I have a Gameboy

Chapter 301 Why Should I Kill Me?

Crazy Max is still tall, wearing an old leather jacket, which is not conspicuous.

His hair was simply cut into an inch with a knife, but it was very irregular and full of the tension of the wasteland world.

His signature feature is that his right leg was once broken and was forcibly supported by an iron frame outside.

So although he has no problem walking, he will inevitably limp when moving fast.

The weapon he chose was a rusty tactical knife, which was not conspicuous.

As far as his outfit is concerned, among these thirty people, the degree of danger is not even in the top ten.

But it doesn't matter whether he is good or not, he is the only actor in the entire copy.

The aura of the protagonist on his body will make him a certain degree of good luck, and from another perspective, if he died here so easily, would the direction of the whole story change?

Oh no.

Since Yan Chong gave five green hats to the undead old Joe, the plot has been different.

Yan Chong couldn't manage that much at this time. Under this strict competition system, only one person could leave alive.

Compared with the changes in the plot, Yan Chong cares more about his life.

As for whether Crazy Max is the protagonist, it is not Yan Chong who recommended him to participate in the competition.

With the sound of a huge steam horn from above, the prelude to the battle was kicked off.

All the gladiators acted immediately, rushing to the enemy closest to them, waved their weapons, and eliminated all threats.

Yan Chong naturally did the same.

However, Yan Chong wanted to perform a full set of acting, and did not directly attack, but moved backward, trying to stay away from other people.

He didn't want to be particularly strong, and then be besieged by others across the board.

Even if he really has three heads and six arms, he can't stand a gang fight of twenty-nine people.

Besides, he should behave like a patient now.

There is a tacit understanding between the five Garcia's men, and it seems that there was an agreement before they came.

They met each other's eyes and did not attack each other, but stood together and formed a small circle, sensibly blocking the others outside.

Because this is not a team competition, this malicious team formation is very dangerous.

There is no doubt that no one wants to fight five people at the same time.

Other people will naturally not attack them actively.

And they didn't want to attack other people, so they bypassed the crowd and surrounded Yan Chong.

Killing "North City Star" is their ultimate goal!

Yan Chong had already retreated to the corner at this time, behind him was a railing made of iron bars, and outside was an excited audience.

The audience even reached out and pushed Yan Chong back, who had retreated to the side.

"Go! Fight!" they shouted loudly, "I made a big bet on you! One month's ration!"

"Then you just collect the small ticket! Don't win the prize after a while!" Yan Chong turned around and told them, "Also, don't push me!"

Yan Chong shook the big wrench and smashed the iron railing next to him, making a loud noise, scaring the person who reached him back.

"You short-lived ghost, you won't survive today!" Many people shouted, frightened by Yan Chong.

At this time, the five people had already walked around.

They surrounded Yan Chong with evil smiles on their faces.

"Hehehe~! Today is your death date!" One of the tall people said to Yan Chong.

He is the strongest among the five gladiators, second only to Yan Chong under Garcia.

He has always been jealous of Yan Chong's status and wanted to challenge Yan Chong, but he still participated in a little bit of the game and did not win the title of "Wild Dragon".

He is now going to kill Yan Chong, and then become famous in one fell swoop, dominating the arena.

Whether or not he can walk out of this iron cage alive, he is the one who killed the "Northern Star", a man who can have a name in the arena.

But in Yan Chong's view, this is just a group of mentally handicapped people.

"Do you want to kill me that way? Don't hesitate to sacrifice the lives of yourself and your companions?" Yan Chong said, his legs still trembling as he held the big wrench with his hands.

"Of course," the man said.

"I mean why?" Yan Chong asked, "Why does Big Brother Garcia want to kill me so much?"

"How do I know this?" the man replied, "Big Brother's order is not something we can easily question."

"But..." Yan Chong said again.

"Well, don't be silly!" the man said, "We are playing, not chatting. If you have any questions, you can ask God!"

After speaking, he raised the big hammer in his hand, ready to send Yan Chong to see God.

This is a hammer with spikes, which fits his tall body very well.

There is no doubt that if he is hit by a strong man, most people will become a pool of flesh.

But Yan Chong will not.

"I'm not long-winded." Yan Chong smiled, "I just want to see, do you still want to live a little longer."

As soon as Yan Chong finished speaking, another mechanical arm popped up on his left shoulder.


Ninyi popped out a large number of hidden bandit scimitars.


Just a moment, the man's head was cut off.

After the cut, Yan Chong's forbearance hand was successfully recovered.

This set of actions is very fast, if it weren't for someone staring at Yan Chong fully, he wouldn't know what happened.

"Why..." Yan Chong sighed.

Although the man was dead, his body did not fall down.If it hadn't been for the hammer he raised up to fall softly, the people next to him would really not know that he was dead.

"Four of you, do you want to go up?" Yan Chong took a breath and supported his body with a big wrench.

Even at this time, he still numbs other people.

A gladiator who saw Yan Chong's movements had already developed fear in his heart and took a step back secretly.

The attention of the other three fools kept staring at the back, for fear that someone else would attack them.

If Yan Chong was really poisoned as Garcia said, then the strong man with a sledgehammer would be enough to solve him.

But they didn't wait until the end.

But that's okay, the brawny man with a sledgehammer is the strongest among them. After solving Yan Chong, it will be their turn to solve a few.

Now that he is dead, doesn't his chance of winning come?

Yan Chong should have used something to save his life from the bottom of the box, and they still have the advantage of this number.

So they did not choose to give up, but became even more excited!

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