Longmen curtain call banquet.

Longmen is a loose place. It's even reluctant to talk about power or sect. More like a big market or shopping mall.

It's just that Longmen, after all, undertakes the trade between various forces, large and small, so the personnel are mixed and need some rules after all.

Some of these rules are taboos. If ordinary people commit them, it's hard to say.

Although bao'er didn't kill more than 300 people at one time, Longmen also lost some face. After all, we still have to do business. You can kill all the buyers casually. Who will come to cover the moon building in the future?

Although this matter is indeed very serious, it seems that the matter involving bao'er is not particularly serious.

After all, the venue of the moon covering building is originally with a gangster background, and the business inside is not serious, and even most people despise it. These hundreds of people died after leaving the moon covering building. If you really want to investigate, Longmen doesn't care. In fact, it's nothing.

Relatively speaking, Chen Laoliu was originally an octopus monster. Although bao'er broke his hands, it was not a big event. He even left a face for Longmen.

After all, if bao'er really wants to kill, he can directly erase all the moon covering buildings. There's no need to just fight against people who have participated in an auction, and even save Chen Laoliu's life.

So if you really want to talk about it, in fact, Longmen doesn't care.

Even if bao'er brings ye Xiaogu here, it's not the dragon's gate who really wants to do it.

It's the Yang family.

Yang long, the eldest young master of the Yang family, was also cut off by bao'er last night. Compared with the dispersion of Longmen, the Yang family is a big family in the end, and Yang long is still the eldest son and the future owner. There is no need to say more about the meaning.


The ugly bald middle-aged man took ye Xiaogu's hand and said Yang Long's name faintly. Ye Xiaogu's eyelids jumped and subconsciously looked at bao'er.

But bao'er is still drinking tea. The appearance of the old God makes ye Xiaogu feel itchy.

Between his thoughts, ye Xiaogu subconsciously looked at the middle-aged man holding the brocade box. For a moment, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

Looking at this posture, it's estimated that Yang Long's arm should be inside. I think if bao'er killed Yang long last night, it's estimated that it's not the brocade box but the coffin.

"Since Mr. Ye moved his hand at the dragon's gate, my Yang family will follow the rules of the dragon's gate."

When ye Xiaogu was in a daze, the bald middle-aged man said faintly.

Ye Xiaogu was a little stunned, but he didn't react for a moment. The bald middle-aged man put the brocade box on the table, walked in front of Chen Laoliu and walked towards the challenge arena.

Ye Xiaogu was unconsciously afraid of the challenge arena. After all, it's easy to go there. It's really hard to say if he can survive.

However, perhaps ye Xiaogu's playful appearance is too disreputable. Seeing ye Xiaogu Leng in place, Chen Laoliu stretched out his hand and pulled ye Xiaogu forward.

For a moment, ye Xiaogu really wanted to lie on the ground and couldn't get up. He just thought about what bao'er and Wang Pei said, but he couldn't help frowning and followed him.

The two sides stood still. One bald middle-aged man represented the Yang family, while Chen Laoliu represented Longmen.

More than a hundred steps away, ye Xiaogu felt helpless for the duel.

"....... is this still two dozen one?"

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and asked subconsciously.

"Those who break the rules of the dragon's gate will be killed on the spot as usual. Because the dragon's gate gathers all over the world, the executioner is decided by the party concerned."

Ye Xiaogu just said this. I don't know when the big white duck, uncle duck, stood behind ye Xiaogu and explained.

Ye Xiaogu was stunned when he heard the speech. Subconsciously, he looked back at Uncle Ya and asked.

"Isn't this a challenge arena?"

"...... Who told you that the challenge arena was broken? You don't know the consequences of breaking the rules of the dragon's gate. How dare you do such evil?!"

The duck uncle drank fiercely, but also made ye Xiaogu tremble in his heart.

Just now, uncle duck's momentum is really much better than old Chen six. At least his unswerving tone is really putting the black pot on ye Xiaogu's head.

