I have a Gameboy

Chapter 302 Max's protagonist halo!

"I'm not a gladiator for fear of death!" A big man with a machete next to him took the lead in attacking Yan Chong, and the other two shouted together.

It is to cheer others up, but also to embolden yourself.

Yan Chong was very prepared on this side. When the opponent rushed over, he immediately shoveled a sliding shovel on his calf.

Then the big wrench in Yan Chong's hand also swung along, hitting the knee of his other leg.

The man with a knife didn't expect Yan Chong to be so fast, and he was shocked.

But when he reacted, he was already kneeling on the ground.

Yan Chong had already held the wedge pill in his hand at this time, and jumped up, stabbing him in the back of his heart from behind.

Knife out, knife back, everything is like sparkling flint.

The shouts of the other two people were not small, but they did not move very fast, until now they came to Yan Chong's side.

Yan Chong killed two people one after another, and also avoided an attack with a sliding shovel. His momentum had reached its peak.

So he immediately launched a finishing move that played more with less.

Standing between the two of them, Yan Chong easily avoided the attack of one of them, walked around him, grabbed his head, and pushed forward hard.

The lead-filled iron pipe in another person's hand was pulled over at the same time, and it was hitting this person's head.

His own impulse, Yan Chong's thrust, and the opponent's full blow, the triple power is superimposed in one place.

This directly caused his head to be beaten into a rotten watermelon by the iron pipe.

Surprised by his failure, the man holding the iron pipe was also stunned.

It is good to eliminate your competitors, but Yan Chong seems to be fine?

While he was stunned, Yan Chong's knife also arrived.

It's another chill!

Yan Chong looked back at the gladiator who was in awe just now: "You, do you want to go?"

The man saw that Yan Chong killed four people instantly, his legs were weak, and he shouted no, turned and ran.

In this crowded arena, those who flee have no chance of survival.

The man was frightened by Yan Chong, turned around and wanted to run, but within two steps, he met the murderer next to him.

The Coral Snake held a simple knife and just split the head of a person next to him.

Seeing him come over, it would be a knife to directly return.

So this person is also in a different place.

The Coral Snake looked in this direction and saw Yan Chong.

Yan Chong could only smile at him, and stepped back, posing a harmless posture.

But these corpses next to him have proved that he is not a good crop.

Coral Snake does not care if Yan Chong is the champion of the arena, he is the champion!

No one who dares to enter this place is good!

So he walked towards Yan Chong step by step.

But within two steps, he was kicked by a hyena gang rushing over.

Coral snakes wear iron armor, which is very strong and heavy.

In theory, he shouldn't be hurt too much.

However, because the opponent's kinetic energy was too great, and he jumped up and kicked, he was still kicked and almost didn't fall.

In this case, he can only give priority to solving the close enemies, and dance a simple knife up and down.

When Yan Chong saw that the silver ring snake could not come, he didn't go to make up the knife, and honestly retreated to the corner, squeezing the big wrench to catch his breath.

Then he looked up at the stand above which Garcia usually sits.

Garcia really sat there.

However, Garcia's expression is not so good-looking, it seems that there is a sense of conspiracy failure.

He has now completely lost hope of winning, and the five men he sent to kill Yan Chong are completely wiped out.

The only possibility for him to make a profit now is to hope that Yan Chong can survive.

However, he knew he had poisoned Yan Chong, and Yan Chong's chance of winning was slim.

So he must have made a heavy bet and lost.

Anyway, he will lose miserably this time.

Yan Chong looked at the others on the court. The current situation on the court was mainly divided into several parts.

The coral snake was entangled by the hyena gang and could only fight with them.

The number of people in the Hyena Gang is dominant. At least three core members wear the badge of the Hyena Gang. Among those who don't wear the badge, there are three people who help to besie the Coral Snake.

The Coral Snake could only barely resist with its heavy armor.

But like Garcia's five waste gladiators, they are not very united.

Everyone understands that after entering this arena, only one person can go out.

Although they are under pressure to give priority to solving the Coral Snake, the people next to them are also their opponents, and no one wants to sacrifice themselves to perfect others.

They all hope that the people next to them can die with the coral snake, and then take advantage of them.

So the battle between them is very stalemate, and it should be impossible to tell the outcome for a while.

The other gladiators are roughly divided into two groups.

There is a group of people, about ten or so, and they are still in the stage of testing each other. You attack, I dodge, and then sneak a fish at another person. It hasn't reached the desperate stage.

The other group of people has really entered the stage of fighting for life. Some people have even shot their weapons and have begun to use their bare hands.

Most importantly, Max is one of them.

He was still one of the more miserable. He was pressed to the ground by a fat man who was at least a hundred catties heavier and beaten violently.

As the protagonist, you can't do this either!

Yan Chong had been watching from the side, but didn't make a move.

He wanted to see how Max, as the actor, would be liberated from this crisis.

The protagonist's halo is still useful.

Max was beaten several times and his face was swollen. At this time, there was a thin man next to him. He took a harpoon and stuck it in the neck of the fat man above Max.

No matter how strong the fat man is, his neck is very fragile, and he is dead upright at this moment.

The skinny man who attacked was not very strong, and was quickly grabbed by another person and smashed to the ground.

On the contrary, Max, who was lying on the ground, was beaten so badly that he couldn't even get up. He was ignored by others, and no one went up to make up the knife.

The protagonist halo, really amazing!

They fought for a while, and the situation became clearer.

Those who really entered the hand-to-hand combat, except Max, were all dead.

Max was lying in the pile of corpses. Although it was obvious that he was not dead, he was safe for the time being.

And those who tempted each other, some joined in the fight, and some took the opportunity to sneak attack the hyena gang who besieged the Coral Snake, fighting very messy.

Others noticed Yan Chong, who was holding a large wrench next to him, and strode towards him.

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