I have a Gameboy

Chapter 304 People do not offend me, I do not offend people!

If others can do it, why should Yan Chong do it himself?

He had already exposed his forbearance hand and potion gourd, not knowing if anyone would notice him.

Looking at the current situation, not only Coral Snake and Yuan Yueming are masters, but even Max, who is the male protagonist, is not an easy role to deal with.

Otherwise, the system won't let a male protagonist who is nothing enter the arena to give away the head.

If you don't consider the factors of reincarnation, he does have the strength to pass the customs.

If Yan Chong wanted to kill the remaining three people, then he would have to expose more things.

So since Yuan Yueming threw out the olive branch, Yan Chong certainly responded immediately.

"Of course it's good for Star Coins!" Yuan Yueming said, "Actually, if you give more general coins, you can."

"A star coin." Yan Chong said, "If you help me get the two of them, I will give you some common coins after going out."

After that, Yan Chong took out a star coin and gave Yuan Yueming a look.

In the world of non-veterans, Starcoin is still a relatively scarce resource.

Yuan Yueming's eyes lit up when Yan Chong took out a star coin so easily.

But he still wants to try to get a higher harvest.

So he turned his head to the Coral Snake: "What do you think? How about two?"

"I have your sister's idea!" Coral Snake didn't want to buy others' minds.

Small thing, just rely on you, dare to care about me asking for stars?

While talking, the Coral Snake started doing it again.

Yuan Yueming hurriedly danced the shield to block the three consecutive swings of the silver ring snake.

This time, with Yan Chong's assurance, he was not so polite to Coral Snake.

After defending, he immediately joined the counterattack action, and the short sword pierced the Coral Snake at a very tricky angle.

"Small, not bad!" The Silver Ring Snake exclaimed, so he hit Yuan Yueming with it.

Crazy Max here after stabbing the corpse, he also folded back, seeing the Coral Snake and Yuan Yueming playing happily, and then he looked at Yan Chong who was watching the lively.

Although Max is crazy, he is not stupid, he can even say that his brain is very good.

If he attacked the Coral Snake or Yuan Yueming now, a victor would definitely appear, and there would be a profitable Yan Chong beside him.

He can't let this happen.

So he even carried two short knives and rushed towards Yan Chong.

"Hey, what you did is a bit too much, right?" Yan Chong asked, "I don't want to fight you!"

"Is the'City North Star' actually a bullshit?" Mad Max kept coming straight to Yan Chong without stopping.

It seems that even if you are the leading actor, I can't let you go.

After all, Yan Chong has watched movies and played games. He still knows Crazy Max very well.

Max caused his wife and daughter to die because of a mistake.

So even now, he often sees the illusion of his wife and daughter.

This is probably his biggest weakness.

And Yan Chong can take advantage of this.

Only Lv2's "Naraku Seeing Art" is needed to let opponents see what they fear most.

Seeing Max rushing forward straight, Yan Chong could only activate his skills helplessly.


Max immediately stopped being crazy.

His expression was full of incredible, but then it turned into a look of tenderness, and finally turned into surprise.

This thing is not surprised, after all, these illusions are controlled by Yan Chong.

When Max saw the closest person and stabbed him, not only his body, but his mind was also hit hundreds of times.

Of course Yan Chong would not let go of this good opportunity.

As the saying goes, "People don't offend me, I don't offend people." If you don't want to die, what are you in the arena?

Yan Chong easily escaped Max's sight, went around behind him, and stabbed him in the vest.

So Max just fell.

"I'm sorry," Yan Chong said, and then he turned over Max's body.

As the male protagonist, Max is certainly good.

Whether it's his worn leather jacket or his own tactical dagger, it doesn't look great, but it's actually purple.

A leather jacket is a full-body leather armor, each of which can provide three-point defense of the corresponding part, which is better than ordinary leather armor, and its main effect is to enhance various specialties under the perception item.

Leather jackets, jeans, scarves, leather gloves, and leather shoes correspond to the five specialties of alertness, tracking, observing words, survival in the wild, and driving (navigation) under the perceptual item, each of which is raised by one level.

And when these equipment are put together, you can get an additional special effect: the need for water and food in the wilderness is halved.

Of course, for Yan Chong, this additional effect has no practical significance, and he is not short of food.

But for a scavenger who often acts in the wilderness, this "scavenger" suit allows Max to consume more than others.

Of course, under certain circumstances, this set of equipment may not be as good as Yan Chong's "stalker" set, but each has its own uses.

Anyway, Yan Chong didn't need to consider the question of backpack grids anymore, so he threw this suit into the warehouse of the ranch.

His rusty tactical knife is not ordinary, with a base damage of 6, agility bonus, and two points of armor.

For armors above leather armor, adding two points of armor is undoubtedly two points of damage.

And its additional effect is that the food that has been shaved by it, even if it is rotten, poisonous, can be eaten, and it will become very delicious.

It's the perfect equipment for their scavengers.

But for Yan Chong, who is immune to toxins, this knife is still useless...

So its end is also to throw the warehouse.

On Max's body, there is also a bunch of car keys.

Max’s most important property is his V8 tank.

As a former highway patrol, that car is his life and everything.

For those who dared to steal his chariot, he once wiped out a gang for this.

But now, he may be returning to Yan Chong, as long as Yan Chong can find the location of the car.

After solving Max, it is time to solve Coral Snake and Yuan Yueming.

"How are you two?" Yan Chong asked.

The two of them are still fighting fiercely at this time, the silver ring snake power is heavy, and the heavy armor, and Yuan Yueming's defense is strict, has been directed by an expert, and a casual counterattack cannot be underestimated.

"Are you sure you will give me the Star Coin?" Yuan Yueming said.

"Of course, I'll give it to you now." Yan Chong directly bounced the star coin out.

Yuan Yueming swung two swords in a row to force the silver ring snake back, and then caught the star coin.

"It's true." Yuan Yueming took a look and put it in her bag.

"It's just a star coin." Yan Chong behaved nonchalantly, "Why, this little thing, do you still need to sign a contract?"

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