Ye Xiaogu was furious and killed most of the scattered practitioners who had gathered. Virtually, he stunned all the mosquitoes and flies who were thinking in the dark, barely in exchange for some peace.

There are few people near the river bank, and there are no big patriarchal forces. Even those who fled earlier want help, they can't form a climate for a moment.

The aura contained in the spiritual pulse at the bottom of the river is really not small. Even if he catches the power of the ghost, he still can't absorb the aura in just three or two days.

In the past ten years, he also stole many spiritual veins, but it's rare to see such a pure and huge one.

For a moment, ye Xiaogu couldn't help but want to stay a few more days without talking about others.

It's just... Trouble will appear soon. Without saying anything else, at least those brave casual practitioners should come back soon. Plus other sectarian forces, the time left for him is only three or two days at most.

And in order not to be disturbed, he must have a name.

Between mind and mind, he waved countless blood essence into his pocket, then jumped out of the river.

On the far bank of the river, the female disciple of Changqing temple was still fighting with the fishing guy. She was shocked to see ye Xiaogu suddenly jump out of the river.

But when she was afraid, ye Xiaogu walked over according to her.

For a moment, she was so frightened that she hid in the arms of the fishing boy.

The fishing guy didn't know if he was stimulated by this. He was so angry that he asked bravely when he saw the endless thunder that seemed to be the fighting method of God.

"What do you want?"

"Let her stand on the river and tell others that the spiritual pulse at the bottom of the river has been occupied by Changqing temple."

"You dream! Do you think I'm a fool? Don't try to use our Changqing temple as a shield!"

The girl said she was not very sensible, but now she seems to be a lot more clever. She also knew what ye Xiaogu meant, and she flatly refused without thinking.

The momentum of this place's spiritual pulse explosion will only spread further and further. Whoever comes out at this time will only be hated in the future.

Although her Changqing temple can be regarded as a large sect, in the face of such right and wrong disputes, if she is the first to move her hand, I'm afraid other sect forces and casual practitioners will not be convinced.

At that time, the right and wrong of words are small. If people unite to denounce Changqing temple, it will be a big trouble.

The girl now flatly refuses. Naturally, she has some brains.

But at present, ye Xiaogu doesn't need a man with brains to oppose him. The sword fingers in her hand were together, and the black and red Qi condensed into a long thorn with the fingertips, pointing to the center of her eyebrows from a distance.

He was about to start without expression, but the fishing boy suddenly protected the girl and hurried.

"I'm willing to help you! Don't hurt her!"

"Well, I abandoned her cultivation. You watch her on the Bank of the river. If someone comes, you shout them to get out of the territory of Changqing temple."


The fishing guy responded with a loud voice without saying a word. The sincerity in his eyes vaguely reminded him of himself facing bao'er in the past.

His thoughts faded in an instant, and the black and red Qi from his side quickly stabbed the shoulder blade of the female disciple of Changqing temple.

The girl gave a dull hum, and her face turned pale for a while. However, she was still sober. She was struggling to say something, but she was covered by the fishing guy for fear of provoking ye Xiaogu.

However, his worry is meaningless. At the moment, ye Xiaogu's mind is not to clean up the female disciple of Changqing temple.

The spiritual pulse at the bottom of the river was broken by him. Now the huge spiritual light column is releasing aura all the time, and even there is white fog on the river in less than one day.

These white fog are not ordinary water vapor, but formed by the condensation of aura. It can be said to be a blessing in heaven and earth for practitioners.

Of course, the purest one is the huge Lingguang column with the broken Lingmai at the bottom of the river.

Ye Xiaogu jumped into the Lingguang column in the center of the river, and the wound on his body began a new round of brilliance under the action of the power of ghost.

This time, knowing that the time was limited, he also tried his best to urge the ghost way, and almost all his blood overflowed to capture the free aura.

He himself suddenly lost consciousness and collapsed in this huge pillar of light.

On the Bank of the river, as soon as he left the front foot, the female disciple of Changqing Temple planned to leave this place of right and wrong. Even if she could not defeat the villain, she didn't want Changqing temple to fall into this dangerous situation.

But she just wanted to struggle to get up. Unexpectedly, the fishing boy didn't let go. She frowned and scolded angrily.

"What do you want? Let go!"

"You can't go. If you go, that man may go after you."

"What if you kill me? I want you to take care of it!"

She was just about to get up. Unexpectedly, the fishing boy just didn't let go. For a moment, she was so angry that she really wanted to shoot him to death. However, Zhenyuan broke off as soon as she reached her shoulder, which made her angry.

The huge spiritual light column on the far river seems to be endless, emitting infinite aura outward.

The aura deposited on the river and caused white fog. For a moment, it seemed quite strange. Some brave people came down in twos and threes in the fishing village on the Bank of the river, but they didn't dare to approach when they saw the thick white fog.

In the white fog, the fishing guy tried his best to see the movement around him. From time to time, he shouted the name of Changqing temple at his throat. For a moment, he was quite obedient.

