Su city, Yang family private garden.

The night gradually rises, and the winter dusk is always very short.

Less than a few Xu Caixia, it seems that everything has changed in an instant.

The cold of the southern winter night is not so sudden and violent, just a long feeling.

Between the cold attack, the green plants in the hospital were covered with a layer of white frost.

Under the invisible transparent air cover, it is difficult to distinguish the beautiful and comfortable lake scenery in the turbulent blood.

In the small pavilion in the middle of the lake under the blood pool, a fuzzy figure can't see anything in the blood.

The tumbling blood gradually calmed down, and the whole blood pool seemed to be fixed, without any more waves.

In the distant small building, the latecomer who suddenly appeared drank tea and seemed not to be worried at all.

On the street a few blocks away, the black face of Tianmen who came to catch ye Xiaogu finally gave up driving and jumped and ran straight.

In the pavilion in the middle of the lake under the bloody water, ye Xiaogu, who had lost consciousness, sat quietly in the pavilion without any struggle or action.

In the calm blood pool, suddenly there was no wind, and a faint ripple appeared. It seems that with the ripple, a small vortex that is not big also appeared on the pool surface.

At first, it was only the size of a pea, but gradually it was like the size of a fist. Finally, it became bigger and bigger, and even stirred the whole blood pool upside down.

"Gulu Gulu................................."

With the continuous sound, the blood pool of more than 100 feet seemed to have opened a hole, and countless blood flows directly into the ground.

Seeing the continuous decline of the pool surface, the Baizhang blood pool seemed to have a great momentum at the beginning, but just as it appeared, the disappearance of the blood pool at the moment was just as unexpected.

In the twinkling of an eye, the whole blood pool ran out, but it also showed the appearance of the landscape lake at the beginning.

It's still a very leisurely look with light clouds and clear water.

The invisible hood outside the fence sounded like broken glass.

"Pa ~................................................."

Then the invisible gas hood turned into a little light spot in an instant, scattered with the wind, and looked a little different brilliance in the night.

In the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

The person watching in the small building now appeared in the pavilion with a cup of tea.

In the pavilion, a bald young man, wearing a long black coat, looked calm and seemed to be as usual.

"Did you succeed?"

The tea man seemed to be somewhat less confident and looked down at Ye Xiaogu's movement. After all, he had not seen how the blood essence disappeared.

Looking down, the man had not seen ye Xiaogu's appearance, but his heart was slightly sluggish.


With a soft sound, the blue and white porcelain cup suddenly fell to the ground, leaving a little dense heat and chaos all over the ground.

"Miso ~~..................................."

As soon as the tea cup landed, the man suddenly disappeared, but in an instant, there were three flying swords outside the wall!

At the next moment, a Tianmen disciple wearing a black mask and a black suit rushed out of the four directions of the southeast and northwest.

For a moment, the killing intention was awe inspiring, and a fight was about to begin.

However, the first three flying swords turned into three cold lights, but they suddenly turned into a burst of fly ash before they got close to the Lake Pavilion.

The remaining three people were stunned. Before they could show their blades and moves, they suddenly felt a palpitation in their hearts and a surge of Qi and blood in their chest.

"Puff puff ~.........................................."

The four people who hurried here could not even get close to the pavilion in the middle of the lake, so they immediately breathed out without any more sound.

In the distant building, the mysterious man with Yan Zhang wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth and said to himself with lingering fear.

"Is this his authority? Even if he doesn't wake up, he has such momentum."

When the words fell, the mysterious man didn't look at the Lake Pavilion in the distance, but suddenly disappeared into the small building.


Sushi, midnight.

Suddenly, a chill came. In the pavilion in the middle of the lake, a bald young man subconsciously shivered, but slowly opened his eyes.

Looked around, but it was dark. I couldn't see anything.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly. He had planned to lead out a fireball to illuminate.

But before I could remember, I felt vaguely that everything around me had become clear again.

"......................... perception?"

