I have a Gameboy

Chapter 313 Going on Duty!

The rattlesnakes have mixed well.

Although it hasn't reached the level of dominating one side, there is still a separate room in the cannibal's tower.

After a rest for one night, they were called up by an assembly order early the next morning, and the captain gave a speech.

What they communicated is the same as Yan Chong knew, that they have to go deep into every street below.

On the one hand, we must continue to carry out the task of collecting debts according to the list, and on the other hand, we must strictly guard against the comments of residents.

Once there is someone who is wronged for the "North City Star", whether it is an ordinary citizen, a gang leader, or the city garrison, they must be wiped out on the spot.

Yan Chong took a deep breath when he heard this.

In contrast, the rattlesnake is already very kind!

The captain was talking about annihilation, but the rattlesnake just made a few curses and then spit?

He is a real buddy!

He died too unjustly!

But the rattlesnake is dead, and even if Yan Chong is mourning, he can't be too obvious.

So Yan Chong can only try to behave better now, not to shame the rattlesnake.

Because he is now a rattlesnake, some abilities can also be demonstrated.

For example, his excellent marksmanship.

Yan Chong's own marksmanship was not so outstanding. His shooting was only upgraded to Lv2. Although it was not as good as the Rattlesnake and Xu Guangyuan, it was enough on wasteland.

And as a member of the debt collection team, the cannibals' most trusted force, their weapons and equipment are much better than those outside.

They no longer use the earthen pistols used by ordinary gangs, but decent military firearms, which are said to have been left by the regular army.

Although the improvement in damage is still very limited, and it is not even as good as Yan Chong's US military equipment, but in terms of stability and ammunition loading, it is not even a little bit worse.

Although Yan Chong's marksmanship can't always make a headshot with one shot, he can still hit the target with a few more shots.

In addition, Yan Chong's health and other abilities are not even a bit stronger than that of the Rattlesnake. It is not a shame that the Rattlesnake is played by him.

After receiving the ammunition, Yan Chong actually went to the firing range to practice the gun for a while, and thoroughly familiarized himself with the feel of the gasoline-style pistol in his hand.

Yan Chong pinned the gun to his waist. When someone provoked, he touched the handle of the gun lightly, then frowned and looked at the opponent.

Don't say, his expression really resembles a rattlesnake!

Even those who have not been hypnotized by Yan Chong, when they watched Yan Chong's performance, they all felt awe, no doubt!

After Yan Chong led the equipment, and took a few of his younger brothers, he started on duty today.

He looked at the debt collection targets on the bill. They were all small characters.

It may be that the current level of the rattlesnake is not high enough.

Fortunately, he didn't need to do everything himself. As long as he squinted his eyes, he would naturally have the deputy captain to arrange.

Yan Chong's main role now is to be responsible for force suppression.

If Yan Chong is allowed to do everything by himself, what else do the other team members do?

These debt collectors are very familiar with Gasoline Town.

In fact, Yan Chong is not unfamiliar with this place. After all, he has been here for a while, and he has also wandered around the city from the south to the north.

Later, when he was walking down the street, someone he knew came to greet him and asked him why he didn't find a job.

Yan Chong didn't know how to explain, could it be that he was a gladiator?

Is food and pure water free?

Isn't that identity exposed!

Therefore, Yan Chong usually said very politely: "It's okay, I'm walking around!"

"Isn't there a big brother? There is a project here. I'll come over and help."

When I really meet a useful person, Yan Chong will also bring out some food: "Come on, a jar?"

Anyway, it matches his image at the time.

But now his identity is different again.

Yan Chong is now the Diamondbacks, the captain of the debt collection team, the subordinate of the cannibals, and the big guy in others' mouths.

He must act and do things, he must be held back.

It can't be said to be indifferent, but at least it can't fall into the prestige of cannibals.

In a debt collection team, losing face is more terrifying than being killed by the opponent.

Under the leadership of the deputy captain, Yan Chong quickly found his first target, and he was a mad addict.

Such people don't care how much money they owe, it is basically impossible to pay it back.

"You tell me, how could someone lend him money to such a leper?" Yan Chong asked.

"He also has a younger sister." The deputy captain checked the information. "Her younger sister is only fifteen years old. It is a good time to sell for a good price on Pink Street."

Yan Chong frowned.

"Scum!" Yan Chong squeezed these two words out of his teeth for a long while, "Take care of him, don't cheat his sister. I will help him with the money he owes."

To deal with it means to kill.

And the money the addict owes is not too much, that is, two cans, Yan Chong doesn't care at all.

So the deputy captain executed it very quickly, and soon there was a gunshot in the room.

"It's over. Let's go." Yan Chong ordered, "Go and see his sister, don't let people harm you."

Then Yan Chong took two cans out of his pocket and asked the deputy captain to upload the mission information to the headquarters.

"Uh, it seems that something went wrong..." The deputy captain confirmed twice with a telegraph, "His sister seems to have been taken away."

Yan Chong: "..."

Then, won't these two cans of mine be lost?

"Who did it?" Yan Chong said, "Dare to steal the business from our debt collection team, are they tired of their lives?"

"I don't know, this guy has a lot of money, and I don't know how many people have been deceived." The deputy captain said, "His sister has been taken away long ago, and has been knocked down several times."

"What do these people who lend money do for food?" Yan Chong asked, "Why are you so cheating?"

"We work here, don't you know?" The deputy captain smiled flatly, "If there is no benefit, how can it be so easy to lend them money?"

From what he looked like, he probably got a kickback from it.

If a deputy captain has kickbacks to take, and can openly dare to say it, then the Diamondbacks might take more.

So Yan Chong didn't ask any more, and it was easy to reveal his identity.

"I'm not saying that there is a problem with the business, I am saying that they are stupid! And if there are people who dare to grab the money we released, they are despising us!" Yan Chong said, "We have to find this place."

"That's necessary!" The deputy captain understood, and quickly checked the information.

It didn't take long before he asked for the address.

"I know where she is now." The deputy captain said, "Let's find out in the past, maybe we can trace the source."

They just left, and it didn't take long for them to reach the club called "Unicorns" on Pink Street.

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