Su city, Yang family private garden.

After noon, the winter weather seems to be half into the winter night.

Cold gradually hit, in the end, it still makes people plain and tired.

On the side of the street with sparse pedestrians, the Yang family's private garden separated by high walls is particularly quiet.

There are exquisite carved corridor bridges with bucket horns and countless green plants and clear springs. At a glance, it can be said that it is really quiet.

Only a little less popular.

Over the white wall in the depths of the garden, there is a huge landscape lake.

A little old man, who was not conspicuous, stood on the shore in a security uniform.

In the middle of the Lake Pavilion in the distance, it seems that there is still a tall, thin young man in a long black coat.

"I started."

After hesitating for a while, Yan Zhang looked at the white jade in his hand and said casually.

The voice is not loud, but Yan Zhang estimates that ye Xiaogu should be able to hear it.

Sure enough

Hearing Yan Zhang's words, ye Xiaogu in the Lake Pavilion in the distance also restrained his emotions, concentrated and calmed down, and sat down for luck.

Yan Zhang saw that ye Xiaogu was ready, but he slowly closed his eyes and stretched out his hand to attract the white jade.

The white jade is secretly engraved with array patterns, which are different from ordinary array patterns. The white jade in Yan Zhang's hand is not a ready-made array prohibition, but an ordinary array texture.

With the inspiration of Qi strength, the white jade in Yan Zhang's hand rose gradually and suspended in front of Yan Zhang.

A circle of purple array patterns spread out from the white jade, but gradually covered the whole lake and wrapped the pavilion in the center of the lake.

The purple array pattern is cumbersome and difficult to distinguish. Although there is no strong Zhenyuan attraction, only the cumbersome array pattern vaguely shows a strong momentum.

This array is complicated and cumbersome. In fact, it is just a tool carried by ordinary array masters.

The array texture engraved in the white jade can be divided into Tiangang and Disha, and there are 108 kinds of changes. It can be said to be a masterpiece.

Although this thing is extremely powerful, for a real array master, the array is very strange and different. It is far from an ordinary 108 kinds. Therefore, for the array master, the reference significance of this thing is far greater than the actual utility.

At present, Yan Zhang led out the array pattern in the white jade, but he also simply identified the direction.

"Heaven and earth in the north and south, each corresponding to heaven and earth................................"

He pinched his fingers endlessly, and Yan Zhang kept talking.

For a real array master, he can recognize the position only by sensing the aura in heaven and earth, and even arrange an array more in line with the geographical advantage.

But Yan Zhang is just an array master who learns by rote. Without that talent, he naturally has a rough road on this road.

However, the way of heaven still pays for diligence. Yan Zhang may really be a man of heaven's dependents.

More than a foot in front of him, there were countless array patterns scattered from the floating white jade. Yan Zhang frowned slightly. Between the empty points in his hand, the array patterns scattered from the white jade began to change respectively.

Either horizontal or vertical, each has its own division and length.

After dividing the length, Yan Zhangchang took a breath, stretched out his hand and waved several seal characters.

These Fu Zhuan Rao are Yan Zhangxu's paintings with low cultivation. They still have extraordinary momentum and momentum.

When the array pattern from the white jade became clear, ye Xiaogu in the Lake Pavilion had been sitting for a long time.

In the gentle breeze and in the pavilion in the middle of the lake, ye Xiaogu dressed in a long black coat and moved with the wind. Rao is a bald head that is not handsome. At the moment, his face is calm and indifferent. He is still Confucian, natural and extraordinary.

The array patterns drawn from the white jade gradually moved with the symbols and seal characters painted by Yan Zhang. The whole array gradually gained some momentum.

This urging array is not like an ordinary array. It is inspired by various auras, but by the auras in heaven and earth. Relatively speaking, the momentum is much smaller.

Yan Zhang is not a person with advanced cultivation. Naturally, he does not have the means to initiate the array independently.

In fact, if he hadn't seen the empty Yang Jiayuan son and thought that the once prominent Yang family had been quietly destroyed, Rao Shizhang was reluctant to do it, but he had to be afraid of power.

In the past, Yan Zhang arranged such an array, and there were dozens of array masters to cooperate, but now Yan Zhang is only a person and is brought here unprepared. Naturally, it takes a lot of time.

Between the mind, Yan Zhang and fear of the coercion of the leaf little solitary, and strive to write a grain pattern, but on the contrary, the wind is light and clear, and there is much free and easy mind to feel the essence of the blood color in Lingtai's knowledge house.