As soon as he read it, ye Xiaogu looked around at will. He didn't just look with his eyes, but he also vaguely felt that the surrounding scenery seemed to be reflected in his mind.

"Did................................. Succeed?"

Heart read together, ye Xiaogu stretched out his hand and led to Zhenyuan.

The blood colored real yuan rises and falls like the beginning, but the power contained in this real yuan is much stronger than that at the beginning.

Rao shiye Xiaogu didn't feel it deliberately, but he could still feel the great power.

However, at present, ye Xiaogu didn't immediately explore his cultivation. There was no one around. It was already midnight. Ye Xiaogu's heart was not big enough to sit lucky in this situation.

He got up slowly. Ye Xiaogu was just about to take a step, but his eyes fell on the fragments of the teacup in front of him.

"........................................... has anyone come to see me? Yan Zhang? But why is it so leisurely that you can drink tea?"

In his heart, ye Xiaogu felt a little bad. He frowned slightly, but with his steps, he jumped up, jumped directly over the lake, and stood on the bank.

The whole lake was so quiet that no fish or shrimp came out to change their breath. It was just calm, almost dead.

"Cough ~......................."

Just as ye Xiaogu frowned and was looking around, there was a light cough behind him.

For a moment, Rao shiye Xiaogu was not afraid of gods and ghosts, or he couldn't help being scared.

"Mr. Ye, I'm very interested in visiting the lake in the middle of the night."

The visitor simply said hello.

Hearing this sound, ye Xiaogu vaguely guessed who the man was.

He was dressed in a gray and blue Taoist robe, but his body was a little big and thick, quite strong.

It's Fang Qingcheng, the eldest disciple of Maoshan, in the three sabres club.

Seeing Fang Qingcheng, ye Xiaogu's uneasiness and doubts faded away. Although ye Xiaogu and Fang Qingcheng are not very familiar, for one thing, they have the origin of Maoshan, and for another, Fang Qingcheng has saved ye Xiaogu once.

Ye Xiaogu is quite welcome to Fang Qingcheng.

"I didn't expect to see Taoist Fang here."

In a word, ye Xiaogu didn't continue to check anything. He just led Fang Qingcheng to the side room.

Although ye Xiaogu has many doubts in his heart, such as Yan Zhang disappeared without saying a word, such as the fragments of tea cups in the Huxin Pavilion, he can only put aside these trifles for the time being.

"Squeak ~........................................."

When the carved wooden door was opened, Rao was afraid of these antique things, exquisite carvings and many styles, but ye Xiaogu really had no reason to panic about these wooden doors and windows.

Turning on the light, ye Xiaogu didn't look at the layout in the room, so he pointed to the chair next to the tea table and said casually.

"Just sit down. It's not my house anyway."

When Fang Qingcheng heard the speech, he raised his mouth slightly and said with a smile.

"This is not my home either. Since Mr. Ye and I are not masters, we can be a little more casual."

Ye Xiaogu raised his eyebrows slightly. He seemed to feel that there was no such rule, but he didn't care at the moment. He looked for something like tea.

Seeing ye Xiaogu's action, Fang Qingcheng sat directly on the chair, but said straight to the point.

"Mr. Ye, I came to catch you this time under the order of the Sandao Association."

Ye Xiaogu heard the speech, and the movement on his hand didn't stop, so he answered casually.

"It's your turn so soon? You three knives will look very short of people."

Fang Qingcheng raised his mouth slightly, smiled at ye Xiaogu's back and said.

"I'm just a little thug. I don't show up for this kind of thing. Do you want those old pedants to show up?"

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he was noncommittal for a moment. After searching for it for a long time, he finally found a tea cake on the shelf.

I don't know how long the tea cake was. Although there was no sign of mildew, it didn't smell like tea.

Seeing that ye Xiaogu was going to break the tea cake, Fang Qingcheng smiled and waved his hand to stop him.

"The tea cake has been put for less than a hundred years. Let's just say a few words. Don't spoil it."

