Su Shi, bao'er's old house.

The light rain never stopped, but it lasted day and night.

Although I have a rest from time to time, at least now it is still continuous, and even the patter seems to be a little bigger.

The green plants outside the window, accompanied by the blow of raindrops, made a fine sound, with a little cold, but did not disturb the warmth in the room.


Ye Xiaogu pushed the two women and hugged them. Finally, the three were lying in bed together. It was rare to hold them left and right. There was some inexplicable sense of achievement.

Ye Xiaogu just lay down and looked at the ceiling, holding a beautiful beauty in one hand, but he didn't say anything. On the contrary, even his smile faded a lot.

At the beginning, bao'er didn't notice it, but Wang Pei raised his head and looked at ye Xiaogu, wondering.

"What's the matter?"

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he seemed to return to his mind slowly. The corners of his mouth raised, but he pretended to show a trace of swing and smiled.

"Hey, hey ~ ~ I'll think about how to play for a while... Who will come first?"

As soon as they said this, Wang Pei and bao'er spat in unison. Ye Xiaogu looked white, but they didn't answer.

Ye xiaoguwu smiled, but he didn't do anything. Instead, he looked up at the ceiling and asked casually.

"I'm living a fairy life now if I can have two beautiful women."

When bao'er heard the speech, he looked at ye Xiaogu for a moment, but vaguely guessed ye Xiaogu's next sentence.

Sure enough, ye Xiaogu said, turned his head to look at bao'er and said softly.

"Why don't you do it like this? What should be done..."


Bao'er glanced at ye Xiaogu, but he didn't answer. For a moment, ye Xiaogu couldn't answer.

"Can you tell me what you really want me to do? Or what you want to do?"

While talking, ye Xiaogu got a rare positive look. Although he knew that bao'er might not be willing to say, ye Xiaogu really cared about the answer.

When Wang Pei on the other side heard this, he also lay on ye Xiaogu and looked at bao'er curiously.

Bao'er frowned slightly, looked at ye Xiaogu, and still didn't answer.

Ye xiaoguwu added.

"I'd love to know. I'm serious."

"If you're serious, take this dog's paw away."

Bao'er frowned slightly, and gave ye Xiaogu a white look, but he finally couldn't help saying.

When Wang Pei heard this, he noticed the ups and downs under the quilt. For a moment, he looked at ye Xiaogu with a disdainful face, but his eyes were also disgusted.

Ye Xiaogu didn't feel it. He didn't look flustered or ashamed. He also put his hand around Wang Pei and said with a positive face.

"I mean, I really care what you want to do. It's absolutely serious."

Bao'er frowned slightly, but her little face was unknowingly red. For a moment, she pursed her mouth impatiently, reached out and pushed ye Xiaogu for a moment, and said.

"Just talk about it. Don't move your hands."

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he turned around for a moment.

"Then I won't say..."

The words were not finished, but ye Xiaogu was closer to bao'er and rubbed restlessly.

Bao'er frowned slightly, but he couldn't help sitting up. He stretched out his hand and pulled ye Xiaogu up, frowning and saying.

"It's like something. If you don't want to sleep, go out and watch TV."

Ye Xiaogu was slightly stunned. Seeing that he was pushed out of bed by bao'er, he stretched out his hand to hold Wang Pei and said in a hurry.

"No, I'll sleep now..."

Without saying a word, bao'er just dragged ye Xiaogu out. For a moment, ye Xiaogu really had no room to resist. He was thrown out of the bedroom without begging for mercy, but the bedroom door was locked.

"Click ~ ~"

For a moment, ye Xiaogu was really stunned by the sound of locking the door, and then inexplicably thought of something that couldn't get into the goal.

In this mind, Wang Pei and bao'er are doing such a terrible thing. Ye Xiaogu wants to cry and raises his hand without tears, but he still doesn't knock on the door after all.

The floor was also a little cool on this light rainy day. Ye Xiaogu half sat on the ground and couldn't bear it for a moment. Then he got up slowly and walked slowly to the sofa to sit down.

The French window has not been closed. The light rain outside the window is continuous. Ye Xiaowu sits on the sofa in a daze.

