But when he passed by, Fang Qingcheng suddenly stretched out his hand and blocked him in front of him, calmly.

"Mr. Ye, I have a gossip. Would you like to listen?"

"Don't gossip. You can almost listen to serious talk."

Ye Xiaogu said that he was not willing to listen. He slowed down and stood quietly ten steps away from Fang Qingcheng, waiting for him below.

For Fang Qingcheng, in fact, he also has many doubts, but it's a pity that he has no basis in these years, and he can't say a lot of things.

Moreover, he himself is a mud Bodhisattva crossing the river. Naturally, Fang Qingcheng, the guide, has a little less mind to meddle in his own affairs.

Now, listening to Fang Qingcheng's initiative, he is willing to listen to what will happen.

Seeing him stop, Fang Qingcheng pointed to the pavilion that had just been blown up by thunder and said casually.

"It's a long story. Why don't you sit in that pavilion?"

"Pavilion? Forget it, just sit down."

While talking, he was not poor. He followed Fang Qingcheng and fell into that piece of broken bricks and tiles.

The thunder light that was triggered earlier was when his memory was confused. It was led by Zhengyang Lei gang who was unintentionally triggered. It was powerful but extremely accurate.

Only the pavilion was blasted to pieces, but half of the eaves of the surrounding cloister did not fall.

Ye Xiaogu originally thought that Fang Qingcheng would let him sit on the pile of broken bricks and tiles and talk. Unexpectedly, Fang Qingcheng obviously has much more IQ than him at the moment.

Seeing Fang Qingcheng walking to the corridor, he leaned against the railing and sat down. For a moment, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and secretly felt a little funny.

Perhaps because of this joke, the depression in his heart also faded a little. Holding the fainted Gu Shuimeng, he walked to the opposite side of Fangqing city and sat down, saying casually.

"What do you say?"

"I don't know what to say for a moment."

He was full of enthusiasm. Unexpectedly, Fang Qingcheng was confused at this time.

Before he frowned and opened his mouth, Fang Qingcheng rubbed the previous scattered dust around the railing and said faintly.

"How do you feel?"

"How does it feel?"

"How do you feel now that you have the talent of a Heavenly Master, or that you are a reincarnated Heavenly Master?"

"How does it feel?"

Hearing this, ye Xiaogu unconsciously couldn't help laughing at himself.

"Taoist Fang followed me all the way. When I fell black and blue, you also helped me. Now you ask me what it's like? Is it too ironic?"

"... ridicule?"

Fang Qingcheng raised the dust on his fingertips, and his eyes fell on ye Xiaogu's face, but he couldn't see any sadness or joy.

"As a Heavenly Master, you are in charge of the three realms and nine skies and are superior to the eight polar beings. You should have been roaring in the sky with unparalleled power, but you don't dare to be right. Why is it now?"

"What it looks like now?"

Hearing this, ye Xiaogu subconsciously looked down at himself, but he didn't see his appearance. Instead, he looked at Gu Shuimeng in his arms. He slept very sweet. He didn't look like being knocked out.

Perhaps it was because he found that his attention was on Gu Shuimeng. Fang Qingcheng looked at the carved eaves and corners of the corridor and asked faintly.

"Why did you give up thousands of Taoist practices and countless believers?"

"I don't know."

"Do you know that it's hard to decide the catastrophe of the Taoist sect. In the past, countless disciples were bloodstained, and the disaster of the end of the law made it difficult to keep this hidden secret place day and night?"

"... I know a little about that."

"Know a little? Since you know, why are you so lazy?! you have an unparalleled life. You should have done your best for the stability of the world and the peace of all sentient beings! But what have you done now?"


As he spoke, Fang Qingcheng suddenly roared at the top of his voice. For a moment, ye Xiaogu was stunned and speechless. He couldn't say a word for a long time.

This seemingly rough man, if he hadn't been wearing an inappropriate earthly Maoshan Taoist robe, he would have had more momentum during his angry drinking.

Only this angry drink was a little headless, which made people feel a little confused.

Fang Qingcheng seemed to be aware of his gaffe, relieved a little and calmed his mood secretly.

Waiting to see him calm a little, ye Xiaogu couldn't help asking.

"Venture to ask, do we know each other?"

"... go first."

Fang Qingcheng looked up at him and said expressionless.

After saying this, ye xiaoguben wanted to ask two questions, but looking at Fang Qingcheng's staggering back, he didn't know how to ask more.

