I have a Gameboy

Chapter 305 Final Victory!

"Sign a contract?" Yuan Yueming had never heard such a request.

Yan Chong immediately took out a sheepskin scroll.

"Clearly priced, legally binding contract." Yan Chong said, "Do you really want to sign? I'll read it to you if you want to sign? We can even make the contract long-term."

Yan Chong read as soon as he said, but he really started to read.

Most of it was written by the original Cobra for him.

After Yan Chong took the sheepskin roll back, he changed the position of the name in it. He didn't understand other legal matters, so he basically kept it.

Who knows, Yuan Yueming over there is actually quite excited.

"Hey, so the harvest in your previous dungeon was pretty good," Yuan Yueming said, "Can I get one more star coin every time I follow you?"

"If there are too many, I dare not say it." Yan Chong replied, "If you are short of Star Coins, can't I just give you some more?"

The silver ring snake next to it was anxious.

You two don't take me seriously, right?

In fact, it is true.

Although Coral Snake is powerful, Yan Chong never put him in his eyes.

After all, the Coral Snake had already died in Yan Chong's hands once, and even the equipment had been picked up by Yan Chong once.

The current Yan Chong just wanted to show as few hidden features as possible while solving him.

The Silver Ring Snake didn't cut Yuan Yueming anymore, and directly took Pu Dao and rushed towards Yan Chong.

"Speaking of which, why are you still angry?" Yan Chong put away the scroll, turned and ran.

He is light-handed, ten-point agile, and he still wears leather armor. How fast he runs.

Hidden strength belongs to hidden strength. Now it's time for him to pretend to be poisoned.

The silver ring snake over there has been fighting for a long time, and he is tired enough. He is wearing a heavy armor. If he can catch up with Yan Chong, then hell!

Yan Chong just ran and teased him, making the silver ring snake so angry that his eyes almost popped out.

"I have already taken the star coins. It doesn't matter whether the contract is signed or not," Yuan Yueming said, "I will solve him for you first."

So Yuan Yueming followed and chased the coral snake.

But his speed is not faster than the Coral Snake.

As a defensive fighter, his attributes seem to be added to strength and physical strength, but his agility is not very good anyway.

He chased him for a long time, but he didn't even catch up with the coral snake.

This is probably the funniest scene in this duel event.

Yan Chong slid leisurely in the front, the silver ring snake was chasing behind him panting, and Yuan Yueming followed him.

The three people ran around without hands, as if it were three old men running in the morning.

Even the outside audience quit, one after another shouting: "You guys are fighting!"

Yan Chong saw that this is not the case.

Those audiences didn't know Coral Snake and Yuan Yueming, but they knew themselves!

Yan Chong heard these curses, and basically the words "Star of the North of the City" followed.

It was also very uncomfortable to hear the audience scolding themselves.

Yan Chong's disposition is not so good, so he can only show his performance.

He swallowed a stone and switched to the stone state.

This greatly increased his weight, and then he turned around abruptly, and a sliding shovel shoveled towards the coral snake.

The Coral Snake was almost desperate, he had to slow down, put his hands on his knees, and gasped for breath.

Then Yan Chong turned around and gave him this.

So the Coral Snake fell directly on the ground.

Then Yuan Yueming rushed over.

Although he can't run fast, his endurance is better than that of Coral Snake.

If the Coral Snake was solved by Yan Chong in this way, he would always feel a little sorry for the Star Coins he got.

So he yelled: "This person is left to me!"

Then he jumped up and hit the coral snake.

The Coral Snake suffered one after another, and it really couldn't stand up now.

Yan Chong stood up from the ground and went first to put away the Pudao that the silver ring snake had fallen beside.

He didn't want to lay down the sword of the coral snake, but wanted to deprive the snake of its attack ability first.

But Yuan Yueming was more direct, stabbing the coral snake.

Yan Chong couldn't help covering his eyes.

This child is so simple!

Did you know that Coral Snake's brother Black Mamba was also onlookers?

I haven't been fighting with him, isn't it just that I don't want to fight directly with the Viper Gang.

You really don't care!

But this is also good, at least when Yan Chong wins, Black Mamba will not count the killing of his brother on his own head.

If Yan Chong successfully killed Yuan Yueming, Hei Mamba would have to thank himself for avenging him!

Of course, Yan Chong still respects the spirit of the contract.

He told Yuan Yueming, "We are the only ones left."

"Okay!" Yuan Yueming said, "We will talk about the contract after we go out. Come over and poke me."

Yan Chong was also afraid of Yuan Yueming's use of tricks, so he was full of precautions, and then threw the big wrench that he had been holding at a position not too close to Yuan Yueming.

Yuan Yueming was not defensive, letting the big wrench hit her chest and let out a "dang" sound.

Then he yelled extremely exaggeratedly, then turned over and fell 180° to the ground.

Then, he disappeared into a cloud of white light.

Yan Chong: "..."

This kid is too real!

It seems that what he said is true!

Are you not going to lie to me and win the championship?

Since he trusted Yan Chong so much, Yan Chong was embarrassed to sign a "contract" with him.

Although Yuan Yueming's actions in the form of white light are strange, the special effects as a reincarnation did not arouse suspicion among the audience.

As he left the dungeon, even if his performance just now was extravagant, everyone agreed that he was killed by Yan Chong.

There was a burst of cheers on the court.

"The North Star!"

"The North Star!"

"The North Star!"

After all, Yan Chong is the champion of the arena, and the call to win the championship was high before. This time, naturally a large number of people bought him to win.

This time, it seems that the casino has to lose a lot of money.

Yan Chong opened his arms, walked slowly through the corpse, greeted the cheers of people outside, and checked the equipment of those contestants by the way.

Ordinary gladiators are also divided into powerful and ordinary. Although they are basically not up to the Boss level, even the elite can exchange some information with their equipment.

And those who are in reincarnation, although their performance is not very good, after so long, how can they have one or two good things on them?

Yan Chong was leisurely, fully feeling the joy of victory.

At this time, there was a gunshot above the cage, and then there was a riot outside.

Yan Chong still heard the gunshots and reacted for a while before realizing that he had been shot.

The superposition of stone skin and dragon scales made him basically immune to junk firearms.

But he still clutched his chest, pretended to be very painful, and lay down.

Garcia, what tricks do you want to play?

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