Suzhou, martial arts venue.

The name seemed to be thundering in his ears. For a moment, ye Xiaogu was at a loss.

When ye Xiaogu was at a loss, a man came up slowly under the light.

Wearing a simple red hooded sweater, he lowered his head and couldn't see his face clearly. I don't know if it was too big and made him look a little thin.

Ye Xiaogu lies on the ground stunned and looks at Nanbo's move slowly. For a moment, he even forgets to get up.

"Dragon's gate fight, start!!!"

In the field, uncle duck shouted, flapped his wings and ran to a corner of the challenge arena.

This dragon's gate martial arts fight is almost interesting. There is a great disparity between the top and the bottom. Even a few people who abide by the rules are difficult to find. Uncle Ya runs away again and again for fear that he will be punched in the end.

Unexpectedly, compared with the fierce confrontation in front, the two people on the stage don't seem to have the intention to fight immediately.

Nanbo Zhao stood slowly and looked at ye Xiaogu from a hundred steps away. Ye Xiaogu hesitated for a moment and slowly climbed up for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu didn't expect to see nanbozhao outside Nanshi.

What happened in Nanshi was tedious. Ye Xiaogu also came and went. For a moment, he consciously or unconsciously forgot about Nanbo Zhao.

However, some things are like the wind blowing over the hills. They seem to have no trace, but they always take away some dust.

There is no way to wash the things you have done and the blood you have dyed

Ye Xiaogu trembled slightly and looked at Nanbo's move in the distance. For a moment, he was inexplicably afraid.

Ye Xiaogu is not afraid of Nanbo's move, but the responsibility of wrongly killing Nanyuan. Ye Xiaogu knows that he can only return blood with blood and pay for his life with life, but ye Xiaogu is inexplicably afraid of death and the late punishment.


Nanbozhao stood a hundred steps away and said nothing. He just looked at ye Xiaogu. His eyes under his hood were firm and vigorous.

The audience shouted. Compared with the silence without saying anything about the scene, they couldn't even see the fight with their fists. It was a little boring.

"Go! Shoot him!"

"Rush up!!!"


In addition to the shouting of the onlookers, some people gradually began to pay attention to the long-standing fighting in the private rooms in the surrounding pavilions.

"Is it" wind and rain in all directions "? This is really a rare earthly power in the eight door inheritance..."

The people in the box also felt the momentum of Nanbo move more or less.

Although Nanbo Zhao is standing like this, there are bursts of strong wind around the challenge arena unconsciously. With the appearance of the strong wind, the noisy people gradually stop shouting.

The challenge arena is not small, with a length and width of more than 100. It is also engraved with the array of the dragon's gate, although the momentum inside can't spread outside the arena. But seeing the strong wind gradually solidifying, the onlookers off the Court felt a little fear.

It may not be difficult for the wind to ignite the fire, but the power needed to block the 100m challenge arena may not be underestimated.

The really interesting fighting seems to be about to begin.

In the box in the middle of the fourth floor, bao'er gently shook a small palace fan to fan a little cool wind to the big and small children in her arms. Besides being casual, I don't seem to care too much.

But just in this casual, Yang long walked in quickly with a smile on his face and said as he walked.

"Bao'er, I've seen a good play. I didn't expect that there were eight inheritance disciples on the stage at the beginning of the fighting."

Bao'er didn't answer. The little palace fan in his hand shook and shook, and there was no relaxation for a moment.

Seeing bao'er's action, Yang long continued to say casually with a smile on his face.

"It's said that both of them are young talents from Nanshi. One is nanbozhao and the other is ye. What's his name..."

Yang Long's words were not finished. Bao'er's Little Palace fan slowed down, but he raised his head and looked at Yang long.

The smile on Yang Long's face was stiff. Half of his words were choked in his mouth.

"Come on, baby ~ get up and see Dad."

Bao'er simply looked at Yang long, but he didn't look much or say anything. He just patted the big and small children in his arms, called a few times, and walked out of the box slowly with his two children.

Yang long looked at bao'er with a straight face and a smile. Until bao'er left, the smile on his face suddenly cooled down, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Yi ~"

Bao'er walked out of the box with the big and small children and stood by the railing. At a glance, he didn't see ye Xiaogu's cheeky smiling face, but saw the blood all over the place.

Ye Xiaogu was half kneeling on the ground. All the black shirts he had just bought had been cut to pieces by the strong wind from Nanbo's move. For a moment, only a piece of cloth was left.

Under these rags, ye Xiaogu was as bloody as a bath of blood, and he couldn't see an inch of complete flesh.


Even so, Nanbo recruit also did not have the slightest pleasure.

Although ye Xiaogu looks miserable at the moment, what nanbozhao is looking forward to is a grand duel, and then kill ye Xiaogu.

