I have a Gameboy

Chapter 312: The Plan of the Viper Gang!

After all, the rattlesnake is a debt collector, representing the will of the cannibal.

He is now openly shooting and killing people, and others dare not care!

Even if these people have weapons, they dare not fight Yan Chong!

So the remaining people could only sigh secretly, and then stood up one by one, lined up to the portrait of "North City Star", cursed a few words insincerely, spit out, and left.

Yan Chong acted like a lunatic now. He seemed to be a little excited when he heard others scold him, and he was completely brought into the role of rattlesnake.

"Okay, brothers, let's continue drinking!" When the other drinkers had left, only these debt collectors were left.

Although the bar owner was upset, he did not dare to speak much.

He was afraid that with a few words, he would become the unlucky person on the ground.

And if the hapless guy is lucky, he still has a chance to escape.He is the owner of this store. He angered the debt collection team. Where is he going?

But Yan Chong didn't intend to make him too embarrassed, so he personally acted as the host and invited everyone to drink some wine.

When did the bar owner see the debt collector come to the bar to drink and pay?

But it didn't help, Yan Chong insisted on paying the bill with the pile of tatters found from the rattlesnake.

The bar owner didn't neglect, and gave Yan Chong some side dishes.

Of course, Yan Chong was not interested in these side dishes, and distributed them to his subordinates.

Yan Chong has long discovered a truth, no matter which copy or world view, there is no one who dislikes money.

As long as Yan Chong can do what he likes and take out some small interests, he can exchange great convenience.

These debt collectors seem to be local in the wasteland, and are very used to the taste of this food, and they also like the impure wine.

No matter how cheap the wine is, it can give them a comfortable dizziness experience.

They ate and drank, very happy, and soon drank too much.

Yan Chong took the opportunity to hypnotize them, and strengthened the suggestion that he was a rattlesnake. Even if something was wrong, it was their own memory.

Anyone who suspects that Yan Chong is not a rattlesnake is all wrong!

These people have no doubts, so hypnosis is very easy to succeed.

What else Yan Chong said to them next, it was much easier.

Under Yan Chong's gesture, there was nothing special, and the bar owner would not come out.

This has become Yan Chong's home court.

Yan Chong not only learned a lot about cannibals and debt collection squads from these people's mouths, he even heard about some poisonous snake gangs.

These people may not belong to the Viper Gang, but the behavior of the Rattlesnakes is inseparable from the Viper Gang's command.

Moreover, the consistent style of the Viper Gang is to draw a large number of NPCs in the instance, and use their power to fight against other reincarnations.

Since the main force of the Hyena Gang is attacking Immortal Old Joe, the Viper Gang will naturally move closer to the cannibals.

Many things they do are not betrayal.

So many things that seem strange to the debt collectors, as long as you think about the Viper Gang, you can basically match them.

There are masters that these people don't know, and Yan Chong can make a rough estimate as soon as they describe their appearance.

The defeat in the war between the Viper Gang and the Hyena Gang was true, but it was not that they had no way to enter Gasoline Town, and it was impossible for them to be stopped by Xu Guangyuan.

Long before Xu Guangyuan began to guard, Black Mamba and several key members of his staff had already entered Gasoline Town and lurked under the support of Cobra.

This also explains why the Coral Snake appears in the arena, and the arena in Gasoline Town is not something you can enter.

The goal of Cobra is to go to the gang and be an undercover agent, and to control it in a targeted manner.

Don't look at him as a jester, but he has climbed to the position of second in command of the gang before, and many core skills are in his hands.

On the one hand, he wants to use Garcia’s influence in the arena to give the Viper Gang a chance to become a gladiator champion. On the other hand, he wants to use the power of Garcia Repair Factory to transform a batch of super tanks. Come.

The previous encounters between the Viper Gang and the Hyena Gang were lost in mobility.

If Black Mamba still controls the evil dragon in the South Korean dungeon, of course, how many people there are on the other side doesn't care.

Unfortunately, the evil dragon was killed by Yan Chong.

The Viper Gang now can only use cars as a means of transportation like ordinary people.

Compared with the already formed Hyena Gang team, they certainly suffer a lot.

The Rattlesnake is responsible for joining the camp of cannibals, by taking the route above, to get the most benefit for the organization.

It's like the Hyena Gang has joined the undead old Joe's subordinates. If they want to conduct large-scale team battles, they always have to leverage the most powerful lever.

The cannibal may not dare to be an enemy of the undead, but he can completely separate the relationship between the undead and the hyena gang through personal relationships, and at least can make the undead Joe remain neutral.

In addition, they have another key member, the one who guards the South District with a younger brother in the Korean copy.

He is now mainly engaged in skin and meat business with his sisters in the east of the city.

Because he was also a later one, these people don't know where he is currently serving.

All Yan Chong can know is that he has expertise in that area.

Of course, the skin business is not because he is lustful, but because there is indeed the best place to inquire about the news, it is easier than a bar.

Most people don't share their secrets with others. If they do tell them, they are either drinking too much or in bed.

Alcoholic secrets are often not so valuable, and drunkards with valuable secrets will not drink outside, but the perverted ones are different.

In bed, it is very easy to relax your guard.

Moreover, part of the work of the cobra and rattlesnake is also done in the bar, which can cover each other.

Through these intersecting information networks, the Viper Gang can easily capture all kinds of news in the city.

Both prevention and offense can achieve quite good results.

What Yan Chong cared most was the whereabouts of the black mamba.

But even the Rattlesnake himself hadn't mentioned this matter, and none of the team members had seen anyone with similar appearance.

So the black mamba is a pass.

As the leader of a gang, it is indeed a bit level.

However, Yan Chong was very worried that there would be special contact information within the Viper Gang.

If he doesn't know this, once others contact him, then he will easily reveal himself.

"It doesn't matter." Yan Chong sighed, "Then take one step as one step."

Yan Chong lied that he drank too much and asked the other team members to send him back to "home".

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