I have a Gameboy

Chapter 311 Replacement!

Yan Chong saw that two people walked away again, still the same routine, still the same swearing, and he was really furious.

He can understand what the cannibal thinks, but he can't understand what the rattlesnake does.

If Yan Chong was not afraid of revealing his identity, he really wanted to jump over, and now he would chop the rattlesnake.

No, it's better to be more secretive.

Seeing that someone was leaving, Yan Chong couldn't help standing up.

"'City North Star' is avenging his friends, he is a good one!" Yan Chong said, "He is dead, you can't insult him like this!"

"Boy, do you want to control?" The rattlesnake also stood up, and touched the pistol on his waist with his right hand.

"Bah! Smelly debt collector!" Yan Chong shouted, then slammed the glass in his hand at the rattlesnake.

The rattlesnake even ignored the glass of wine, drew his gun and shot, the target pointed at Yan Chong's eyebrows.

Yan Chong dodges quickly, but was still hit by a bullet in his forehead.

Really accurate!

Of course, for Yan Chong, the actual damage was limited due to the gun itself. He didn't even scratch the blood on his forehead and flew away.

Because the body of the wine is not good, I basically didn't drink that cup of wine.

After the wine glass was thrown out, the liquid in it was sprayed out directly, making a rattlesnake face.

In this clash, it seemed that Yan Chong had won.

"Trash, you didn't fight!" Yan Chong continued to curse, then turned and ran.

The Rattlesnake frowned, doubting his marksmanship for the first time in his life.

"I obviously hit him!" The Rattlesnake didn't dare to neglect, so he moved quickly and chased Yan Chong.

He must find the place back!

The men next to him obviously didn't react as quickly as he did, and they stood up after the rattlesnake chased to the other side of the room.

Hey, did someone question us just now?

"You guys are not allowed to go!" They said one after another, "You have to finish cursing and spitting out!"

Those alcoholics wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape, but this time they all stayed where they were.

The behavior of these debt collectors is actually fine, after all, they don't know if Yan Chong has any associates.

Yan Chong can stand up so boldly, it is difficult to be alone.

If they are all chasing Yan Chong and let other more important people run away, then their guilt will be serious.

They also believed in the Rattlesnake's marksmanship, and felt that it was enough to deal with an ordinary alcoholic.

But they were wrong. Yan Chong is no ordinary alcoholic.

There was no exit in the direction of Yan Chong's escape, but he was very familiar with this place and knew where the restroom of the bar was.

He went straight into the bathroom of the bar, then hid in an ambush in the corner.

When the rattlesnake came in, he leaped out like a lion.

Although Yan Chong doesn't have the size of a lion, he has a faster speed than a lion, and he has the weight of a lion in the form of a stone, which is very useful in a small space.

So the rattlesnake was directly hit by Yan Chong against the wall, and his head was directly hit into the wall, almost not broken.

Yan Chong's attention was mainly in the hands of the rattlesnake.

He grabbed the hand of the rattlesnake's gun forcefully, and smashed it against the wall a few times, finally smashing his gun down.

Then he hit the rattlesnake continuously.

The Rattlesnake should be a character similar to Xu Guangyuan, who mainly used mid-range shooting in battle.

His marksmanship is very good, not only draws the gun quickly, but also very accurate.Speaking of hitting the eyebrows, never hit the chin.

Even with Yan Chong's reaction speed, he didn't see all the rattlesnake pulling out his gun, and he was shot in the head.

If you change another person, you will basically be headshot to death.

Therefore, the close-up ability of the rattlesnake is relatively worse. In front of Yan Chong in the stone form, it is a little bit inadequate.

Yan Chong's continuous combination of punches hit the rattlesnake, which quickly wiped out his fighting ability.

"Who are you?" Rattlesnake said, and now he finally realized that he was in an ambush, "Hyena helped?"

"No." Yan Chong said indifferently, "This matter actually has nothing to do with your gang, but I am a friend of the'City North Star'."

The rattlesnake felt very regretful immediately.

The reason why he did this may just want to be more obvious and leave a good impression on the cannibals.

He also needs to climb up to gain greater benefits for the gang.

But it's a pity that he just ran into the "City North Star" person just after he did it.

"Are you another organization?" Rattlesnake asked.

"No." Yan Chong shook his head again, "I'm just a craftsman. I wanted to help the snakes."

Rattlesnake: "..."

You are so capable, you said it earlier!

But it is too late now.

"Is it too late for me to apologize to you now?" Rattlesnake said strugglingly, "Everyone is a friend..."

"No, you insulted'City North Star', you are not my friend!"

After speaking, Yan Chong gave the rattlesnake several more heavy blows with his fists.

The rattlesnake passed out completely this time.

Yan Chong moved very quickly. After knocking out the rattlesnake, he quickly took off his clothes, changed them on himself, and then changed his face to that of a rattlesnake, and put his clothes on. The body of a rattlesnake.

The reason why he chose Rattlesnake is because the figure of Rattlesnake is not much different from Yan Chong.

He basically hit the rattlesnake's face with his fist just now, so now the rattlesnake's face has suffered multiple fractures, and it is no longer what it is.

Yan Chong only trimmed his hair a bit, and he was basically able to get it through.

After Yan Chong finished this set of preparations, he dragged the rattlesnake body out.

"Hey, you guys, don't patronize and watch!" Yan Chong said.

"Boss, can we still trust you?" They said when they saw the rattlesnake come out.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Yan Chong replied, "Come on, you alone will give him a shot!"

After speaking, Yan Chong shot everyone in front of him for a while, took the rattlesnake's gun just now, and fired a shot against the rattlesnake's head.

Come on, this time I can't even tell who it is.

The people under him knew that rattlesnakes were always cruel, but this time they saw him killing people, and they didn't dare to disobey his orders.

So these people all took out their guns, and aimed at the rattlesnake's head and body. Leave it alone anyway, "Dangdangdang" fired several shots.

Then Yan Chong solemnly said to the people present: "Remember, I will insult in the future... No, it's someone who dared to miss the'Star of the North City', this is the end!"

He has said so, what else dare anyone say?

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