirror.

Although he had expected, ye Xiaogu could not help but slightly raised his eyebrows and said.

"You really belong to a lion?"

When Wang Pei heard ye Xiaogu's words, he didn't make a sound for a moment. He just lowered his head and tied the bandage on ye Xiaogu's shoulder. His eyes dodged more or less.

It's really a matter of days. Two or three days have passed. When it comes to the wound, Wang Pei always seems to be a little nervous. Think about it carefully. Maybe she's upset herself.

In his mind, ye Xiaogu didn't mention it much. He saw that Wang Pei seemed to be bandaged, but he took Wang Pei to his body, and then led Wang Pei to the direction of the mirror.

"What do you want?"

Wang Pei also thought about his biting ye Xiaogu. For a moment, he frowned slightly, but he didn't resist much.

Ye Xiaogu raised his mouth slightly and smiled at Wang Pei and himself in the mirror.

Ye Xiaogu was wearing a bandage and no coat. At the moment, he was naked and put his hands around Wang Pei. He approached Wang Pei's ear and said with a smile.

"Do you think it's exciting to look in the mirror?"

Wang Peichu didn't react. He looked at ye Xiaogu indifferently, but ye Xiaogu's smile was too arrogant. For a moment, he revealed his desire.

"Believe it or not, I'll bite off your right hand again?"

Wang Pei frowned slightly and said faintly.

Without realizing it, ye Xiaogu rubbed Wang Pei's waist and smiled.

"Come on, I'm already miserable in the dragon's gate fight. If you bite again, don't I go straight up and be beaten?"

While talking, ye Xiaogu saw that Wang Pei seemed worried. For a moment, he had to test on the edge of being bitten.

In the past two or three days, Wang Pei seemed to blame himself. He suddenly bit ye Xiaogu, but his words were indifferent.

Ye xiaoguben came to think of a way to at least make Zhengyang Leigang look better, which can be regarded as a little comfort to Wang Pei.

However, ye Xiaogu seems to overestimate his knowledge level. After thinking about it for two or three days, he can't think of anything. Besides, he seems to ignore Wang Pei.

I don't know if Wang Pei thinks ye Xiaogu really blames himself. The relationship between them seems a little tense.

Ye Xiaogu looked at Wang Pei with a cold face. He had no choice but to take the initiative to participate in the so-called Longmen martial arts.

It doesn't matter whether you are beaten or not. It's better to meet friends with martial arts and ask a peer or an elder for a few questions than the fantasy of every day.

Ye Xiaogu thought of this idea, and Wang Pei seemed surprised. After all, ye Xiaogu is really a weak and timid master in Wang Pei's heart. Unexpectedly, he will take the initiative to fight one day.

However, when ye Xiaogu interrupted, Wang Pei thought of this long lost prosperity. A few days ago, I had so much fun playing with ye Xiaogu that I almost forgot the business.

After making a lot of preparations, they decided to go and have a look.

While talking, Wang Pei didn't really do it as usual. Ye Xiaogu pretended to be arrogant and rubbed a few times. He almost felt uncontrollable. At present, he hurriedly loosened Wang Pei and swallowed his saliva, which was more or less embarrassing.

Wang Pei turned and looked at ye Xiaogu with a cold face.

Ye xiaogujing was naked, and a bandage was wrapped around his shoulder. His muscle lines seemed to be good, and he was still a little manly.

Wang Pei naturally felt ye Xiaogu's actions just now. However, ye Xiaogu seemed to take the initiative to restrain a lot, which made Wang Pei have more eyes for a moment.

"Something with a thief's heart but no thief's courage..."

Wang Pei read a sentence lightly and walked outside the bathroom.

Ye Xiaogu was still a little nervous. When he heard Wang Pei's ordinary provocation, he suddenly became angry from his courage and went straight forward to hold Wang Pei.

Feeling ye Xiaogu's fierce embrace, Wang Pei trembled slightly, frowned slightly, and said faintly.

"... if you don't let go, I'll bite you down the throat next time."

Hearing this, ye Xiaogu raised his mouth slightly, smiled, approached Wang Pei's cheek and said with a light smile.

"Bold concubine..."

Before the words were finished, Wang Pei suddenly turned around, but ye Xiaogu suddenly stepped back, pretending to exaggerate to protect his body and said.

"Don't make trouble now. It's the last day of today. If you miss today, there will be no tomorrow."

Wang Pei frowned slightly, snorted and stared at ye Xiaogu, but he didn't say anything more.

Ye Xiaogu smiled and went out with Wang Pei.

Before leaving, ye Xiaogu took down the coat on the hanger, looked at the table and said.

"Would you like to clear the table?"

"Someone will clean up. Just take care of yourself."

Wang Pei's pace was not slow. Ye Xiaogu listened to Wang Pei's words, followed him quickly and said casually.