Although ye Xiaogu also has some teasing meaning, he always cares about bao'er's purpose in his heart. If you are honest with each other, ye Xiaogu may not suffer like this, but he doesn't know anything at present. Just listening to bao'er's words makes ye Xiaogu feel some inexplicable estrangement.

Only bao'er's dinner today, whether it's to make ye Xiaogu famous or to seek justice for ye Xiaogu to cover the moon building, still makes ye Xiaogu feel a trace of warmth in the past.


The light rain outside the window is still continuous. It is nearly midnight and the night is deep.

"Da ~ ~"

With a slight sound, a figure outside the window flipped into the room, but there was no sound. Then the man slipped into the bed.

"..... take away the dog's paws. If you make trouble again, you'll be thrown out later and the window will be locked."

Wang Pei closed his eyes and whispered. As soon as ye Xiaogu got into the quilt, he moved directly. He still had rain on his hands, which chilled Wang Pei.

"My hands are frozen. Let me warm up."

While talking, ye Xiaogu surrounded Wang Pei's waist, but he didn't let go, especially stretched out his hand.

Wang Pei frowned impatiently. He just thought that ye Xiaogu had to turn over the window in the middle of the night. For a moment, he resisted and didn't push it away.

Wang Pei's heart is soft. Ye Xiaogu has just got an inch. He not only wants to enter one foot, but also wants one foot.

Wang Pei thought of Ye Xiaogu Wu for a while. He also closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu covered his hand, but he kneaded it slowly, and slowly pressed it on Wang Pei.

Wang Pei frowned slightly, impatiently opened his eyes, stared at ye Xiaogu and said.

"Take your dog's paws away, and I'll drive you out in a minute... ~"

Without saying a word, ye Xiaogu kissed Wang Pei directly. For the first time, ye Xiaogu was interested in the softness of the lip.

For a moment, accompanied by Wang Pei's repressed sobs, ye Xiaogu also tried to find out. Gradually, he breathed more and more, but he became more and more bold.

Seeing this spring spring spring gurgling, my heart is beginning to move.

Ye Xiaogu slowly loosened his mouth and looked at Wang Pei with a flushed face, but there was no need for words between his four eyes.

With a little light, ye Xiaogu looked at the bright eyes in front of him. For a moment, he couldn't help but stretch out his hand and slowly touched Wang Pei's face, but he was too hot to bear.


Just when ye Xiaogu and Wang Pei were confused, ye Xiaogu was slapped on the back. The sound was clear and loud, but it was also deep into the bone. This almost didn't beat ye Xiaogu back.

"What's going on if you don't sleep in the middle of the night?"

Bao'er frowned slightly, stared at ye Xiaogu and said with hatred. Between the words, I don't know how long I watched it quietly, but it scattered ye Xiaogu's desire eight or nine points.

The flush on Wang Pei's face also subsided for a few minutes, especially when he turned his head, but he didn't look at ye Xiaogu and bao'er, nor did he see a word of help.

Ye Xiaogu took a long time to relax from bao'er's slap, especially the corners of his mouth, smiled at bao'er and said softly.

"If you want to sleep, we can go to the sofa..."

As soon as ye Xiaogu said this, bao'er frowned and raised his hand. Although there was no words, ye Xiaogu smiled and dared not continue to joke.

Bao'er watched while ye Xiaogu didn't be too presumptuous for a moment. He moved slowly, but he still lay on Wang Pei, but secretly he didn't die.

Bao'er doesn't know ye Xiaogu's temperament, but he doesn't expose it. He just looks at it like this to see if ye Xiaogu has the courage.

In the middle of the night, it still makes people feel sleepy. Ye Xiaogu's desire is slapped by a slap. Bao'er stares at her. Ye Xiaogu really doesn't dare to be presumptuous for a moment, but he also sleeps deeply unconsciously.

It was quiet all night.


At the beginning of the morning, the light rain that had fallen for a long time finally stopped, and the wind outside the window had a fishy smell of grass and trees.

The bright eyes slowly opened. Wang Pei also opened his cherry mouth, yawned, stretched out his hand to push and bustle, hugged his own ye Xiaogu and said casually.

