Although she said this, the girl didn't let go at all. Instead, she looked at him with a little tension and said.

"What do you want?"

"Take me to Changqing temple, that's all."

Ye Xiaogu said simply, his eyes were still on the spirit vessel in his hand, and he didn't move away.

It seemed that the female disciple of Changqing temple was really afraid. As soon as she slowed down, she suddenly lowered her head and said in a deep voice.

"If you want to kill me, you can do it now. The spirit of Changqing temple can't be destroyed by people like you."

"Kill you? If you don't want to, I'll take you back to the fishing village."

"... beast!"

I didn't want to say this. After all, seeing his high cultivation and indifferent nature, the girl didn't want to easily annoy him.

But it's all up to this. No matter what, at least she can't help crying now.

All of her fellow martial brothers are missing. It's estimated that she has already suffered an accident. Now she is threatened by the villain to go back and plot the spiritual pulse of the school.

For a moment, no matter how slow she was, she began to collapse and cry.

In the face of such a pretty girl, ye Xiaogu cried so sad that he didn't comfort her. He took care of himself to play with the spirit vessel in his hand.

It is said that at the beginning of the day, there were dragons and phoenixes reflecting Yin and Yang, which divided heaven and earth, so everything in the world that could be associated with dragons and phoenixes was noble.

But he didn't expect that the appearance of the spirit pulse would be dragon shaped, and he didn't expect that the ghost magic method he practiced could still perceive the spirit pulse, or even extract the spirit pulse!

When he was at the bottom of the river, he was calm and full of surprise.

The blood of the wound on the body turned into blood color and Qi strength. With the surge of spirit pulse, the momentum became more and more huge, and even changed into the shape of tiger and wolf!

He could not have controlled the power of these ghosts. After the blood turned into the shape of tiger and wolf, he rushed directly into the bottom of the river and chased along the underground!

And he fainted on the spot because of the exhaustion of Qi and blood. Unexpectedly, consciousness went into the spiritual vein at the bottom of the river with those tigers and wolves transformed from Qi and blood!

At that moment, he turned into a bloody tiger and wolf, and even felt the original common Qi strength in the spirit vein.

At that moment, he clearly felt that there was a trace of Qi strength different from ordinary in the vast aura.

The bloody tiger and wolf turned into a tiger and moved according to the unique aura in the spirit vein at the bottom of the river. It was obviously just Qi strength, but it seemed to be a physical appearance. They found something from the spirit vein.

The earth and rock at the bottom of the river was so bloody that the tiger and wolf grabbed and pulled the spiritual pulse, and countless gullies were opened along the river. It was simply that the consciousness in the spiritual pulse did not wake up.

So after simply pulling each other, the bloody tiger and wolf grabbed the dragon like Qi force with scattered light from the bottom of the river.

As soon as he caught the Qi strength, the spirit vein that had been as vast as a river dried up, and the bloody tiger and wolf turned into blood. The Qi strength penetrated into the wound on his body and restored his consciousness.

When his mood turned, ye Xiaogu converged a little, and his eyes fell on the spirit vessel in his hands.

But before he looked carefully, he felt something vaguely. He turned his head and looked at the female disciple of Changqing temple and asked casually.

"Stop crying?"

"My name is Shen Wenling..."

"I'm not interested in knowing your name."

"Are you really going to kill me?"

He just heard that the girl didn't cry before he asked. Unexpectedly, the girl seemed to be very tangled about it.

Between the words, ye Xiaogu's face was as old as before, and there was no sadness or joy on his face. After all, for him, he had been used to life and death since childhood.

Don't mention killing ten thousand and killing ten thousand. Just throw him into the underworld to meet the kid's frying pan. It's estimated that he can ask how mature he wants.

Moreover, the white haired old man broke his leg and killed Wang Pei. Now he has only one idea in his heart, that is revenge. He really doesn't care about other people's life and death.

But now the girl's red eyes and hazy tears really made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Maybe I'm still not used to the way women cry, maybe I think of my past memory. Even if I'm as cold as him, I can't help being soft for a moment.

"Take me to Changqing temple. If you are obedient, I can't kill you."


She sniffed wrongly, turned back without saying a word and walked away.

Along the way, ye Xiaogu was not in a hurry. After all, more than ten years had passed, and he was not in a hurry for such a day or two.

What he is most curious about now is the connection between the spirit vessel in his hand and the ghost path he has cultivated, which may be a key to improving his strength.

The white haired old man's cultivation level until now, he can't see it. Even the so-called Wufu sect has no news at all, but he vaguely feels that he can kill Wang Pei. The old man's cultivation can't be underestimated.

More than ten years ago, he lost all his accomplishments, hurried through thousands of rivers and mountains, encountered countless life and death dangers, and never stopped for a moment.