Ye Xiaogu asked curiously when he heard the speech.

"It's been put for so long that there's no smell of tea. Can it still be eaten?"

Fang Qingcheng took the tea cake in ye Xiaogu's hand and commented casually.

"The tea cake made of Pu'er is unique. The longer it is preserved, the more mellow it is heard. In addition to Pu'er, the technology and preservation methods of making tea cakes are also very exquisite. Although you can't see the aroma of tea on the outside, the taste is locked in."

"As soon as you break off the tea cake, if you don't drink it up as soon as possible, the tea fragrance in it will dissipate. It's a pity."

While Fang Qingcheng was talking, ye Xiaogu kept listening carefully.

They looked at the tea cake as if they were tea friends tasting tea and discussing tea.

However, after all the gossip, ye Xiaogu wouldn't really talk to Fang Qingcheng about the tea cake for half a night.

"Cough.................................. what does Taoist priest Fang intend to do?"

With a light cough, ye Xiaogu still talked about the subject.

When Fang Qingcheng heard the speech, he put the tea cake in his hand on the table, especially reached out and knocked, and answered.

"This tea cake is good. You can keep it."

When ye Xiaogu heard this, he really took care of himself and put the tea cake in his pocket.

Don't say that the tea cake is only the size of a palm, but ye Xiaogu's long black coat really has no place to put it.

"In the sleeve...... Mr. Ye doesn't seem to wear this long coat. There is a pocket in the sleeve."

Hearing this, ye Xiaogu put the tea cake into his pocket and said casually.

"Take whatever you want. I'm not particular about what I wear. It won't change for a hundred years."

Fang Qingcheng raised his mouth slightly, smiled, but also moved his shoulder.

With this action, ye Xiaogu also frowned secretly.

Seeing ye Xiaogu frowning and gaining momentum, Fang Qingcheng said with a smile.

"Mr. Ye's blood is not simple. I value your material more than those old pedants in the meeting."

Hearing the speech, ye Xiaogu felt a little less nervous and said.

"What does Taoist priest Fang intend to do?"

Fang Qingcheng said with a slight smile.

"What else can we do when we all come? Shouldn't we have a good time in Suzhou and Hangzhou?"

Ye Xiaogu heard the speech, but he was still calm in his heart. He hugged his fist and said respectfully.

"Well, thank you, Taoist priest Fang, for raising your hand."

Hearing this, Fang Qingcheng looked at ye Xiaogu strangely and said.

"In front of Mr. Ye's cultivation, I'm afraid I have to thank you."

Ye Xiaogu smells a little bit stunned, that reminds me of the result of refining the essence of blood color.

Just as I was about to close my eyes and concentrate on feeling it, I looked up at Fang Qingcheng.

Seeing this, Fang Qingcheng got up and said casually.

"The three sabres club and Tianmen are connected. Now that I'm here, it's time for Tianmen disciples to catch up. But Mr. Ye doesn't have to worry about his cultivation now."

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, although he had some doubts in his heart, he couldn't help asking Fang Qingcheng to stay with him.

Now it's boxing salute.

"Then don't send it to Taoist Fang."

When Fang Qingcheng heard the speech, he didn't know that ye Xiaogu was worried about his identity. For a moment, he just shook his head and walked away.


As the night grew darker, the room seemed much quieter.

A bald young man in a long black coat slowly opened his eyes, but there was some doubt in his eyes.

In Lingtai's house of knowledge, the bloody pearl that originally hung in the air has disappeared, just making this side of the world more solid and real.

Light and shallow Qi strength and turbid blood color are divided into heaven and earth. In Lingtai's understanding house, ye Xiaogu stood in the air, but he also felt a vigorous Qi strength.

This energy came from all directions and seemed a little abrupt in the Lingtai knowledge house which turned into heaven and earth.

After relaxing for a while, ye Xiaogu looked at the yuan body again and looked at the operation of the meridians in the yuan body.