In Lingtai's house of knowledge, heaven and earth are divided. Although the originally vast space still has no boundary, it is now a little more color, no longer so vast and empty.

In the middle of the sky, a blood Colored Pearl with a thumbs size is constantly losing its blood color, and the air is rising and falling, but it is also connected with the heaven and earth in Lingtai's knowledge house.

"Is it really the so-called ghost affinity? The resentment and obsession of hundreds of thousands of creatures don't seem to have much impact on me."

As soon as he read it, ye Xiaogu was surprised, but he didn't care too much.

Ye Xiao did not know that the grievances in these blood essences were not entirely ineffective to him, but only at the beginning, when Yan Zhang only perceived himself as having problems. After all, Yan Zhang also admitted that he was poor in training, and had always been relying on hard work and hard work to get mixed up in the profession.

But the vigorous blood color seemed to be inexhaustible. In a moment, Rao was not convinced by Yan Zhang any more.

As for what Ye Xiaogu wanted to do, the purpose of catalyzing the essence of blood was not knowing, nor asking.

In Yan Zhang's heart, ye Xiaogu should be a figure among some great forces. He must have made great plans to kill so many people in the Yang family silently.

But knowing that Ye Xiaogu's identity is special, he may bring him no trouble. Yan Zhang is facing a more obvious blood and essence, and still feels a little wrong.

"We can't continue. We must ask for clarification................................."

Yan Zhang was about to let go, but he walked out of the cave behind the wall slowly.

Although Yan Zhang has been writing array patterns, the man walked slowly, but he didn't hide it and went straight to Yan Zhang's side.

Yan Zhang had put down his hands and was going to call ye Xiaogu. When he saw the man, his hands trembled and wrote the array again.

This person seems to be very familiar with Yan Zhang, even quite proficient in this array.

Yan Zhang wrote this array pattern, and the visitor also moved his Qi.

For a moment, the white jade hanging in front of Yan Zhang suddenly flashed a glimmer of brilliance, but the cumbersome array patterns gradually lit up.

From a texture to a character, it rises from north, South, East and West. The purple glow gradually lights up like an aurora, pure and true.

With the purple light gradually lit up, the whole formation was gradually activated, the purple light gradually extended, and finally connected to the small pavilion in the middle of the lake.

"Miso ~................................................."

It was like a faint sword chant. When the whole array was activated, Rao Shiyan Zhang felt wrong. However, seeing the countless blood colors suddenly rising from the Lake Pavilion, he was still as scared as paper. He couldn't even care about maintaining the array and sat down on the ground.

The blood color spread from the Lake Pavilion gradually pushed the purple brilliance on the array pattern, but it dyed the array red in a flash.

Vaguely, it seems that even the patterns in this array are beginning to twist.

For a moment, Rao was Yan Zhang, who was already paralyzed on the ground with fear. He could not help but frown slightly and said in surprise.

"What is this? Why did you evolve another array directly in the array? This is not the array you taught me at the beginning. Did you teach me a set of array in the array at the beginning?"

Yan Zhang looked at the people on the side in surprise. He was shocked and couldn't care about any dignity and politeness.

The man looked at the gradually distorted array pattern with a pale face and said faintly.

"It's just the original appearance of this array. After all, it's left over from ancient times. Although I have recovered 12 / 10, it's not exactly the same after all. I just want you to show your face and start him."

When the words fell, the man dragged Yan Zhang, but he turned and left directly.

Yan Zhang suddenly realized something, but shouted loudly.

"................................................... no!!"

While walking, the man threw down a few white jade.

Compared with the white jade brought by Yan Zhang and ordinary people of the three swords club, these white jade are as delicate and pure as curd, and produce streamer in the dark, but they also look extraordinary.

If some knowledgeable people see it, they are afraid that they will inevitably show their horror and cry out in surprise.

"Zhongpin Lingyu!!"

After the spirit jade landed, it released countless array patterns like the white jade engraved with array patterns carried by Yan Zhang.

However, these array patterns were twinkling with a dense aura, and disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.

With these array patterns dispersed, several pieces of spirit jade on the ground also lost their luster directly, or even split directly. With a breeze, they turned into fly ash and dispersed.


Su Shi.