It was like seeing ye Xiaogu kill so many 300 people with his own eyes.

Ye Xiaogu really wanted to laugh for no reason. More than 300 people probably sat at several tables. Let ye Xiaogu chop all night. Ye Xiaogu probably had to rest for a long time.


Ye Xiaogu was still lamenting Yabo's acting skills, but Yabo gave a sharp drink.

While talking, ye Xiaogu suddenly felt a burst of Qi surging. Subconsciously, he triggered thunder and dodged quickly!




Hundreds of half man high spikes burst up in a flash, but for a moment, they closed the field in a flash, forcing ye Xiaogu to rush forward!

The bald middle-aged man suddenly shot, and Chen Laoliu was not idle. With a low drink, his hands suddenly turned into a demon body and tentacles tens of feet long. He stabbed at ye Xiaogu.

Between the thunder and light mixed with gold and blue, ye Xiao was forced to rush forward with his head covered for a moment.

Hundred steps!

Ninety steps!


Fifty steps!!

The fifty steps were only three or five breaths, and ye Xiaogu rushed over. The speed was so fast that even the sudden stab behind him was pulled more than ten steps away.

For a moment, with the thunder mixed with gold and blue, ye Xiaogu turned into a flash of streamer and rushed to the two people in the distance.

The balance of victory seemed to tilt towards ye Xiaogu.

"....... am I so good?"

Between the lightning and flint, ye Xiaogu could not help feeling a little proud when he saw that he was about to rush to the two people in the distance.


Ye Xiaogu's mind didn't disappear, but a sudden thorn burst up in a moment!


Ye Xiaogu's subconscious thought flashed, but in a flash, countless spikes burst again!




Ye Xiaogu tried his best to turn around quickly, but he couldn't stand the sudden stab, and there was no way to retreat for a moment.


Ye Xiaogu wanted to know what the bald middle-aged Yang family wanted to do.

"He tried to trap me."

Between thoughts, ye Xiaogu subconsciously looked around.

Unconsciously, ye Xiaogu was surrounded by dense spikes.

The half human tall, earthy yellow spike looks like loess, but ye Xiaogu has seen the hardness of the spike for a long time, so he naturally doesn't want to rush out at risk.

But at present, even ye Xiaogu doesn't want to go, I'm afraid he can't help it.

His feet moved vigorously. Ye Xiaogu suddenly looked up at the bald middle-aged man in the distance, but saw that the bald middle-aged man's mouth was slightly raised, revealing a joking smile.


Ye Xiaogu subconsciously dodged, but the stabbing was endless, and the movable place was already very narrow.


It was another spike. Seeing ye Xiaogu surrounded by the spike, he didn't even have a place to turn around.

However, the actions of the bald middle-aged man's men could not help but slow down. Until now, the duel in the challenge arena is really a duel between the bald middle-aged man and ye Xiaogu.

As for Chen Laoliu of Longmen, although he seems to be very fierce, he is just paddling and fishing.

Chen Laoliu's scruples are naturally understood by the bald middle-aged man, but now it is Lang Shengdao.

"Remember my name, Yang Feng."

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, even now he was almost half lying in the coffin, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

In my heart, I can't help comparing Yang Feng and Yang long. I always think it's better to change the name.

At least Yang long looks domineering and deserves this bald head.

In fact, Yang Feng is also secretly paying attention to bao'er's movements.

Although it was said that bao'er would come, Yang Feng didn't think it would be like this.

But at that time, the people sitting at the same table also had Yabo, the head of Longmen. Seeing more than 1000 people watching, it was impossible for the Yang family or Longmen to let bao'er's line eat in peace.

Although uncle Ya said it was execution, even if he really tied ye Xiaogu to the dog's head and asked Yang Feng and Chen Laoliu to do it, I'm afraid they can weigh it.

Seeing the play here, no one can get off the stage.


Off the court, all the onlookers looked up and held their breath. They were more or less curious about ye Xiaogu's ending.

