The circle between people is like bubbles, big and small. One person connects one person and finally affects others.

Ye Xiaogu was still unable to escape from this circle after several twists and turns.

Those familiar faces are like eternal life. Even after thousands of years, they can easily awaken those dusty memories.

Go straight to the South and finally return to the north. I have to say it's very strange.

In the middle of the air, Gu Shuimeng stood in the middle of the air with the real yuan, and his face was inevitably uncertain for a moment.

On the contrary, ye Xiaogu stepped up with a pale face, and the black robe decorated with golden dragon moved with the wind, inexplicably showing some domineering intention.

The girl watched him come over and subconsciously stepped back, but ye Xiaogu didn't let her run away, so she took her back in the air.

At this moment, the girl was really frightened. She shouted at the top of her voice.

"Ye! What's wrong with you? Don't you let me go!"


Ye Xiaogu didn't answer, just pulled her and stroked her slightly scattered sideburns.

Earlier, they rushed out of the lotus pond. They were immersed in the silver frost ice prison array. For a moment, they didn't have time to urge Zhenyuan. In addition, this accident happened many times, and the girl didn't have time to pay attention to her dress for a moment.

At the moment, I was soaked in the pool water, and the originally dignified cloud temples scattered. With this noisy appearance, it seemed like a crazy woman.

Ye Xiaogu looked at the girl's noisy appearance, didn't deliberately say anything, but silently helped her trim her sideburns, with a slightly distant meaning in her eyes.

The biggest treasure in Dongling's Secret collection is not some mysterious magic weapon and supreme power skill, but countless trivial clues left by those who have a heart.

There is no doubt that the mirror sky performance and various designs are carefully arranged to awaken his memory.

Normally speaking, the Dongling city was originally after the fall of the Heavenly Master and the separation of the runes and swords, so the people who arranged the mirror Tianyan art would definitely not be ye Xiaogu himself.

Zhao Ya has the intention to destroy those mirror Tianyan before him. Obviously, she won't do it.

Bao'er or the people of Chaotian Palace, they just need Daoxin Bodhi to return to the fullness and perfection of the spirit of heaven and earth. Even if they want him to die, naturally they will not let him recover his memory.

The only explanation may be that the former Taoist disciples also had people who were proficient in the interpretation of the book of changes. They calculated that ye Xiaogu would return to Dongling city after the rebirth of a hundred generations and wanted him to recover his memory in advance.

It's a pity that Zhao Ya cut off her beard halfway and destroyed several remains of mirror Tianyan. It's not enough to stick to ye Xiaogu all the way, so he hasn't done anything for so many days.

It's really because the yellow sand array in Dongling city is a little loose. When he saw Gu Shuimeng's eyes, he vaguely recalled the past.

On the lofty and magnificent Yunxiao hall, in the gorgeous palace with gold and jade, countless men and women, old and young, dressed in royal clothes, bow down and stretch for hundreds of miles.

Before the hall, he saw several figures, one of whom was Gu Shuimeng, who claimed to be a disciple of Xingyao mansion.

"Master worship ceremony?"

At this point, ye Xiaogu vaguely remembered the memory of the girl, but now the girl is so noisy that she doesn't seem to pay attention to his former mentor at all.

The memory awakened in the yellow sand array of Dongling city is not perfect. He just vaguely remembers that he recruited such an apprentice. It should be regarded as his relatives and friends. No wonder the girl didn't recognize her before.

But at present, the girl's noise didn't stop at all. Ye Xiaogu couldn't ask one, two or three. At that time, he frowned slightly and grabbed her.

The girl suddenly lost her voice and stared at him in amazement. She didn't say a word for a long time.

On the contrary, ye Xiaogu leisurely and ostentatiously straightened her sideburns, pretending to be harmonious and softly asked.

"Meng'er, I thought of something a little..."

"You think of your uncle! Ye, will you let go?"

When he heard this, he frowned and said with some displeasure on his face.

"When do you want to make it?"

"When did I make it? What are you doing now?!"

"What did I do?"

Gu Shuimeng looked at his face and was so angry that he couldn't even speak.

Not to mention that the girl is so angry that she looks like a little goldfish with a bulging mouth. She looks quite pleasant.

He looked good, pinched her cheek, and jokingly wanted to kiss her.

This time, the girl was so hairy that she just raised her hand and slapped her face.