Now I suddenly got the spirit pulse. It seems that the long journey between us should come to an end.

He sighed in his heart. He reached out and touched the blue jade tears on his neck. The coldness between his hands was like Wang Pei's temperature. Even after so many years, he had not changed much.

"I can't get past it. Do I have to go on like this?"


While he was still recalling the past, Shen Wenling, the female disciple of Changqing temple, pointed to the stream in the distance and asked with a frown.

The stream is not spacious, almost less than ten meters, but the stream is clear. There is a little secluded green in the far stream center, which looks not shallow.

"Jump down."


Shen Wenling subconsciously looked back at him. After walking so far, she was actually very tired.

Although she is one of the thirteen sons of Changqing, she can be regarded as the forefront of the school in Changqing temple. What she hears on weekdays is praise, but she has not experienced any pain and suffering, but her natural talent is good.

So don't mention that she has walked more than ten miles. At the beginning, she could lie down for more than two days after he rowed her waist with an ice pick.

At this moment, in fact, she still wanted to walk in the air. It was more or less easy. Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu asked her to jump into the stream.

For a moment, the girl really wanted to be cruel to him without saying anything else.

But as soon as she looked back, she saw ye Xiaogu looking at her expressionless. Her eyes without emotion really made her feel afraid.

"OK! I'll jump down and follow you back to Changqing temple. We'll walk for half a month and a year!"

When she was about to jump, the girl couldn't help scolding.

Although she knows ye Xiaogu is not a good person, after walking for more than ten miles, her Qi pulse is just a little smooth. If she has any blessing, she must get out of blisters on her feet.

Mingming is the favored son of Changqing temple and the seventh elder martial sister respected by everyone. Now she is so tortured. How can she not be angry?

She was still angry and hesitated when she came to the stream.

The stream doesn't look deep, and shallow green water plants can be seen on the edge, shaking with the water waves.

But at this time, she finally had a little brain, "jump? Why do you ask me to jump? If you want this stream, can't I fly over?"

As soon as she got up, ye Xiaogu kicked her. With a "poop", the girl fell directly into the stream.

Unfortunately, it was a coincidence that the water by the stream was not deep. She rubbed her head into the sludge at the bottom of the water, sticking out her head and covered her face with black mud.


Before she could cry, ye Xiaogu suddenly kicked over again.

This directly kicked her into the middle of the stream. As soon as the stream was deep, she panicked and choked several salivas.

In this panic, she also forgot that she was still a disciple of Changqing temple. She knew more or less Taoism. As soon as the water was flooded, she struggled in the water.

For a moment, I saw waves blossoming, and it looked very powerful.

But before she fluttered for long, she suddenly felt that everything in front of her was suddenly hazy.

By the stream, ye Xiaogu took down the blue jade tears on his neck and slowly put them into the stream.

As soon as the jade tears disappeared into the water, they seemed to merge with the clear stream. With the slight overflow of the aura inside, there was a faint aura white fog in the stream.

Shen Wenling was still a little stunned subconsciously. He looked around at the movement. Finally, his eyes fell on ye Xiaogu by the river and looked at him curiously.

Although she was curious about what ye Xiaogu was doing in the stream, she didn't dare to look around and ask more questions.

Unexpectedly, she didn't ask much, but ye Xiaogu waved to her and motioned her to pass.

Shen Wenling secretly raised his eyebrows and felt something wrong in his heart. However, the aura and white fog around him seemed to make the scene more beautiful.

Vaguely, even the big devil who killed without blinking his eyes was pleasing to the eye.

The handsome side face slightly seen under the Aoki mask, and the eye-catching silver hair. He didn't change his clothes all the way, and he also saw strong and symmetrical muscles on his body.

It was strange, but at this moment, she looked at him inexplicably.

With a slight hesitation in her heart, she subconsciously wanted to go to him. For a moment, she threw all her fears behind her.

As she walked slowly to the shore, ye Xiaogu's eyes were a little soft.

In the white mist of aura, the woman who came here was not the disciple of Changqing Temple who had just met, but the woman who was plump, beautiful and graceful in the past.


What I haven't said for a long time, I met people with tears at a moment.

Ye Xiaogu hugged her as soon as he saw her. The bitterness of so many days was nothing, but the moment he saw her still made him unable to help himself.

Wang peishen, who took out the ice Phoenix blood in the past, disappeared and turned into this blue jade tear drop. Ye Xiaogu occasionally found that the more Aura accumulated in it, it will affect the surrounding women when encountering water.

This may be the consciousness left by Wang Pei, or it may simply be the demon nature after the jade creatures.

Because of this little discovery, he has been looking for a place with abundant aura, and finally met the woman of his dream again today.

Fanaticism is hard to stop.

The two hugged and kissed each other. Perhaps he was too eager to force Shen Wenling to stagger back half a step and suddenly fell into the water.

