Just after noon, there was less noise, but there was more light and shadow.

There were ripples in the lotus pond. After a while, two people suddenly emerged from it.

Ye Xiaogu, who was in the lead, was about to jump up. Unexpectedly, Gu Shuimeng was very tough. At this time, he still didn't want to let go. He had to drag him to make a noise.

Ye Xiaogu was dragged by her and almost didn't fall down again. As soon as he looked back, he frowned slightly and pressed her into the pool, but he took advantage of the opportunity to jump and go.

This really pissed the girl off.

She yelled at her mother and rushed out. Before she could take care of it, she saw ye Xiaogu standing in the pavilion and looking back at the lotus pond.

"At the beginning, you just wanted to seal me in with this array?"


"There are so many things. Do you think I can be killed by you if I bear this fate? Now Zhang Yan is dead, what can you do?"

The array in the lotus pond is really ingenious, even amazing.

Even if ye Xiaogu has a perfect state of refining his body, he can enter the state of Mahayana crossing robbery only one step away, which is still easily sealed.

If it weren't for the help of the man in white coat, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to escape.

But on second thought, the man in white coat was always with Zhang Yan, but now he came to rescue him because of the silver frost palace. He must be a dark son.

In this way, the plan of Qingcheng is really wonderful.

The thoughts in his heart were not exhausted, but Gu Shuimeng caught up and saw him with a little deep eyes. For a moment, he felt guilty and whispered.

"Ye, what are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at the big array you arranged. It's so powerful that it's silent. It can quietly seal me, the master of body refining and virtual environment. I don't even notice it. There are some ways."

"Hum! There are still many ways you haven't seen. This silver frost ice prison is the secret of silver frost palace. Don't say it's your little monk who is still in an empty state, even the monk who has already practiced Mahayana and is about to escape."

"Are you proud?"


Having said that, the girl finally realized it and quickly lowered her head to pretend to be poor.

The so-called yinshuang ice prison is so terrible that it can freeze ye Xiaogu silently. If Fang Qingcheng hadn't planned, I'm afraid he would have fallen into it and had to live alone.

In vain, he trusted her so much at first. Now, when he reckoned with the old accounts, the girl's face was not very good-looking.

At this moment, the girl pretended to be silent and pretended to be confused.

Ye Xiaogu looked around and looked at the lotus pond. It seemed that it had lost its aura for some reason. He also took back his eyes, glanced at the girl lightly and said faintly.

"How are you going to repay this account?"

"How did you settle the account? When did I owe you anything?"

"What is the relationship between you and Zhang Yan?"

"Zhang Yan?"

Gu Shuimeng subconsciously wanted to pretend to be stupid, but the name said in her mouth. It was hard to hide her sadness in her eyes.

Since there is Zhang Yan's eight door inheritance spirit in the porcelain vase just brought by Fang Qingcheng, Zhang Yan must have died long ago.

She arranged such an immortal silver frost ice prison array to seal ye Xiaogu, prevent the eight gates from merging and save his life.

But now that she was so doomed, she could not help feeling gloomy.

Compared with the girl's dejected sadness, ye Xiaogu is leisurely and has no emotion at all.

Although he had many grudges with Fang Qingcheng, this time he was saved by Fang Qingcheng.

At least he didn't know anything about the silver frost ice prison array, or even didn't notice it at all.

They thought about their own thoughts, and after a while they woke up together. The girl was looking up at him with hatred, but she didn't scold him.

At the next moment, ye Xiaogu took it into his arms, pinched it and said faintly.

"If you hadn't followed me into this silver frost ice prison, you would be dead now."

"... I'm not finished with you about Zhang Yan!"

"Not finished? Ye just thought of a way to compensate. No matter what relationship you have with Zhang Yan. If it's his wife, I should take care of the rest of your life for him."

"I'm TM..."

Gu Shuimeng immediately blew his hair when he heard that he was so skinnless and shameless.

However, he interrupted this before scolding. Although this girl met him for the first time in the silver frost palace, she made it clear that she had known him for a long time.

Not only did he not recognize his life at all, the previously dangerous silver frost ice prison was silent, so he went with him.

I think that the array is so dangerous. If she has a little mind, she will never enter it with him.

