I have a Gameboy

Chapter 323 Another sharpshooter!

At the same time, fierce fighting was also going on in the next room.

Hearing the noise in the room here, the people over there immediately started to move.

They don't have time to consider who is the one who ambush them. Before leaving the house, their task is to kill everyone who is not in the same camp.

The gladiators took the lead and nailed the soldiers with guns firmly in place, preventing them from shooting.

Otherwise, the four of them "suddenly" together, and the battle will soon be over.

And these three wastes under Xu Guangyuan's staff immediately turned into stubborn eggs when something happened.

They usually charge together with Xu Guangyuan, but it's okay. After all, Xu Guangyuan's precision marksmanship can protect them to a large extent.

But now that such a big change has suddenly occurred, and without the backbone, they immediately abandon it, and they can't make it if they have the ability.

If one of them could think of shooting, perhaps this would not be the case.

Of course, the result will be the same.

Because there is still a real master in this room, that is, the scarred personal guard who lies in the middle of the room and never takes others seriously.

He sleeps back to sleep, but the professionalism is absolutely high.

When there was a turmoil outside, he was the first to react, but he didn't act immediately.

When the gladiators suddenly violent, he instantly flipped under the recliner under him, occupying the favorable terrain, so that the soldiers with heavy weapons in their hands could not easily hit him.

He hid in this relatively safe location and took priority to observe the surrounding environment.

Sure enough, all the four gladiators came prepared, and directly controlled the soldiers with guns, while Xu Guangyuan's men were a bunch of waste.

So he took two steps unhurriedly and put the three wastes under Xu Guangyuan between him and the soldiers under Asphalt, ensuring that he would neither be suppressed by the gladiators close, nor would he be injured by the soldiers' stray bullets.

Then he drew both guns from his waist and fired them accurately.

When he saw that a soldier broke free and wanted to shoot, he raised his hand with a shot, opening the soldier's head.

And when the soldiers' actions were completely suppressed, he fired another shot, exploding the head of one of the toughest gladiators.

It's also quite difficult to kill three people with a headshot.

At first, everyone didn't notice him, and thought it was the three wastes belonging to Xu Guangyuan who shot.

After all, no one would consider a person sleeping in the middle of the room as their primary goal.

The soldiers and gladiators also yelled, wanting the three trash to help them.

But if you look closely, you can see that these three wastes didn't even shoot!

When they reacted, the game was over.

The gunner fired with both hands, the bullet in the right hand was dedicated to the soldiers, and the bullet in the left was dedicated to the gladiators. Without a single shot, they quickly headed all four soldiers and four gladiators.

The three trash under Xu Guangyuan's hand just remembered to draw guns.

But their speed was too slow, and then there were three headshots.

Mission destroyed!

The gunman then blew the smoke from the muzzle and began to replace the bullets.

He had two revolvers in his hand, each with six rounds, killing eleven people, and one shot was left.

The reason why he dared to fall asleep is because he never regarded these people in the house as real enemies!

"One person left early." He changed the bullet in the runner with a cool gesture, "What a pity!"

He actually calculated everything. Except for him, the eldest brothers from each of the other three families took four people, a total of twelve.

There are also twelve bullets in his pistol.

He thought it was enough!

The last shot was actually prepared for Yan Chong.

He felt that he had the chance to win, and it was time to save his boss.

Then he came to the door, opened the door easily, and then heard a "click".

When he found out that it was not good, it was too late for him to jump back.

Even though he had climbed behind the wall, he was affected by a huge explosion.

Fortunately, he still has life-saving items on his body. A blue shield exploded outside his body, blocking a fatal blow for him, but his arms and torso were also severely injured, and his head was open. A hole gurgled blood down.

If the treatment is not carried out in time, I am afraid that my life is really worrying.

"Which villain is for me!" He no longer had the calmness he had just now, and yelled hysterically.

But of course no one would answer. Yan Chong was running out with Xu Guangyuan at this time.

And even if Yan Chong heard it, he wouldn't answer, at most he would just reward him with another thunder.

However, his roar was heard by the next player.

Just when the gunman took out a roll of bandages and wanted to stop the bleeding first, the young man next to him had already taken care of the other two bosses and came out of the house.

She just heard the explosion, and she was a little scared.

This kind of grenade is really not something that ordinary people can get.

It was set on fire again outside, and grenades were thrown again. Are you trying to kill us all?

Why, don't you want to stay alive?

She was whispering when she heard the roar of the gunman outside.

Well, this is a seriously injured person!

So the young player came out and took a look, and then saw a gunner in blood.

Seeing that all four gladiators under his hand were shot to death by a headshot, and the other soldiers and wastes were also in the same tragic situation, the clever young man immediately understood that this gunman was an expert!

If it wasn't for someone who threw a grenade desperately, he still has to be in full bloom now?

The young player feels that even if he is himself, I am afraid he will have to die here today.

Thank God!

Thanks grenade!

At this time, how could she give the gunman a chance to get a gun?

Taking advantage of the gunman's time to tie the bandage, she immediately rushed over, flying into a heavy kick, kicking him in the face.

The gunman's reaction was also swift, he threw the gauze aside and then immediately took out his gun.

It's a pity that his first aid didn't seem to pass the test, and the gauze was half wrapped around his head.

At this time, when he flicked outside, a long string of white gauze blocked his eyes, and his precise headshot was always a step slower.

Although he fired a shot in the end, and still two shots, but none of them were able to hit the key points of the young players.

Master clashes, fleeting.

Scarred sharpshooter, neck fractured and died.

There are few players in the arena, seriously injured, and falling to the ground.

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