In the veins of the whole body, there was no bloody appearance in ye Xiaogu's imagination, but pure vitality.

"......................... after refining, has the blood color been removed?"

In his mind, ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and looked at the situation of Zhenyuan condensation in the air sea of Dantian.

In the practice of Ye Xiao Gu, in Nishida Kemiyumamoto's solid state of Cheng Dan's territory, the realm of ghosts and dullness, formed by the essence of blood in Lingtai's knowledge house, is called the spiritual realm.

Since the two complement each other, ye Xiaogu thought that there should be no explicit expression of this knot in the air sea of Dantian.

Unexpectedly, under this internal vision, ye Xiaogu saw the pill in the air sea of the Dan field, not only pure Qi strength, but also a little smoke like blood fog.

Although he vaguely felt that something was wrong, ye xiaoguben didn't quite understand the so-called state of practice. Naturally, he didn't understand the changes. It's not easy to make a false judgment at the moment.

With a long breath, ye Xiaogu pressed his hands down, slowly opened his eyes and gently vomited a mouthful of turbid air, but he could only be regarded as watching the excitement.

In fact, after Yan Zhang's array, ye Xiaogu suddenly lost consciousness.

Under the impact of such powerful power and resentment, ye Xiaogu didn't make any preparation. Fainting was not unexpected.

But ye Xiaogu is still curious. Is he successful now? What are the anomalies when refining the essence of blood color?

Yan Zhang is missing. Ye Xiaogu really doesn't know what to do now.

When there was no one around, ye Xiaogu really regretted letting Fang Qingcheng leave so soon.

But really speaking, even if Fang Qingcheng is still here, ye Xiaogu will not say anything to him.

Although Fang Qingcheng has saved ye Xiaogu once, he is also the elder martial brother of Xu Xiaoman, a little Taoist. Ye Xiaogu feels good about him.

However, people's hearts are separated by their belly. Even Xu Xiaoman, a seemingly honest little Han goods, can mercilessly stab ye Xiaogu, not to mention this ignorant Fangqing city.

On the catalytic color of blood essence, ye Xiao Gu is not willing to give Fang Qingcheng what wind to pass, after all, this is a kind of protection for Yan Zhang.

In his mind, ye Xiaogu thought about Yan Zhang. For a moment, he was really uneasy to sit and stand, thinking whether to look around at night.

But think about it carefully. Yan Zhang is a big living man. If he really wants to run, ye Xiaogu and he are not familiar. In fact, there is no clue to find.

At present, ye Xiaogu can only grope by himself.

"Dong ~.........................................."

Ye Xiaogu was going to see the real yuan movement in the yuan body again. Unexpectedly, there was a dull noise outside the door.

It seems that something hit the pillar on the corridor at once.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, opened the door curiously and took a look.

In the darkness, a big blue lion was shaking his head and standing on the corridor, as if he had been knocked unconscious.

Ye Xiaogu was stunned when he saw the magic real lion in the northern region. Then he thought it seemed that he had asked it to take a message to Wang Pei at the beginning.

Thinking of Wang Pei and bao'er, ye Xiaogu was worried about whether the magic real lion in the northern region had been ambushed. At present, he also walked quickly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the magic real lion in the northern region saw ye Xiaogu coming out, he shook his head and walked towards ye Xiaogu.

Ye Xiaogu pushed away the head of the magic real lion in the northern region, but he didn't mean to be intimate at all. Instead, he looked at the magic real lion in the northern region and said casually.

"Have you seen Peipei? Didn't you call someone?"

The words fell, and ye Xiaogu himself was slightly stunned. After all, the magic real lion in the northern region seemed unable to speak.

Sure enough, as soon as ye Xiaogu said this, the magic real lion in the northern region sat in front of Ye Xiaogu, as if waiting for ye Xiaogu to sit up.

Ye Xiaogu patted the lion's head for a moment, and said in some frustration.

"If I could go back, I would have gone back."

The words fell, but the magic real lion in the northern region spit out a note.

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