When the stream was excited, Shen Wenling suddenly woke up, felt his movements, and quickly pinched and bit him.

Ye xiaoguben was still trapped in Wang Pei's memory, but the girl in his arms was so noisy that he couldn't help looking at her.

In the clear stream, countless bubbles came out around them, but between the bubbles, he clearly saw the appearance of the woman in front of him, not the one he was thinking about.

The next moment, the dream suddenly woke up. He pushed the girl away without looking back. With a move, the blue jade tears originally by the stream suddenly flew into his hands.

Holding jade tears, he subconsciously closed his eyes and felt the faint coolness.

Before he could feel more, Shen Wenling suddenly came out from behind him, pushed him angrily and shouted.


Ye Xiaogu was still holding jade tears in his hand. This sudden push almost made him stagger and almost lost the jade tears in his hand.

He frowned slightly, didn't look back at Shen Wenling, but said coldly.

"It's not far from the fishing village now. If you make another noise, I don't mind starting first and then throwing you into the fishing village."


Such a threat was really effective. Shen Wenling trembled in his heart. He had suffered a great loss and didn't dare to say anything at this time.

Since she was a child, she has been seeking the way of Changqing temple in order to practice the avenue of longevity and become an immortal.

The so-called Practice for a hundred years is like day and night. The way of cultivation is lonely and helpless, so naturally, most of them are selfish people.

This girl has been practicing for a hundred years. She doesn't care about her martial brothers or martial uncles. After all, they are also monks. They also have their own cultivation. They don't see much on weekdays. Naturally, they have little feelings.

In her life, the only thing she valued was Taoism and her own life, so even if ye Xiaogu asked her to take him to steal the spiritual pulse of the school, the girl would not hesitate at all.

And this joke about fishing villages often works.

After a while, he collected the jade tears, and then looked back at Shen Wenling.

I didn't feel much before. Now I look closer. The girl is really talented after soaking twice in the stream. No wonder she felt OK just now.

"Now take me to Changqing temple."

After a simple command, Shen Wenling didn't have time to react, but he waved. The surrounding streams were gathered into a huge water ball.

With his blood color and energy, he even carried two people to resist the sky with this ordinary stream.

Shen Wenling was slightly stunned in his eyes, but his mind still fell on him.

When I first saw it, I was a little surprised, but when I saw more, I was more curious.

After all, the neighborhood has been safe and secure for so many years. No one has ever killed so wantonly and created so many incidents.

"Aren't you a friar around here? Do you have a door?"


"Why didn't you escape here after being defeated by someone? Your cultivation is very powerful. You must have been a person in the past..."

Before he finished, ye Xiaogu glanced at her lightly and said lightly.

"If this mouth is busy, I can find you some pastime."

"What pastime?"

Just now, Shen Wenling was hugged by him twice. He didn't know that it was the fantasy generated by jade tears. He really thought he had a crush on himself. At this moment, there was a little confidence in his words.

After so many years in Changqing temple, she was still a little confident in her appearance.

On weekdays, regardless of the geometry of the pursuer, I can feel a little sigh when I look in the mirror occasionally. I feel at a loss for God's preference.

In her mind, the girl was still quietly proud at the moment, but ye Xiaogu turned back to lead out the spirit pulse, looked at the distance and asked casually.

"How far is it from Changqing temple?"

"What do you ask me to do? But it's 30000 miles away. Did you just steal my Changqing spirit pulse and now forget where my Changqing temple is?"

He looked back at himself and didn't answer for a moment, but he did forget.

If he didn't just find the huge spiritual pulse in the river and wake up the other use of the power of the ghost way, I'm afraid he will go on like this until he finds a way to save Wang Pei or has the strength to revenge.

Now, for the time being, he has seen the dawn of the latter.

Among these troubles, he focused all his attention on the spirit vessel in his hand. Unexpectedly, Shen Wenling seemed to see that he didn't speak. For a moment, he had a long temper and talked.

"My Changqing temple is more or less a famous gate with thousands of miles around. How can you be so careless? Where are the martial brothers with me that day?"


"Kill?! how can you say such words so calmly? Do you know..."

Seeing the girl yelling endlessly, he frowned secretly, looked up at her impatiently and said.

"What a busy mouth?"

"I'm just talking to you about business..."

"Come here."

"Come here and come here. Can you kill me?"

She said she was not afraid, but now the girl was a little guilty and didn't go there immediately.

He had really wanted to clean her up, but looking at Shen Wenling's timid appearance, he inexplicably thought of his old acquaintance, and now he sighed with emotion.

"It's the first time anyone has ever seen the world, but don't be childish."

"Why am I childish?!"

Ye Xiaogu was ready to break his words. Unexpectedly, she suddenly answered back, which made him frown and dragged her to him.

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