"Let go... I'm going to get up."

Ye Xiaogu didn't sleep very well. Wang Pei whispered a few words. Between pushing and bustling, ye Xiaogu also blurred his eyes and looked subconsciously. When he woke up in his mind, he couldn't help but secretly moved some thoughts.

Wang Pei was still leaning on the pillow and waiting for ye Xiaogu to get up. Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu was so slow for a long time, but he unconsciously held it tighter, especially rubbed it.

For a moment, Wang Peidao could not help but frown slightly and whispered.

"Make trouble early in the morning. It seems that you haven't been cleaned up enough last night, have you?"

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, the movement on his hand slowed down and subconsciously looked at bao'er. He just saw bao'er shrink into a ball. He seemed to sleep soundly and didn't hear anything.

Just because there is no movement now, doesn't mean there is no movement for a while. Last night, he suddenly gave ye Xiaogu such a slap. Although it's not broken bones and tendons, it's lingering and wants to get up, but he was slapped. Ye Xiaogu doesn't know whether another slap will leave any psychological shadow and physical diseases.

Thinking of this, ye Xiaogu had to let go slowly for a moment, but Wang Pei couldn't help but be happy.

"It seems that she did train a good dog..."

While talking, Wang Pei got up straight, straightened his collar and trousers, and walked slowly out of the bedroom.

The living room is still dark. After all, it rained so long last night, and even a little cold remained.

Sleepy sporadically, Wang Pei yawned gently. He was going to sit on the sofa and look at the green plants outside for a while, but there was a faint sound of footsteps behind him.

Wang Pei frowned slightly, but he couldn't help sighing.

A pair of bracelets were around Wang Pei's waist and hugged each other, but there was no need for words.

At the beginning of the morning, the sky was white. After the sun came out, everything seemed bright.

On the sofa in the living room, the depressed crooning also makes people unavoidably lustful.


Ye Xiaogu's breath gradually sank, and he asked more than that. He stretched out his hand and explored under Wang Pei's belly, but he was caught by Wang Pei before he could touch it.

"...... Have you done enough? Almost."

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, smiled, approached Wang Pei, kissed a few times, looked at the bright eyes and the little face with a little blush in front of him, and ye Xiaogu really couldn't help but have a dark desire for a moment.

"Don't laugh with me... I know your temperament. I'm afraid you're really bad. I'm afraid you'll have to have more cats and dogs in the future. Instead, a roomful of people will agree with you."

While talking, the red glow on Wang Pei's face faded a lot, but his words were also positive.

Ye Xiaogu heard the speech, but he didn't comment. He kneaded it with his hands, and the desire in his eyes continued. He didn't know how much he heard.

Wang Pei frowned slightly and was about to get up, but ye Xiaogu held it and approached Wang Pei's ear.

"What do you want?"

While talking, the repressed words were accompanied by excited trembling, but also with a little heat blowing through the roots of his ears, but Wang Pei couldn't help trembling.

But then Wang Pei came back and touched ye Xiaogu's back, but he also vaguely felt the warmth on ye Xiaogu's body, like a piece of charcoal fire.

For a moment, Wang Peidao also tilted his mouth, but he couldn't help reaching out and hugging ye Xiaogu.

The Yang Qi of heart refining flame is not Yin evil, but the Yin and Yang of heaven and earth complement each other, which is natural. Ye Xiaogu doesn't practice Taoism. He doesn't experience many things, and his mind is naturally unstable.

The Yang Qi of heart refining flame is too strong, and ye Xiaogu's heart is unstable. At the moment, if ordinary people had changed, they would have been in a hurry.

When ye Xiaogu was so eager, he could still listen to Wang Pei. Naturally, he was very interested in Wang Pei.

"........ You have the incense of the Chaotian Palace. Naturally, you should abide by your duty in the future. I don't like unclean things either."

Wang Pei touched ye Xiaogu's back to appease him. For such a slow moment, ye Xiaogu didn't know how much he eased.

Listening to Wang Pei's words, ye Xiaogu was slightly stunned for a moment, subconsciously looked at Wang Pei and whispered.

