I have a Gameboy

Chapter 322: It's On Fire, Run!

Not only the clearly marked outposts and secret posts, but even the gathering crowd suspected of ambushing, Yan Chong did not let go.

Most of these people stayed up at night and gathered in the downtown area inexplicably. Basically, they were either drinking or making trouble, maybe it was some other gang.

At this time, Yan Chong would rather kill the mistake than let it go.

After such a lap, there is basically no ambush around the meeting place.

And the most irritating thing is that because Yan Chong has a pasture where he can throw corpses at will, for the sake of convenience, after Yan Chong killed these people, he threw their corpses into the pasture to make fertilizer.

He walked down this circle and the street was empty!

Even passers-by who came in inexplicably would instinctively choose to leave the area after feeling the inexplicable silence and emptiness on the street.

They are all people who are struggling to make a living in the wasteland, and this is still vigilant.

So in the end, let alone ambush, there is not even a witness!

Yan Chong then returned to the meeting place with a flower like a dream, walked around the house, poured diesel oil by the way, found a few more important fire spots, poured some diesel fuel, and then fired. It's lit.

Next, he sorted out his expressions, so that his body was stained with some smoke and fire, and then rushed into it, yelling: "Big brother, it's not good, there is an ambush outside!"

The four people in the room were actually not talking very harmoniously at this time.

They didn't say anything, but in fact they all wanted to take the opportunity to expand their power, so they laughed on the surface, and when it came to substantive issues, they refused to give in to each other.

You said that I am a newcomer, and you must respect your seniors; I said that she is a female classmate and should not be beaten and killed; she said that when you are old, you should give way to the back waves.

They were prepared in advance, thinking in their hearts that if they really couldn't agree, then they might use force.

No treaty has ever been negotiated on the table, it was all written with blood.

The reason why I would sit down and talk is just to confirm each other's strengths and limits.

Just as they were pregnant with ghosts, Yan Chongran came in and shouted ambush.

Their first reaction was: "My conspiracy was discovered? No! I haven't ordered to do it yet! Don't someone want to do it in advance?"

So while they were on their guard, they figured out who was going to do it.

Of course Yan Chong wouldn't give them time to think, he took Xu Guangyuan and walked out.

Only Xu Guangyuan knew this matter best. He definitely didn't arrange for others to lie in wait here.

Because his subordinates are all newcomers, there is no problem in replenishing the number of people, and fighting is really irrelevant!

And at this time, it was Yan Chong who came to report the letter, and it was his own person, so he felt even more that the other three people wanted to murder him.

It must be one of these three bastards!

It may even be the conspiracy of the three of them!

Otherwise, how could they agree so happy?

So his direct thoughts were: You three are too indifferent, so you dare to ambush me?

Then he thought whether or not he could just get rid of the three guys here.

Xu Guangyuan took out the gun at that time.

When the three people next to me saw it, they were shocked: Xu Guangyuan, what a kid!

Body search is so careful, can you still bring a gun in?

There are two things!

They all got under the table in a hurry.

Yan Chong hurriedly stopped him and said, "Now I don't know who did it. Don't offend all three of them. It's on fire outside now, and we can't get out if we run slow! Let's talk about revenge. Too late!"

Xu Guangyuan didn't want to agree, and wanted to give the three of them a shot before leaving.

But as soon as he struggled, he realized that he was not as aggressive as he could!

Yan Chong's strength is not high, but somehow he still has a strength bracer to support him, and Xu Guangyuan, as a gunner, has a lower strength...

If it weren't for his super low power, there wouldn't be enough backpack space for water.

Xu Guangyuan had no choice. Seeing that he didn't leave, he was too late. He could only kick the table in front of him with one foot, and sternly said to the three gangsters who were cats below: "Don't care who did it, you dare to say nothing. Believe! I will definitely return this grudge in the future!"

After speaking, he followed Yan Chong and hurried out of the room.

The other three people in the room looked at each other and said in their hearts: "I didn't do it!"

But you didn't do it yourself, it doesn't mean that someone else can't do it!

So they glanced at each other, and they all felt that the other party had no good intentions, and they all followed them.

But Xu Guangyuan, the one with the gun, went out, and the three of them are now equal, and they are faster than someone who supports them.

So they yelled for help, while backing back and alerting each other.

Scarred eyes and asphalt are old guns. After so many years in the market, the relationship is not good, but they are also familiar with each other and know each other's behavior style.

Asphalt is the kind of person who has a straight-headed mind and likes to do it with real swords.

If he wanted to kill anyone, he would directly let his soldiers come in with the earthen submachine gun, and it would be over after a sudden burst.

Although the scarred eyes are a villain who has forgotten what is right and likes to stabbing a knife behind his back, the scars on his eyes were burned out by the fire.

He is most afraid of fire, so even if he arranges for the burial, he cannot set fire in the venue.

So the two of them looked at each other, and both felt that the only person who could do this kind of thing on the scene was the girl, the young master of the arena, Ling'er who they were not familiar with.

So they decided to make the first move first, and they took the shot together very tacitly, thinking about controlling Ling'er first.

Only by controlling her, the rest can be discussed.

After all, if the fire started, she couldn't have no other ambushes.

Maybe sometime, a group of gunmen rushed in to rush them.

How could a fool like Xu Guangyuan rush out of the fire frontally? Isn't he afraid of being shot by gunmen in ambush outside?

It depends on how you die!

Are you still looking for a place with us?

You have to get into your own territory!

But the two of them obviously underestimated the few players in the arena.

As a person who has been in the arena since she was a child, how could she have not been instructed by a famous teacher?

Because they checked each other before entering the house and did not carry weapons, so in the case of bare hands, the two big men of them had never beaten this woman!

The fighting styles of the young players are very straightforward, grabbing their hair, picking their eyes, kicking the crotch, and breaking their fingers, all of which are fatal.

After two moves, she kicked between her legs on the asphalt and pierced her scarred eyes with her hands.

The asphalt is completely soft now, and both eyes with scarred eyes are now scarred...

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