Vaguely, he felt as if he had known this Qingcheng in the past, but he couldn't remember such a person for a moment.

Think about it carefully, but everyone who can shout a name seems to be in the Bureau. It's not strange even to know.

It didn't seem like a big deal to think about it. He sipped his mouth, but he didn't want to think more. He took the girl to the wing room.

The cause and effect of previous life and this life are old things. In this life, he can do few things. It's better to take care of himself first.

It seemed that everything was taken for granted.

Ye Xiaogu enlightened himself and found a wing room at will. Unexpectedly, the silver frost palace didn't look very good. The layout of these wing rooms was really luxurious.

He held Gu Shuimeng and pushed open a plain carved wooden door. At a glance, it was still a shadow wall with gold and jade.

Around the shadow wall, you have to take a winding path to see a spacious small hall.

The style of this path also seems to have some twists and turns. Although it is reasonable to level it gradually, it is also level one stone at a time.

But looking at the inkstone like black stone, ye Xiaogu subconsciously felt that there was something wrong.

"Is there any mechanism trap?"

In fact, he had seen such a winding path to enter the house before, but it was on Ren Hanxiang's luxury carriage.

The same entry path, the same do not know where the quiet spring, if it is a simple Feng Shui decoration, it is actually reasonable.

I'm afraid it's not just Feng Shui decoration, so it's hard to say.

Between his thoughts, he subconsciously frowned. He was still wondering whether to test it.

Unexpectedly, Gu Shuimeng, who has been sleeping in his arms so far, suddenly woke up. He was caught off guard and didn't hold her for a moment.

Just listening to the "pop", the girl stepped half her foot into the water in front of the door.

The water is not deep at all. It's only about a foot deep. It's just loud. It's just decoration.

"I love him X!"

Unexpectedly, the girl just stepped on the water and seemed to be angry. As soon as she turned back, she scolded and slapped him in the face.

However, this slap hasn't been implemented yet. Ye Xiaogu looked at her expressionless. I don't know whether it's because she's half short in the water or something. It feels that she has a little less momentum.

Before she could slap her, ye Xiaogu took her into his arms and walked along the path.

"Now I only think of a great ceremony of worshipping teachers in the past, and you are also one of my disciples. Although I am reincarnated, I know you anyway. If you don't mean to harm me, I won't hurt you."

"Hum! You try to hurt me? I don't have the ability to play the ball. I'm not small."

"Don't worry, you'll know in a minute."

When he said this, Gu Shuimeng subconsciously felt guilty, but her eyes fell on her feet in the water, and she frowned unconsciously for a moment.

The girl didn't say a word for a long time. Ye Xiaogu took her in his arms and looked at the wing room. For a moment, he was really stunned.

Most of the ordinary door rooms are simply and appropriately arranged. It's no exaggeration to say that the tables, chairs and benches are well prepared, which is almost interesting.

A little better is divided into vermilion beams and columns, and the golden purple porch is already luxurious.

After all, it's just a wing room. It can't be arranged so carefully.

However, it seems that the silver frost palace has such a layout. The gold, jade and jewelry seem to be four for one yuan. Even ye Xiaogu, who doesn't care much about these things, can't help but secretly eyebrow.

"This wing room is supposed to be used for visitors' accommodation. Why is it so luxurious?"

"That's luxurious? Hillbilly ~"

"I really haven't seen this style of wing room. Isn't it that Menger specially arranged to wait for Qing / Lang?"

"I'll wait for you, uncle!"

Gu Shuimeng scolded him impolitely. It's reasonable to say that it can be regarded as a teacher and apprentice. If you don't respect your teacher, at least you don't have the meaning of deep hatred.

However, although he was a little confused at the moment, he couldn't remember any trivial old things about the girl for a moment, so he simply didn't mention it.

In my heart, I just estimated that it should have something to do with Zhang Yan. I want to come to Zhang Yan. The boy is also handsome and handsome. His red hair seems to have a lot of weight, even if he is liked by the girl.

Between his thoughts, he casually put Gu Shuimeng down, sat at the table in the small hall and knocked on the teapot on the table.

"Menger, prepare some tea for the teacher."

"I'm going to you..."

"Why don't you scold me again? You're afraid I won't clean you up, aren't you?"


Gu Shuimeng habitually scolded, but he stared at him before he said it, and the arrogance of the girl disappeared for a moment.

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