I have a Gameboy

Chapter 324 Brothers, come to work!

There was a chaos in the building, but Yan Chong didn't care about it.

He is now deliberately trying to trick Xu Guangyuan away first. If Xu Guangyuan stays here, none of the gangsters will be left.

When Xu Guangyuan saw that there was a real fire outside, he was also anxious.

No matter how good his marksmanship is, he doesn't use a fire gun!

If you stay here for too long, you really can't get out.

So at this step of the field, he could only be dragged by Yan Chong and ran all the way out.

Yan Chong himself is fireproof, he is not afraid of fire!

If you really start running, how can you care about it?

Saw the small fire, dismissed it, saw the big fire, and rushed directly.

But Xu Guangyuan can't do it!

He wanted to stop, but he was not as strong as Yan Chong, but he couldn't stop at all when he was dragged by Yan Chong.

He could only follow through the fire wall and drill the fire circle all the way, even his eyebrows were burned.

Before he completely turned into a roast chicken, he finally rushed out of the fire scene against the smoke.

He touched his face, his hand black.

When I touched it up, my hair and eyebrows were gone.

He now looks like a marinated egg.

He feels scared now, running so blindly in the fire scene without being smoked to death, he is considered fatal!

But he couldn't complain that Yan Chong was running fast, because if Yan Chong didn't lead the way, he might really be unable to get out.

He has been smoked so hard now that he can't turn his mind, so he listens to what Yan Chong says.

Not only do I have to thank Yan Chong, but also feel that it's good to be alive.

So some of the obvious problems were all ignored by him.

For example, the other party has already decided to set up an ambush, set it on fire, and threw a grenade. Why is no one outside shooting?

Don’t believe anyone can come out of the fire?

But the problem is that there is no one on the street!

Yan Chong didn't give him time to think, and repeatedly urged him: "Run, go back to the stronghold! It's too dangerous here!"

So he was taken all the way back to the pig nest hotel by Yan Chong.

When he arrived at his own territory, Xu Guangyuan took a sigh of relief.

"Made, you dare to calculate me!" Xu Guangyuan said angrily, "I'll take someone back to kill!"

"For this kind of thing, don't be in a hurry!" Yan Chong said, "I'll find the news for you! Can't it be the three of them conspiring to ambush you alone? If it is, there is no need to set fire. You are here to heal your wounds. Tomorrow we will know who the murderer is, and then we will take revenge one by one!"

Xu Guangyuan heard him say this and thought it was reasonable.

After all, he is the strongest combat power of this gang. He is now injured and almost cooked. The combat power is naturally greatly reduced.

These people under his team really didn't know enough to fight.

Then it’s good to take a day off and regain strength.

After all, the reincarnation is much stronger than ordinary NPC.

So Yan Chong let Xu Guangyuan lie down peacefully and happily returned to the fire scene and plunged into the fire.

He is also curious about who has won this internal fight under asymmetric information.

Facts have proved that asphalt and scarred eyes are indeed human spirits.

After the two of them were knocked down by the minor players, they simply pretended to die there. Although the minor players fought fiercely, they were not so cruel.

After all, this time it was not the ambush she arranged, so she didn't even think about taking their territory by killing them two.

Especially when she heard the explosions and roars outside, she immediately went out to solve the new threat, and she didn't even care to make up for the two of them.

So after the few players went out, the two of them quickly got up from the ground.

Scarred and thief followed out secretly, and first saw his gunman.

Now he was so happy.

He was still blowing there: "Did you see, there is only one of my men left, if you want to survive..."

Before he could finish his words, the young player kicked the gunner's head and took a 360-degree turn.

The sound of "Gala La" made my scarred eyes stubborn.

Fortunately, the young player was also shot twice and fell to the ground without knowing the personnel.

Yes, it's all gone!

Now the scarred eyes are not arrogant.

After all, he is getting older. If he is singled out, he will not only not be able to beat the few players, but also the pitch of a soldier.

"What did you just say?" Asphalt gave a terrifying smile.

"Nothing, I just told you, I know this place!" Scarlett explained quickly, "I know there is a back door here, which can be regarded as a fire escape. If you give me the business of the refinery, I will Take you out."

"Go out first." Asphalt is not deceived, he said in his heart that I will not let you business, don't you go out yourself?

Wouldn't it be alright if I follow you?

Unexpectedly, this scarred eye is really a hard bone: "If you don't promise me, I won't go out. Anyway, there must be a traitor among the three of us, and now that little girl can't do it. If it wasn't me, it could only be you, big deal I will die with you!"

"Aren't you afraid of fire?" The pitch trembled.

"Fear, of course!" said Scarlet Eyes, "I am afraid from the bones, but burning to death is better than letting you run out alive!"

Even if he himself is very afraid of fire and doesn't spit on the asphalt, he really won't leave.

"Okay, okay, I can give you the share of Garcia's repair shop." Asphalt gave way first, after all, he didn't want to burn to death here, "The rest, let's go out and talk about it."

"Don't fool me there!" At this time, the scarred mind is still very clear, "Garcia's repair factory now has a workers' self-government association, you can't get in at all. Do you let it?"

"I mean, if you go and hit them, I'm definitely not stopping, and I can send some soldiers to help you!" said the pitch, but he didn't believe Scarlet Eyes, so he could only add another sentence, "Since Ling'er is not working anymore, After we go out, let’s study and study the halving of the arena! If we die, no one can get it!"

But to be honest, the business of the arena has been in the hands of the old owner, the grandfather of the young owner, for so many years.

Although the young owner said that his grandfather was sick, no one had any evidence.

As long as he hasn't died in a day, the arena will not be easily taken away.

But at any rate they had a common goal of interest, and Scarred was afraid that he would be burned to death here, so he led the way, and the two of them walked out along the fire tunnel with their own ghosts.

They were feeling that they were two lives. When the air outside was really fresh, they ran into four people with guns in their hands.

The deputy captain waited outside for a long time, and was still wondering: Did the captain have anything to say?

What kind of burn it is, no one came out!

When will he come?

If it doesn't work, I will call it a day!

Then he saw the two people with Scarred Eyes and Asphalt coming out in embarrassment.

Come on, brothers, work is here!

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