Instead of such random killing.

Ye Xiaogu seemed to have no intention of shooting from the beginning. Nanbo's move quietly attracted the strong wind and sealed all directions. Ye Xiaogu didn't seem to notice it at all.

When Nanbo starts to recruit, ye Xiaogu just suffers.

An invisible blade of the size of a palm gushed out of the strong wind. In an instant, it cut ye Xiaogu's upper body and turned over.

However, ye Xiaogu seems to have no intention of fighting back.

The strong wind was flying and the blood was everywhere.

Nanbo Zhao slowly raised his head, his eyes were full of determination, and several wind blades flew out with him.

"Yi ~"

Ye Xiaogu got a few more bloodstains. For a moment, it was even difficult to kneel.

Nanbo Zhao looked at ye Xiaogu and still didn't fight back. He snorted and walked towards ye Xiaogu.

It's deserved... It's atonement

The death of Nanjia's father and Nanliang's death are all the fault of Ye Xiaogu. I deserve to die and have no complaints.

Ye Xiaogu half knelt on the ground, the blood in his chest fluctuated, and the blood in his mouth couldn't stop.

Ye Xiaogu's eyes are blurred, and his head is also a little dizzy.


When ye Xiaogu leaned forward slightly, Nanbo's move was a foot on ye Xiaogu's head.

This foot was strong and heavy, and directly kicked ye Xiaogu out.

If the strength of this foot is fully implemented, I'm afraid ye Xiaogu's head will blossom. It's just that Nanbo Zhao intends to keep his hand. Ye Xiaoshan just flies out backwards, but he's still panting.

While breathing, ye Xiaogu looked at the light from nowhere, vaguely as if he saw the stars flashing, especially dazzling.

Between the thoughts, ye Xiaogu also subconsciously raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a little relieved smile.

Perhaps, from the moment he left bao'er, ye Xiaogu had vaguely thought about the result.

It is not impossible to accept this guilt and meet death.

Ye Xiaogu has only a little regret in his heart. He can't lead to the inheritance of the Heavenly Master for Wang Pei and can't cure her injuries. Perhaps, there is Ren Hanxiang, perhaps, and Lao Wang's kindness.

Between his thoughts, ye Xiaogu was more or less reluctant to give up, but all this seemed meaningless.

Nanbo kicks ye Xiaogu off and walks forward quickly. In his eyes, he doesn't see regret and repentance, but a relieved smile.


With an amazing high drink, Nanbo Zhao's RED HOODED guard suddenly broke, revealing Nanbo Zhao's strong upper body. The rags soared with some energy.

"Why do you laugh!!!"

In the strong wind, the Qi around Nanbo Zhao soared. For a moment, Nanbo Zhao was furious, like a God coming to earth!

Nanbo Zhao thought about many situations of finally killing ye Xiaogu, but without exception, ye Xiaogu should be full of tears, guilt, even uneasy and sincerely kneel down.

It should not be like today, with a relieved face, as if he had finally been greatly relieved!

Nanbo Zhao can't stand such revenge, nor can he accept such a result.

Between his thoughts, Nanbo could not help shaking at the corners of his mouth and slowly raised his right hand. In an instant, the strong wind around the challenge arena slowly gathered, and countless wind blades condensed a huge wind mass three feet in size.

And ye Xiaogu still seemed unheard of, ignoring the huge wind mass that might kill him into slag, and still looked at the distant light with blurred eyes.

All the onlookers held their breath, although the duel could be said to be one-sided. However, it is enough to see the "wind and rain in all directions", one of the eight inheritance in the legend.

Even for Nanbo, it is difficult to condense this huge wind mass three feet in size.

But relatively speaking, killing ye Xiaogu to slag with his biggest killing move may be regarded as relieving Qi.

While everyone was waiting for the final moment, Wang Pei changed his face more or less.

Wang Pei doesn't know why ye Xiaogu didn't fight back. Maybe he counseled as always, but ye Xiaogu didn't beg for mercy.

The strong wind secretly triggered at the beginning of Nanbo's move blocked the challenge arena. In addition, it was very decisive, but it cut ye Xiaogu's flesh and blood in less than a minute.

Wang Pei didn't react for a moment.

However, when Nanbo kicked away ye Xiaogu and raised his hand to gather Qi, Wang Pei was more or less flustered.

"Save him!!!"

Wang Pei was stunned. Seeing ye Xiaogu dying, he shouted to bao'er in the box on the fourth floor.

The audience was already holding their breath and concentrating. Wang Pei's cry was really astonishing for a while.

However, how people react doesn't count, but bao'er in the box on the fourth floor is still silent.

When bao'er came out with the big and small children, he already saw ye Xiaogu half kneeling on the ground, covered with blood.