Wang Peiyou replied reluctantly, but ye Xiaogu also smiled, and everything seemed to return as before.


In Suzhou, the hotel in the center is not far away. Wang Pei and ye Xiaogu arrived at the place soon by car.

When entering the door, ye Xiaogu took Wang Pei seriously and asked with a positive face.

"Am I handsome now?"

While talking, Wang Pei suddenly bit ye Xiaogu. He is also very clever these days. He not only bought a suit of clothes for ye Xiaogu, but also let ye Xiaogu wipe a lot of oil these three or two days.

Ye Xiaogu was wearing a bandage, a black shirt and a regular pair of black trousers.

The wound on ye Xiaogu's shoulder shouldn't have been tied like this, but ye Xiaogu thought of Zhang Yan he met before. For a moment, he really couldn't forget that kind of fan, so he had to tie a bandage.

Wang Pei also has no way. He has to change it every three days or two, so as not to cover it all the time.

Ye Xiaogu originally wanted to get a flower shirt of Sao style, but later, he tried it in the store. His old face really didn't match, so he had to change a plain black shirt.

Especially he didn't dare to open his cloak at will. He was too publicized and seen. Maybe he was beaten in the street.

Between thoughts, ye Xiaogu wanted to have his hair permed, but on that day, Wang Pei followed ye Xiaogu for a long time, and his heart was full of fire.

Finally, he was forced into the street and beat ye Xiaogu violently regardless of the injury on ye Xiaogu's shoulder.

Ye Xiaogu also honestly followed Wang Pei back, and didn't mention the hot head again.

Between the words, Wang Pei frowned slightly and looked at ye Xiaogu with a happy face. His face was more or less deep.

Ye Xiaogu's appearance is not enough. His eyes between his disorderly hair seem to be still so pure. Bits and pieces are written in his eyes, and he is as sincere as a teenager.

Wang Pei's inexplicable fear of this kind of eyes, this kind of Frank eyes, also means that he has placed all this on himself.

"Tie up your hair and cheer up."

Wang Pei frowned slightly, stood on tiptoe, and stood on the steps. He quickly condensed a black rope and tied ye Xiaogu's hair.

"You're hurt. I won't force you this time. It doesn't look right. I beg for mercy. We'll go back to dinner early."

Wang Pei patted ye Xiaogu's head. He seemed worried and added.

In addition to his words, Wang Pei could not bear to bring ye Xiaogu to this place.

However, it must be done in the future. Wang Pei has no way. Who makes her not understand Zhengyang Leigang.

Between his thoughts, only ye Xiaogu's ignorant face worried Wang Pei more or less.

Ye Xiaogu raised his mouth slightly and smiled at Wang Pei. He especially stretched out his hand to hold Wang Pei in his arms and said casually.

"Are you hungry? I told you to lose your temper when eating..."

Wang Pei frowned slightly. Seeing what ye Xiaogu had, he really wanted to talk for a while. He also struggled to get away and turned to walk towards the hotel.

Ye Xiaogu looked at Wang Pei's back. For a moment, he couldn't help but curl his mouth and read in his heart.

"I'll be a panda in a while. It's so ruthless..."

Between the thoughts, ye Xiaogu smiled and followed up.

The same elevator, the same cumbersome pattern array.

If it is normal, ye Xiaogu is afraid that he will ask a few questions curiously, but at present, ye Xiaogu can't help but speed up his heart when he looks at the cumbersome rune.


The elevator door opened slowly. Wang Pei was the first to walk in front. Ye Xiaogu followed up quickly, but he took Wang Pei's hand.

Wang Pei frowned slightly and looked at ye Xiaogu. Ye Xiaogu was shy and smiled back.

In addition to his thoughts, perhaps because he was holding Wang Pei's hand, ye Xiaogu's heartbeat seemed to be much smoother.

A few days ago, when I came here to sign up, I didn't have time to look around. Now, ye Xiaogu came here again and really got to know here again.

Here is a huge theater, showing a huge horseshoe shape. It's just that there are no seats, just a huge stage in the middle. The ground is decorated with colored stones, which looks colorful and grand.

But it is a four storey building around here, with various brocade decorations looming, rather than various figures walking around.

When I came a few days ago, there were almost people in the middle of the room, and I didn't pay attention for a moment. Until today, ye Xiaogu found that there was a huge stage in the middle of the room.

"Fight on it in a moment? Is it too publicity?"

Ye Xiaogu frowned quietly, and his heart began to beat faster.

Wang Pei felt ye Xiaogu's hands were cold and sweaty. He glanced at ye Xiaogu and said.

"If the situation is wrong, beg for mercy, and find a way to deal with Zhengyang Leigang."

Ye Xiaogu couldn't help laughing when he heard this. Although Wang Pei's words protected ye Xiaogu, how could ye Xiaogu quit easily?

"... later, if I still have a person, you have to warm my bed at night."