Seeing that he was so positive, the female disciple of Changqing Temple didn't want to scold him for a moment, but she was cold and didn't say anything.

The previous casual repairs seemed to be awed by the previous thunder killing. They never appeared again. They didn't even turn around to spy. There was a lot of trouble left.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was midnight. The most active fishing guy earlier was dozing off.

The huge spiritual pulse light column illuminated the whole river and the nearby places for miles as if it were day.

The fishing guy dozed off vaguely. Now he narrowed his eyes and nodded uncontrollably. From time to time, he bumped into the female disciple of Changqing temple, causing her to make trouble with him several times.

However, the fishing boy seemed very tired after staying up for so two days and nights. He was slapped twice and began to doze off like a chicken pecking rice.

When they saw that they were going to make trouble again, there was a dull sound of "bang" on the quiet river.

The aura on the river turned into white fog and suddenly surged. As soon as they jumped on the two people on the bank, they felt refreshed and refreshed.

"What happened?!"

"Keep sleeping with your big head. What are you yelling about?"

"Fairy sister..."

"Vulgar man ~"

The female disciple of Changqing Temple scolded him, and looked at the huge Lingguang column in the center of the river.

By nature, almost all dangerous mountains and mountains have spiritual veins. One is that the changes of mountains and rivers seal up the old Reiki, and the other is that there were spiritual veins underground when the world first opened.

However, in any case, this spiritual pulse has always been a profound knowledge, which is also related to the development and continuation of a sect.

When the Dharma catastrophe came at the end of the past, most of the spiritual veins were exhausted, and countless sect disciples fought for the spiritual veins. Seven or eight out of ten monks in the whole hidden world were killed and injured.

It is precisely because we have experienced such a fierce battle, the remaining spiritual channels can barely provide the needs of cultivation, and the world can settle down.

Now such a spiritual pulse suddenly appears. If it had been at that time, I'm afraid the river would not be white fog, but endless corpses.

However, Rao is relatively stable. Today, I'm afraid that the spiritual pulse of this scale can't be covered simply, let alone swallowed alone by one person.

On the Bank of the river, the female disciple of the Changqing Temple secretly frowned and looked at the movement of the light column of the spiritual pulse in the heart of the river. At this time, the dull sound from time to time made her feel inexplicably nervous.

Although she knew that the spirit pulse was a combination of mountains and rivers, and she couldn't move by manpower alone, she recalled that the man with scars and a green wood mask was inexplicably uneasy.

The muffled sound from the center of the river became more and more frequent, and there was a huge vibration. Even the aura and white fog on the whole river swung open for a few minutes.

Far away, I just saw the huge spiritual pulse light column in the middle of the river, which seemed to go straight to the sky. I didn't know it was thousands of miles.

Gradually, the muffled sound in the middle of the river became longer and longer. Unconsciously, it seemed that all around was quiet.

However, the aura and white fog that had just been shaken had not gathered in the past for a moment, showing the spacious River illuminated by the huge aura column, calm and calm.

"Fairy sister..."

While she was watching carefully, the fishing guy behind her hesitated for a moment and suddenly said half a sentence. Listening to the sound of "pa", her backhand slapped him in the face.

Before she scolded, suddenly!

There was no earth shaking sound, but the fishing boy stared at the river in the distance.

She was also very responsive. Looking back fiercely, she saw that the Lingguang column on the river melted and collapsed like ice and snow. Silently, the river was suddenly red with blood!

There were no waves. In the blood, a silver haired man wearing a green wood mask rose slowly, but countless fluctuating blood fog lingered around him.

There are no words, but the huge shock that hits the heart directly still makes people feel inexplicable fear.

Under the residual light, the blood fog around ye Xiaogu slowly gathered into his body. The blood mottled scars on his body healed at this moment, showing a muscular trunk.

The aura absorbed was so vast that it was far more than the pressure of disintegrating the flesh brought by the power of the ghost Road, and even healed all the injuries he had suffered over the years.

Slowly and gently vomited a mouthful of turbid air. He opened his eyes and glanced faintly at the two people who were staring at him in the distance.

Perhaps a little nosy, but he still falsely stepped on the river and came before them step by step.

After the spirit pulse light column behind him was lax, the light on the river was also dim. At the moment, he looked a little gloomy with his back to the light.

The female disciple of Changqing Temple didn't say that the fishing boy subconsciously hid behind.

"Do you like her?"


"No? Then I'll kill her."

"No! Don't hurt her! I like it!"

When the fishing boy heard this, he was in a hurry and subconsciously stopped him.

With these words, the girl of Changqing temple also reacted and said eagerly.

"What do you want to do? I'll tell you..."

"Since then, she is yours. I will seal her pulse for you. In the future, she can't practice and live in peace with you for a hundred years."

Ye Xiaogu ordered a marriage spectrum with an expressionless face. To his surprise, the fishing guy was furious, but it was the female nun of Changqing temple.

At this moment, even if he knew that his cultivation was good, he still summoned up his courage and questioned loudly.