The big and small children were lying on the edge of the red paint railing, and were slightly stunned for a moment.

However, I don't know if bao'er's tutor is too good. Seeing ye Xiaogu beaten like this, the big and small children don't cry.

Even bao'er just looked down at ye Xiaogu with a indifferent face, like a queen who has been in a high position for a long time, not that tender little woman.

Just like the interception of Nanshi railway station that day, ye Xiaogu cried and shouted that day. Finally, he begged bao'er to let Xu Xiaoman, a little Taoist, live.

However, there are three things. There are only one or two in bao'er's heart.

This world is full of blood, high, unprovoked and unrestrained, but it also enjoys supreme glory.

Those who live below them are the life of mole ants. They look up to people's noses and look at people's faces. They are trembling, submissive and live by themselves.

It doesn't matter whether Nan yuan's death is an accident or not. What matters is that ye Xiaogu's hands will eventually be stained with blood, but sooner or later.

When ye Xiaogu met at Nanshi railway station, he tried his best to escape, and bao'er let him go.

But today, bao'er won't go around ye Xiaogu "Ding!! Ding!!"

The wind blades on the challenge arena are not exhausted. For a moment, the light blue ripples visible to the naked eye are stirring on the edge of the whole challenge arena, and the whole challenge arena seems to be shrouded in a light curtain of light.

"The rules of dragon's gate martial arts are just two people's business when they enter the challenge arena. If he doesn't want to fight, he can beg for mercy and no one else can interfere."

Uncle duck looked at Wang Pei and said faintly. Between the words, such a white duck stared at Wang Pei with black eyes, which seemed to have less deterrent power.

Wang Pei's face was so gloomy that he was almost choking out the water, but whether it was Uncle duck's obstruction or the silent bao'er in the box.

It seems that they all acquiesce in the current crisis, and there is only room for ye Xiaogu to solve it alone.

Wang Pei frowned slightly, but he didn't really do it.

The light blue curtain was removed from the challenge arena in the distance, and countless wind blades swept through it. You can't see people or things at all.

Wang Pei hesitated for a moment, took a breath and looked up at the box on the fourth floor.

Bao'er also seemed to look at Wang PEI as if nothing had happened. Between her four eyes, bao'er's indifference and Wang Pei's anger also seemed a little complicated.

The wind blade on the challenge arena is not hitting the light blue light curtain and making bursts of sound.

However, most of them were also people who had seen the world. At the beginning, they were still a little frightened. After a moment, they all slowed down and gradually surged up again.

The wind blades on the challenge arena are densely covered. From time to time, they fly across the light curtain of light blue and hit them with ripples, so that people can't see clearly for a moment.

This array was originally used to separate the challenge arena and prevent accidental injury. Only when attacked will it show this light curtain.

However, perhaps even when Longmen deployed this array, he didn't expect that there would be such a number one figure as Nanbo recruit, which even attracted countless wind blades. For a moment, the onlookers could only look at the light blue light curtain in a daze.

As soon as the war began, it was subdued by the light blue curtain. For a moment, the people began to be restless and choked.

Although Longmen is originally a loose organization, although it is said that there are forces of major families, what they have done in recent years does not mean to do anything.

It is not so much a large organization as a business alliance that exchanges gossip and buys and sells black goods.

However, the people under the challenge arena didn't speak well. For a moment, even the duck uncle who stopped Wang Pei couldn't listen. He even flew and jumped into the crowd and kicked and bit again.

For a moment, it seemed particularly funny.

While the crowd laughed and watched, Wang Pei and bao'er seemed unaffected. They still looked at each other across the air and didn't know what gas they were buying.


In addition to the words, the farce was less than a minute. A loud noise suddenly came out of the challenge arena, and even the ground trembled a few times.



"Don't step on my pants!!!"

When the audience listened to the news, they shouted around again.

Wang Pei and bao'er, who were still looking at each other, seemed to have staggered their eyes and looked at the challenge arena in the distance.

"Hum ~"

Although he took a simple look, Wang Pei was still unconvinced and snorted.

In the box on the fourth floor, bao'er tilted his head and looked indifferently at the smoke and dust on the challenge arena. There was no sadness or joy between his eyebrows.

Unexpected and reasonable.

After the smoke dispersed, there were still two figures on the challenge arena, one half kneeling on the ground and one standing proudly.

However, they changed roles.

The arc on his chest fluctuated and dispersed slightly. Nanbo's mouth trembled slightly, his face was as heavy as water, and his eyes were full of killing intention.

I wanted to get up straight, but with a little effort, the blood in my chest moved, but I couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

In front of Nanbo, more than ten steps away, the man stood proudly.

It's ye Xiaogu.

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