Ye Xiaogu leaned close to Wang Pei's ear and whispered.

Wang Pei frowned slightly and looked at ye Xiaogu's flighty smile, but he couldn't say disgust, but worried a lot.

Since ye Xiaogu really said that, he was afraid that he was really going to be beaten.


When Wang Pei and ye Xiaogu were facing each other, there was a loud noise on the roof, accompanied by the colorful ribbons falling down. For a moment, they had a dreamy feeling.

When ye Xiaogu and Wang Pei subconsciously looked up at the falling ribbon, suddenly a spotlight hit the private room in the middle of the fourth floor.

"The martial arts arena of this Longmen conference has officially begun. Now let's invite Yang long, the young master of Suzhou, to make a speech with MS. bao'er, who is familiar with us."

While talking, on the stage in the center of the room, I don't know when a white duck as big as half a person suddenly appeared. It was really white feather and yellow beak, just like an ordinary duck.

The duck didn't use a microphone when he was barking loudly. His voice directly rang through the whole meeting hall.

"... he is the representative of Longmen, uncle ya. After a while on the stage, he said you start, and he said stop. Don't argue with him. Don't look at him. His strength can't be underestimated."

Wang Pei said simply, but ye Xiaogu didn't listen carefully.

Ye Xiaogu's eyes crossed the ribbon and fell on bao'er in the private room on the fourth floor. For a moment, everything seemed quiet, and everything fell into silence.

Only the familiar figure stood high and looked at the people in the meeting indifferently.

Ye Xiaogu looked seriously and affectionately.

However, I haven't seen it for a while, but I was slapped in the face.

Ye Xiaogu was slightly stunned and subconsciously looked at the man who slapped him.

Wang Pei frowned slightly and stared at ye Xiaogu. Ye Xiaogu was really not angry for a moment.

"Don't look, why don't you rush up and hug and kiss? Aren't you so good at wiping?"

Wang Pei sees ye Xiaogu's eyes dodging, but he doesn't forget to add fuel to the fire. Casually, ye Xiaogu is also silent.

In addition to the words, ye Xiaogu didn't hear what Yang long said, and Wang Pei's later words were a little vague.

For a moment, it seemed that there was a slight roar in my ears, and I couldn't hear any sound.

"... then the fighting officially begins!!!"

Ye Xiaogu was stunned for a while and woke up a little. There were many more people in the venue, and Wang Pei's eyes seemed to be positive.

The dragon's gate meeting was originally a place to recruit talents and show prestige. In addition to the large doors in the world, many monsters also came to join in the fun because of the existence of bao'er.

For a moment, there was a mixture of good and bad people in the venue, but it was very lively.

Ye Xiaogu calmed down and subconsciously looked at the box on the fourth floor. At this glance, he could only see the decorative brocade outside, but he didn't seem to see the people inside.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and subconsciously wanted to go up to see bao'er.

However, Wang Pei pushed ye Xiaogu into the crowd before taking this step.

"What is this?"

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and asked subconsciously.

Wang Pei did not pay attention to ye Xiaogu's look, and answered faintly.

"Longmen is a place with no rules. You can go straight up when you read your name. If you don't see anyone for half a minute, it's a waiver."

"Can I abstain now?"

Ye Xiaogu subconsciously answered, but Wang Pei's eyes met.

Seeing that Wang Pei was going to get angry, ye Xiaogu glanced and hurriedly answered.

"... I'm kidding."

In addition to the words, the dragon's gate fight also began soon, vaguely confused. A big white duck half a person tall kept running and roaring angrily. The surrounding audience kept shouting and mocking, and even threw beer cans on the stage.

The participants in the so-called Longmen martial arts fight are also uncertain in level, and there is no detailed grouping. They all roar with Yabo's voice. There are also young disciples who have been beaten to lose their direction from time to time.

After watching for a while, ye Xiaogu raised his head and stared at the box on the fourth floor, as if he wanted to see through the railing outside.

Ye Xiaogu looked up tirelessly, and Wang Pei glanced at ye Xiaogu from time to time, with some contempt in his eyes.

This is somewhat absurd and messy Longmen fighting. From the beginning to the present, it has been noisy and chaotic all the time, which also makes people have a good impression of Longmen.

Ye Xiaogu doesn't know whether Longmen wants to publicize its prestige or take the opportunity to build a black challenge arena and gamble in some dark manors.

However, ye Xiaogu couldn't help thinking, and soon the voice ignored by Ye Xiaogu shouted loudly.

"Ye Xiaogu comes on!!!"

Ye Xiaogu subconsciously looked at the challenge arena in the arena. Before he could see his opponent, Wang Pei grabbed his waist and threw it on the challenge arena.


While laughing, ye xiaogujie fell firmly on the challenge arena. It was really impressive.

However, before ye Xiaogu got up, ye Xiaogu heard the more impressive name.

"To Nanbo!!!"

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