"Why did you let me stay with this vulgar village man? I'm the 13th son of Changqing..."

"Living a hundred years is a enlightenment, which is better than your ignorant practice. If you mention the Changqing concept again, I will help him destroy your sect and break your mind tomorrow."

As soon as these words came out, the female disciple of Changqing temple, even the fishing boy, secretly smacked his tongue.

However, ye Xiaogu seemed to be indifferent and looked down at them again.

The female disciple of Changqing temple was still a little angry, but she didn't have too much Xianyi Jue spirit.

Ye Xiaogu sighed softly as if he were talking to himself and sighing.

"Sure enough, there are still some things missing."

He thought that his whole life was not going well, and when he saw these two people, he only regarded them as the shadow of himself and bao'er.

But now it seems that although the female disciple is different from the fishing boy, she still doesn't have BoA's indifference and determination to stand proudly in the sky.

A thought flashed in his heart, and the state of mind that had not changed for a long time finally changed a little. He knew it was time to turn back.

Ignoring the words of the two people on the river bank, he immediately disappeared in front of them and stunned them for a moment.

When the slightly chilly river wind blew, the two people reacted.

Seeing the fishing guy, he was very active, picked up the female disciple of Changqing temple and said with a smile.

"Fairy sister..."

"Get out! Vulgar man, what do you want to do?!"

The fishing guy "hey hey" smiled and moved himself, but he said faintly.

"In the past, I also begged the Taoist Changqing temple, but I was rejected because of my poor qualification. I knew that man was a monk. I didn't expect to have such an opportunity once in a while. It's really the emperor's responsibility."

His sinister and proud smile scared the female disciple of Changqing temple to get up and want to run. But now she has lost all her accomplishments. How can she compare with this strong young man?

Seeing the fishing boy take three steps and two steps, he walked over and picked her up. For a moment, he smiled proudly.

"Today, I, Wang Hu, have given a sigh of relief for the Wang family! From now on, I have to make more than ten babies with you and let them all go to Changqing temple. In the future, I will make my father immortal and become an immortal..."

"Put it down."

The wild talk was not over, and the fishing boy suddenly looked at ye Xiaogu, who appeared in front of him again. For a moment, he was full of joy.

Ye Xiaogu looked at the fishing guy with a indifferent face, and didn't even mean to repeat a sentence.

The fishing boy hesitated and begged with trembling.

"Grandpa immortal, I..."

"Chi ~" sounded softly, and ye Xiaogu didn't even know how to do it. A blood line flashed through the throat of the fishing boy, and the blood was racing out in a twinkling of an eye.

Frightened, the female disciple of Changqing Temple shouted several times before she hurriedly struggled to run away.

"Take me back to Changqing temple."

"What are you talking about?"

The female disciple was still flustered. Listening to ye Xiaogu's words, she thought she had heard wrong.

Ye Xiaogu looked at the fishing guy who had just died on the ground and said faintly.

"I want the spirit pulse of Changqing temple. If you don't want to help me, I'll let you stay in this fishing village. People here probably like you, a famous monk who is good-looking and has lost all his accomplishments. Heaven and earth have spirit. If you know that all living beings are crazy about it, it's hard to be at ease. If you like to suffer that sin, you can continue to be tough with me."


The female disciple of Changqing temple was stunned when she heard the speech. Suddenly, her face changed slightly, and her eyes looked at ye Xiaogu.

"Didn't you just want to set us up?! did you want to threaten me?"

"Help me clear my spiritual pulse. I'll restore your Taoism. Otherwise, I'll leave you in this fishing village and let you have children for those fishermen. It's estimated that every family is looking forward to a child who can cultivate immortality, but I don't know if you can stand it."

His complexion was as old as before, and he didn't even see any change when he looked at the pool of blood on the ground.

This extremely cold nature of mind really made her shiver at the bottom of her heart.

Perhaps seeing that she didn't speak, he looked up at her, looked back at the fishing village in the distance, and said casually.

"I can't see. You have a strong taste."

"... I'll take you back to Changqing temple."

As soon as the voice fell, their figures disappeared in place.

A few miles away, the female disciple of Changqing Temple looked around in a panic. Before she could react, ye Xiaogu waved her sealed pulse and said faintly.

"I need some time. You can walk slowly."

After saying this, ye Xiaogu drew out a bright little snake with his backhand and fiddled with it in front of the female disciple of Changqing temple.

The little snake has a general appearance. It is not particularly detailed. It has no nose, eyes and scales. It emits a faint aura. Even in his hands, it doesn't move twice.

She looked at ye Xiaogu in surprise, opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she couldn't say it for a moment.

"The spirit pulse has the appearance of dragon and snake, which is really the magic of heaven and earth."

"... no! Don't tell me that!"

"Are you afraid I'll kill you?"

He raised his head and took a faint look at the female disciple of Changqing temple. Although he could not distinguish between joy and sorrow, he still made her shake in her heart, but the following sentence made her tremble.

"Not yet."

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