On the challenge arena, ye Xiaogu stood among the spikes, but there was no sound for a moment. Instead, Yang Feng had no reason to be impatient.

Yang Feng suddenly stopped at this critical juncture. Naturally, it was not as simple as reporting his surname, but wanted to see bao'er's reaction.

However, unexpectedly, even if ye Xiaogu's life is hanging on the line now, bao'er still tastes tea with light clouds and wind, and doesn't seem to have the slightest intention to make a move.

Just looking at bao'er's appearance at the moment, she is very clever and pleasant. She sipped tea and blew a few cold breath between her red and tender lips.

When bao'er didn't start, Yang Feng frowned at ye Xiaogu for a moment. In his mind, ye Xiaogu, who couldn't shut up just now, was silent, which made Yang Feng seem a little embarrassed.

Yang Feng took the initiative to speak and reported his surname. If ye Xiaogu said a few words at this time, maybe Yang Feng could drag it to see bao'er's reaction.

But now, ye Xiaogu didn't say a word, but forced Yang long to do it. For a moment, Yang long also hesitated slightly.

Under the stage, Wang Pei casually watched the situation on the stage. Watching ye Xiaogu stay in the sudden stab, he couldn't help laughing and said casually.

"Look at that fool. Are you really scared?"

Bao'er held the teacup straight, took a sip of tea, and even took a sip of tea, but he didn't look up and didn't say anything.

"Do it!"

When Yang Feng and Chen Laoliu hesitated, ye Xiaogu also stayed where he was. The people under the stage watched for a while, but they didn't want to be restless. Someone had already looked at bao'er secretly.

For a moment, seeing that Longmen Liwei's opportunity was about to be ruined, uncle Ya had to harden his head and drink.

In his mind, uncle Ya didn't think much. Anyway, if bao'er really doesn't want ye Xiaogu to die, there are some ways.

Now that bao'er has brought ye Xiaogu to this dinner party, he doesn't do it himself. At least it's reasonable to say that even if ye Xiaogu is dead, it's none of Longmen's business.

However, it seems that bao'er never cares about rules and reputation.

As soon as he thought about it, uncle duck couldn't help looking at bao'er under the grandstand.

However, with Yabo's loud drink, Chen Laoliu on the stage had to show his scalp.


With a loud noise, Chen Laoliu turned his hands into feet thick tentacles. Suddenly, Sheng Sheng smashed the spikes on the ground and hit ye Xiaogu's head!

For a moment, the dust was flying all over the sky. Chen Laoliu waved and smashed many spikes.

These spikes belong to the Earth Spirit, but they also raise dust all over the sky for a moment. They don't know the life and death of Ye Xiaogu.

However, looking at the strength between Chen Laoliu's waving and ye Xiaogu's performance on the spot at the last time, ye Xiaogu's head should not be harder than the sudden stabbing of this method.

Duck uncle shouted loudly, Chen Laoliu's thunder shot, accompanied by the dust all over the sky, for a moment, the whole venue was silent.




Wang Pei, who could not help teasing, turned pale and was about to rush up. However, bao'er handed a cup of tea and said faintly.


Wang Pei was slightly stunned and said subconsciously.

"You've drunk it. Give it back to me?"

When bao'er heard the speech, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, smiled and said.

"Do you dislike me?"

Wang Pei frowned slightly. It was really hard to say for a moment. When he took the tea cup, he remembered that ye Xiaogu didn't know his life and death, but he was interrupted by bao'er.


Wang Pei just remembered ye Xiaogu, but there was a loud noise in the dust on the stage!

Then a figure rushed out suddenly. In the flash of gold and blue thunder in his hand, he rushed to Yang Feng and Chen Laoliu in a flash, with one punch and one leg!



With two soft sounds, Chen Laoliu and Yang Feng were directly beaten down by Ye Xiaogu to know their life and death.

The situation changed so quickly that everyone was stunned for a moment.