On the other side, ye Xiaogu was beaten by Fang Qingcheng. He didn't want to delay anything now. He planned to go straight to Chaotian Palace first.

In fact, even if he didn't want to find it, these people would have prepared these things, so that now he didn't have much mind to toss about.

Maybe it's really fate. No matter what you do, it can only be in vain.

With this in mind, he was determined.

After thinking about this, he subconsciously planned to ask the girl a few words about Chaotian Palace. Unexpectedly, as soon as his mind came back, he felt Gu Shuimeng in his arms twisting all the time.

He raised his eyebrows and joked angrily for a moment.

"Are you so angry with this girl? If Zhang Yan sees this, he may have to praise me and say that I take good care of his wife."

"Go away! I'm frozen! Do you think I'm rare for you?"

"You're not rare, I'm not rare?"

Ye Xiaogu joked, and he really saw a layer of white frost on the tip of the girl's nose.

Together with the white frost, he subconsciously wanted to avoid.

But when I thought about it, I had already left the pool water and the silver frost ice prison. Naturally, I couldn't say anything else.

"What's the matter with you?"

"... some residual cold."

"How can I help you?"

"I don't need your help. Since Zhang Yan is dead, I don't have the heart to take care of you. Go back where you come from."

"Don't have the heart to pay attention to me? Miss Gu, aren't you saying it too lightly?"

"What if it's light? Do you dare to kill me?"

"It's not worth killing you, I..."

The words are not finished. Ye Xiaogu looks at Gu Shuimeng's eyes and suddenly feels a deep feeling behind his head. The memory that he has not recalled for a long time has surged again.

The array method hidden in Dongling is to leave some clues, in which there are hidden clues to awaken his memory.

He did not reincarnate through reincarnation, but performed the supreme method of military solution and rebirth, so his original memory never disappeared, just sealed.

When he was hiding in Dongling, he kept Zhao Ya and didn't have much time to think about anything else, but now looking at Gu Shuimeng's eyes vaguely seems to awaken the memory that had been loosened.

The mood is difficult to settle, but in the twinkling of an eye, it seems to have gone through thousands of vicissitudes.

The picture of memory changed. The girl looked at him and stared at him. At first, she didn't respond. After a while, she couldn't help frowning and shaking her hand in front of him.

It happened that ye Xiaogu was thinking about the past, and he didn't respond for a moment with his eyes open.

Gu Shuimeng looked at his dull appearance and couldn't help laughing and joking for a moment.

"What's the matter? Have you become a fool?"

A joke was not enough to say, and the girl's smile faded. She secretly stretched out her hand and shook it in front of Ye Xiaogu's eyes.

Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu still had no reaction.

Gu Shuimeng was subconsciously worried, but looking at his gentle breath did not easily disturb him.

Such a sudden leisure is naturally a little abrupt for her.

In silence, she tilted her head and looked at ye Xiaogu, as if she were looking at him again.

At this moment, she suddenly noticed that he was wearing a black robe decorated with golden dragons. His long silver hair lined his handsome side face. In a trance, she felt as if she had returned to the past.

With this idea, she subconsciously took a half step back, as if she was afraid to annoy him.

But before long, she seemed to react again, smiled like a self mockery, reached out and shook in front of Ye Xiaogu's eyes.

"I'm afraid of you now that I haven't returned at the age of 100. Tell me, what's the need for me to be afraid of you now?"


Ye Xiaogu looked at her with no emotion in his eyes and no expression on his face, just like a wax statue.

Gu Shuimeng tilted his head and didn't see him wake up for a while. For a moment, he couldn't help muttering.

Before she could say more, ye Xiaogu suddenly jumped up a faint blue arc.

Those electric arcs flashed suddenly, so that the girl couldn't care about anything else for a moment, so she hurried back.

As soon as she left her front foot, the next moment a thunder roared to the ground and hit the Pavilion!

In an instant, I saw the rubble flying, and the burst thunder even blew the wooden beams on the pavilion to ashes.

Just when Gu Shuimeng thought something would happen, there were two coughs in the dust.

Unharmed, ye Xiao walked out slowly with the hidden dragon black robe, looked at her from a distance, and said hello faintly.


In short, there was no emotion in the tone, but Gu Shuimeng's heart trembled.

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