"Not clean?"

Wang Pei glanced at ye Xiaogu, spat lightly, and said with disgust on his face.

"Don't pretend to be confused... I'm up to you now, but I won't give you the last thing."

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, approached Wang Pei's lips and kissed them. The cherry mouth was very red and tender, which made ye Xiaogu love it several times, but he didn't have time to say anything to Wang Peiduo.


With lingering lips and tongues, Wang Pei's subconscious whisper also made ye Xiaogu feel uneasy for a moment.

At this time, Wang Pei pushed ye Xiaogu away. This time, ye Xiaogu was a little more serious. Ye Xiaogu couldn't hold it for a moment and had to loosen it.

"What I told you is serious. Pay attention to yourself in the future."

Wang Pei tilted his mouth, but he didn't look at ye Xiaogu. His hair was messy. His little face was slightly stained with rosy clouds. His cherry mouth was still so eye-catching.

Ye Xiaogu swallowed his saliva secretly. For a moment, he unconsciously approached Wang Pei. He wanted to start again, but Wang Pei gave him a cold stare.

Ye Xiaogu turned a blind eye and still held it like this.

Wang Pei frowned slightly. Seeing that ye Xiaogu didn't start, he didn't push and bustle for a moment. He just frowned and said.

"Don't think I'm accepting you now... I was a spirit monster transformed from ancient Lingyu. In the past, ice Phoenix died with jade, and all demons gathered together. The white fox of your family took me away. At that time, I didn't turn into a demon and didn't change my human shape. It still counted that she had been protecting me."

Ye Xiaogu was slightly stunned when he heard the speech. He kissed Wang Pei on the cheek again. His lower body rubbed and whispered.

"You and she are just lying in the same bed? Then you and I are half familiar. What kind of treatment is it?"

Wang Pei frowned slightly, reached out and slapped ye Xiaogu on the waist. He couldn't help saying with disgust on his face.

"Treat you like a ghost... You're like this. I have to cut the bottom for you."

Hearing this, ye Xiaogu glanced secretly for a moment. Although he didn't care much, Wang Peidao said such cruel words for the first time.

"I was originally a spirit jade. I stayed with the white fox and finally got it for one person..."

Wang Pei said this, but he couldn't help looking at ye Xiaogu secretly. Ye Xiaogu didn't notice it. He just got close to Wang Pei's Pink neck and stared at Xu Baixi, but he also wanted to continue.

"....... the spirit is beautiful and the heart is not contaminated with dust. However, the life is extraordinary and different from all secular beings. My heart admires him and vows to follow him all my life."

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, the desire in his eyes faded a little, but he also lay on Wang Pei and was speechless for a moment.

"....... do you know why I allow you to do this? Although I know that you are uncertain, most of your actions are spontaneous and reckless."

While Wang Pei was talking, the red glow on his face faded a lot, but his eyes were also clear.

Seeing Wang Pei's words, ye Xiaogu not only didn't restrain, but ye Xiaogu slowed down, but he started again, especially in a deep voice.

"Master, right? My previous life? Or the previous life? Since he can do it, I can do it, right?"

While talking, ye Xiaogu became more and more presumptuous. When he stretched out his hand, he tore off Wang Pei's clothes button and suddenly jumped out with a touch of white tenderness. However, ye Xiaogu did not hesitate when he stretched out his hand.

Wang Pei didn't understand why ye Xiaogu didn't talk to others for a moment. He was still a little stunned. Instead, in front of the bedroom door, bao'er put on his high-heeled shoes and said faintly.

"Although he seems lazy and decadent, he has a big heart and is not willing to be a substitute. Aren't you uncomfortable with his previous life?"

Bao'er put on high-heeled shoes with a pair of small feet, but he also seemed indifferent when talking.

Ye Xiaogu suddenly heard bao'er's voice and couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but then there was another burst of inquiry, which seemed to have no intention of giving up at all.

Wang Pei still couldn't let go of Ye Xiaogu's identity. He didn't push and bustle for a moment. He frowned, but he also allowed ye Xiaogu to be presumptuous.

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