Until this time, all the people looked at the wretched man again. Between the golden blue thunder light jumping on his right arm, he was dressed in black Tang clothes, but he looked talented and extraordinary.

When they were stunned, ye Xiaogu stepped down quickly, but their eyes could not help changing slightly.

"He won?!"

"... although I didn't see how to win, it was very powerful."


The gaze changed from contempt to admiration, but it was just a fight.

Ye Xiaogu walked, but he couldn't help but slow down, hold his head high and accept such a gaze.

"Sure enough..... Born famous, people in this world will only look up to the strong."

Ye Xiaogu led the golden and blue thunder light with his hand and didn't disperse until he sat back at the table.

"Look at this little thing, proud..."

On the table, bao'er didn't speak yet, but Wang Pei couldn't help laughing and teased ye Xiaogu.

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he really wanted to go to Wang Pei and bao'er and hold the two women directly.

However, not to mention that ye Xiaogu is being watched in public, ye Xiaogu can't help putting on airs for a moment.

This seemingly harsh fight ended the duel in a less cruel way.

Although people with a clear eye can see that ye Xiaogu's last blow is also the water released by Chen Laoliu and Yang Feng, no one will really jump out to pick a thing.

After all, the dragon's gate is loose. As long as it does not touch the common interests, in fact, most of the dragon's gate are just businessmen's tricks - harmony makes money.

Between thoughts, whether Yang Feng or Chen Laoliu, or even uncle duck, looking at the three people eating and drinking at that table, they can't help sighing in their hearts.

That playful boy, this time he was pressed by bao'er and had a layer of gold.

Although Chen Laoliu represents Longmen and Yang Feng represents the Yang family, it is only a branch after all. Naturally, it will not really affect the reputation of Longmen and the Yang family.

Ye Xiaogu took a sip of chicken stewed mushroom soup, but he couldn't help glancing at bao'er.

This game is really just for ye Xiaogu's fame, as bao'er said.

Even because of bao'er's Kung Fu of sitting here drinking tea, ye Xiaogu really didn't hurt at all today. He fought for this reputation very happily.

"..... thank you."

Ye Xiaogu put down the bowl and hesitated for a moment. He still looked at bao'er and said softly.

Because of the emergence of bao'er, the seemingly severe punishment seems inexplicably flawed. Yang Feng and Chen Laoliu are also very uncomfortable, except ye Xiaogu.

In fact, since this game has been set up, bao'er really wants ye Xiaogu to come, she doesn't have to make such a public appearance. Shan Xiaogu can do the same when he is injured.

In his mind, since bao'er has reached this point, ye Xiaogu should thank him.

Bao'er slowly took a sip of tea, but the table didn't move. Seeing ye Xiaogu say this, he glanced at ye Xiaogu and said casually.

"Go back and say."

Seeing this, ye Xiaogu put down the dishes and chopsticks and said.

"Then go back."

Bao'er glanced at ye Xiaogu, but didn't say much.

On the contrary, Wang Peiwu also took a chopstick and seemed unwilling to leave the table.


"Click ~ ~"

"....... it's not easy to have a banquet. Why are you in such a hurry?"

When the door opened, Wang Pei said something casually, and there was some dissatisfaction between his words.

After all, in Wang Pei's opinion, although the Longmen is not very good, the banquet in Longmen has always been OK. There are all kinds of dishes from all over the world, from north to south, from east to west. After all, they are the hands of people scattered all over the country, which can be regarded as gathering hundreds of families.

However, Wang Pei's complaint did not seem to be answered.

For a moment, Wang Pei looked back subconsciously.

But I saw ye Xiaogu and bao'er under the eaves, but they were extremely hot, and their lips and tongues were lingering.

Seeing ye Xiaogu's dirty hands, Wang Pei could not help frowning and whispering.

"Dog men and women ~"

Before the words fell, ye Xiaogu stretched out his hand and took Wang Pei directly into his arms. He took bao'er and entered the house, kicking the door.

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