An inconspicuous black Audi A4 was driving slowly on the road, and the car behind was honking all the time. It seemed that this Audi didn't mean to accelerate at all.

After waiting for a while, the car behind the Audi finally couldn't help but surpass it directly. It honked again and was about to scold.

Unexpectedly, when the window of the Audi car came down, several people wearing black masks appeared.

In the late evening, when the driver of the rear car saw several people wearing masks on the Audi, he really jumped in his heart. He quickly pretended not to see it and ran forward in the car.

Seeing the driver driving away, the people on the Audi didn't seem to catch up. They were still driving slowly, just like novices.

Near the evening peak, although the Audi was not on the main road, it was annoying to drive so slowly. Even the people on the car couldn't help but look at the driver and say.

"I said, are we going to drive by someone else? It's not a big task. It's so timid to catch an unknown person."

The words fell, and the driver seemed reluctant, frowning and saying.

"I wouldn't have driven. Why don't you drive?"

As soon as he said this, the man who had just begun to speak didn't answer for a moment.

After a while, the man looked at the others and said.

"We don't know how to drive now?"

This time, the remaining two shook their heads neatly.

This time, the whole car was quiet, and the horn sound from the back of the car kept coming. It was really annoying for no reason.


Su city, Yang family private garden.

In the seemingly calm Yang Jiayuan, a bloody array suddenly appeared in the huge landscape lake.

The vigorous blood color and vitality fluctuated continuously, and gradually hit the surrounding walls like a surge.

However, Rao's blood color and vitality seemed incomparably strong, but the seemingly thin wall did not move, and there was no sound at all.

In front of the white wall, a circle of invisible air walls directly surrounded the whole landscape lake, but the momentum of the array inside had not been revealed at all.

The vigorous blood and gas strength fluctuated continuously, and the whole lake seemed to be shrouded in a slightly hazy blood.

In the small pavilion in the middle of the lake, a bald man in a long coat can be seen faintly. At the moment, his eyes are slightly closed, and he doesn't seem to feel the changes around him.

But with the inspiration of this spirit, the man also unconsciously frowned, as if he felt something.

Between Lingtai's knowledge house and Ye Xiaogu's spiritual knowledge, he feels the momentum of refining and refining the essence of blood color.

The essence of blood color lax is like smoke, but it makes people feel sharp and powerful.

In this quiet viewing, ye Xiaogu suddenly felt a faint sound.

"嘭................. 嘭............... 嘭"

The noise grew louder and louder, and finally came like a drum.

Ye Xiaogu suddenly realized something and subconsciously wanted to stabilize his mind, but the sudden resentment and obsession sprang up from the bottom of his heart, but it seemed endless.

In an instant, ye Xiaogu passed out before he could do anything.

In Lingtai's house of knowledge, the blood pearl that has not seen any change has gradually changed with the increasingly dense sound.

"Yi ~................................................."

With a light sound, the bloody pearl directly cracked a shallow crack.

Then, between the words, he wiped the blood in his hands.

The so-called catalytic essence of blood is actually not what special skills, but simple and crude release of refined essence of blood.

However, the way of release is not just to release the essence of blood, but to release all the complaints and power from the essence of blood.

At the beginning, the research direction of the three knives is moving towards the direction of catalytic color essence, but the last three knives finally realized a problem.

In the twinkling of an eye, it is the essence of blood that can be separated from the power of complaint and power. But no one can withstand such direct impact and resentment.

Therefore, the purpose of the three knife's later research is to turn to the human body to directly filter the grievances, because no one can achieve the need of refining a lot of blood essences in a short time.

However, now someone really needs such rapid growth, and he still has such ability.

The black smoke turned from resentment to obsession is as much as the pure blood color.

The whole landscape lake of the Yang family seems to have become the Baizhang blood pool that ye Xiaogu saw under the three knife club.

Zhou Xue thought hard day and night and couldn't solve it. Finally, he could only come down to bao'er's answer.

That is why Ye Xiaogu can only stand on the blood pool under the blockade of countless battle formations, and then he can absorb what is the cream of hundreds of thousands of creatures.

In the small building, the man who dragged Yan Zhang away poured himself a cup of tea. Watching the tea color gradually rise, it was like talking to himself and sighing.

"The tea has been cold for a long time, and the distant guests have not returned. I really missed a grand event."

In the pavilion in the middle of the lake, ye Xiaogu suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were full of blood. It was difficult to distinguish the clear and turbid.

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