Just listening to the "pa", he didn't wait to react. He just felt a burning pain on his face.

The girl slapped her hard. Ye Xiaogu felt the strength of the slap. Subconsciously, she was also a little guilty. She was embarrassed to joke about it.

Gu Shuimeng looked at him and didn't speak. He snorted angrily, pushed him away and turned around to leave.

Seeing that she had taken two steps, ye Xiaogu quickly caught up with her and asked.

"Dream, my memory..."

"Remember your uncle! Get out of here!"

"Why are you so angry?"

"I'm happy to have such a big temper. Can you manage it? Isn't your surname Ye capable? You killed me!"

While talking, the girl raised her chin and leaned in front of him, as if she was really waiting for him to pull out a long sword and wipe it on her neck.

Ye Xiaogu looked at the girl and frowned unconsciously.

Although there were many noisy girls, he was annoyed by the girl's indiscriminate shouting at the moment.

The broken memory suddenly awakened, and there was inevitably some confusion in his mind at the moment.

He didn't expect such a touching reunion, but he didn't have the heart to deal with a chattering troublemaker.

Seeing the girl's noisy appearance, he secretly felt angry in his heart, so he took a knife and greeted her behind her neck.

Just listening to a light noise, the girl didn't react for a moment. She looked at him in amazement for several seconds, and then fainted in his arms.

Looking at the girl silently, ye Xiaogu looked at her faintly. The girl was a little quiet, plain and gentle, especially the beautiful appearance of her eyebrows and eyes.

No wonder I looked at her eyes and vaguely awakened the memory of the past.

Between his thoughts, he simply looked at her, looked back at the ruins of the Pavilion behind him, and was thinking about finding a place to settle down first.

In fact, he didn't have any special thoughts about Gu Shuimeng. It was just a coincidence. As for other things, he didn't really think about them.

Now his memory has been restored a little. For him, the girl is a breakthrough. If he can know something from her mouth, he can at least understand it, although it will not have any immediate effect.

Going to the Chaotian Palace is going to the yellow spring. There is no chance to live.

In this life, I have a daughter-in-law and children. My life is barely perfect, but I am a little confused.

You have to think about how to calculate your previous life and this life. Now, what he wants to know most is the cause and effect of all this.

Since I could wipe out the demons in Kyushu, and even lead the resurgence of humanity and the decline of demons, I'm afraid this cultivation ability is not just the realm of immortals and gods.

How can a person who is as strong as a Heavenly Master suddenly fall into the sky? Why did the gate collapse so quickly after the meteorite?

These mysteries are difficult to understand. Although it is a long time ago, as the reincarnated Heavenly Master after a hundred generations, he can't do anything important or change anything, but he is still a little curious.

His thoughts were in turmoil in his heart. When he subconsciously planned to take Gu Shuimeng to the wing room on one side to have a rest, he suddenly felt something moving and looked back at the roof on one side.

On the roof, a rough man in a gray black robe stood there quietly. I don't know how long he stood.

Ye Xiaogu looked back at him, then unconsciously frowned and said.

"Fang Qingcheng, haven't you left yet?"

"What is Mr. Ye going to do?"

"Can't you keep a seedling? Do you want to try while it's hot?"

"That's not necessary."

Perhaps it was because Gu Shuimeng fainted and only the two of them were left in the field. Fang Qingcheng habitually smiled.

He was a farmer. He didn't have any deep intention to laugh. On the contrary, he was inexplicably simple and honest, which made people unconsciously put down their guard.

It's just that ye Xiaogu has been dealing with him for so many years. At the beginning, he played with mud from Nanshi. Now how can he be cheated by his seemingly honest appearance?

"Fang Qingcheng, what do you really want to do? You followed me all the way. You said you were helping me. In fact, it hurt me a lot. If I wasn't busy now, I really wanted to fight with you."

"Have a fight? Does Mr. Ye mean that?"

There was a slight sense of war between Fang Qingcheng's words. Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu bowed his head and touched Gu Shuimeng's sideburns, saying casually.

"I'm not free yet. I'm still waiting for Miao Miao."

"I've always been curious."


"Mr. Ye is the one who bears the destiny. What do you think and what do you have in mind?"

"Do you want to know?"


"The next incarnation, I'll change with you."

Ye Xiaogu raised his mouth slightly and joked. He ignored Fang Qingcheng and followed the wing in the distance.

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