I have a Gameboy

Chapter 300 The battle begins!

Yan Chong didn't have any special feelings because of toxin immunity, but thought that the bird was very unpalatable.

But looking at Jenny’s performance now, is it poisonous?

When Jenny came out of the bathroom, and to be precise, it was not very sanitary, Yan Chong asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

Jenny held Yan Chong with three points of respect and seven points of fear, even if she was not feeling well, she did not dare to speak.

She nodded and shook her head again, so that Yan Chong couldn't understand it.

"Who brought you back to the bed, are you?" Yan Chong asked angrily, "I'll help you out!"

"No!" Jenny finally said her words.

But as soon as she opened her mouth, she couldn't help it again, and returned to the bathroom to exhale.

After vomiting this time, she was obviously more comfortable, but she seemed to have no strength all over.

"What's wrong with you?" Yan Chong asked.

"I don't know either." Jenny shook her head.

Jenny is a standard born in the wasteland. Before, she couldn't even eat rice. It was a rare treat to have a rotten brown bread.

With her intestines and stomach, she can eat meat, no matter how nauseous she is, she cannot vomit.

Unless you can't help it.

After confirming that Jenny was indeed not pregnant, Yan Chong was sure that the bird was indeed poisoned.

The target of poisoning is undoubtedly Yan Chong.

"You go back and have a good rest." Yan Chong said, "Don't tell others that you ate bird meat."

After speaking, Yan Chong also brought Jenny two canned fruits to make up for it.

Yan Chong himself lay back on the bed and began to pretend to be sick.

After a while, someone came and knocked on the door.

Yan Chong deliberately waited for a long time before he slowly passed by and opened the door.

"Let's go, it's time to go to the game." The driver who came to see Yan Chong was the driver who had sent him to the arena before.

"I'm not feeling well." Yan Chong shook his head, "Can I be absent this time?"

"No." The driver also shook his head. "Big Brother Garcia said, today's race is very important. You must participate in any state."


Now that he has given this prophetic order, he must be the one who poisoned it.

Yan Chong originally thought that because he had pitted the cobra several times, he wanted to take the opportunity to retaliate.It was the cobra that poisoned his food.

But now it seems that Garcia wants to sacrifice him to gain greater benefits.

Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

Yan Chong continued to pretend to be very weak, and slowly opened the door to let the driver in.

"You wait for me to drink some water." Yan Chong said.

The driver first glanced at Yan Chong's face, Yan Chong deliberately turned his face a little yellower, and his cheekbones collapsed.

This is a very simple thing for his talent for changing faces.

The driver secretly checked Yan Chong's bathroom again, and he saw many pieces of undigested bird meat inside.

He can now be very sure that Yan Chong ate something unclean and caused vomiting and diarrhea.

While he was observing the environment, Yan Chong was also observing him.

It seems that no matter how much money the driver makes on his own body, he is still Garcia's subordinate and has to obey his orders unconditionally.

He came here this time, even if he was investigating Yan Chong's situation.

Since he insisted on taking Yan Chong away, Yan Chong had no choice but to follow the driver out of the door with "legs weak" and all the way to the arena.

On the way there, Yan Chong deliberately pretended to be dizzy and squinted in the car.

The driver sent Yan Chong to the preparation room of the arena and went to report to Garcia.Garcia never came to meet Yan Chong from beginning to end.

It seems that in Garcia's eyes, Yan Chong is already a dead person.

Yan Chong didn't matter. He didn't know if others knew about his poisoning, so he also acted very low-key in the lounge, lying on a stool to rest all the time, without even wearing any equipment.

Until a staff member came to remind him, he reluctantly put on the leather armor he used to wear before.

"What weapon do you want to use?" the staff asked again.

"Big wrench," Yan Chong replied.

This is his memorial to Hawke.

Before long, an oversized wrench was brought over.

"It's ready to play." The staff member said.

Before their team competition, there were also several hot duel events, all of which were very bloody and had already mobilized the enthusiasm of the audience.

So Yan Chong stood up with "strong support" and limped out.

Originally his oversized wrench was supposed to be a weapon, but in his hands, it only served as a crutch.

Gladiators entered this small iron cage from different entrances.

If there are only two people, then the venue can be described as spacious.

But for thirty people, it is a bit too narrow, and there is no possibility of getting away from others.

Everyone is surrounded by enemies, and in the end only one person can walk out alive.

Following Yan Chong's entrance, everyone else's eyes focused.

After all, as the champions of the arena, Yan Chong poses the greatest threat to them.

However, Yan Chong's complexion was not good, and he was still holding a large wrench in his hand, and several people had satisfied smiles on their faces.

It seems that they have also received internal information, and want to kill Yan Chong in this battle to establish their reputation.

They are watching Yan Chong, and Yan Chong is also watching them.

Yan Chong's eyes flicked across the faces of these people one by one, and many of them he knew.

There are at least five people, gladiators under Garcia.

Yan Chong had already told him that he should send fewer people, or the loss would be great.

But it seems Garcia doesn't care.

And these people seem to have received internal information, and they have to join hands to kill Yan Chong first. As for whether they can succeed, it's up to them.

There are also a few famous gladiators in this arena. Although they have not challenged Yan Chong, they are all quite capable.

This time I don’t know why, but I was sent here too, maybe I wanted to take a gamble.

There were a few people with the symbol of the Hyena Gang. They were probably reincarnations, but Yan Chong didn't know them.

Correspondingly, naturally there are people from the Viper Gang.

The only thing Yan Chong could see was the silver ring snake in iron armor.

He is the younger brother of the leader Hei Mamba, and he is very tall.

The last time he met Yan Chong, he fell from a height because Yan Chong missed the evil dragon and left the instance directly.

Although Yan Chong had stripped off his equipment, he didn't know much about his fighting methods.

Since he came here alone, he naturally has sufficient confidence.

In addition to them, there was another person that shocked Yan Chong's heart.

That person is the hero of this copy: Crazy Max!

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