I have a Gameboy

Chapter 325 Medical Specialty Unlocked!

"Hey! Where else do you want to go?" The deputy captain was so excited that he led people around the two of them, "Come with us!"

"Do you know who we are?" Asphalt saw the deputy captain's debt collection team costume, "Cannibals dare not talk to me like this!"

"Oh, when is the time, do you still dare to despise the authority of the man-eater?" The deputy captain went up and gave him a butt. "Do you know the end of the last person who dared to mention the'City North Star'? Are you calling your name directly here? Then you can make a big deal today!"

"Don't mention, don't mention, he was anxious, you misunderstood!" The scarred eyes next to him hurriedly helped to make the rounds, "If we have something to discuss, two adults, see what you want? As long as you speak, I will call immediately. People are sent to your house!"

After all, the two of them were tired, beaten, and almost burnt to death. It was impossible to beat four debt-collection team members who had enough time to fight back with firearms.

"I said he didn't say you, did you?" The deputy captain also gave him a gun butt in the past. "Are you blatantly bribing civil servants? Give me back to the house? Don't you know that we live in a dormitory? Don’t you still want to play a book with our captain? I’m telling you, you’re too sinful!"

Anyway, because of the oil and salt, he beat the two of them again, and then asked his men to tie them up, gagged them, and hid them in the grass, while continuing to squat while waiting for Yan. The arrival of the rush.

Yan Chong was fast here and entered the fire scene. At this time, the whole house was already on fire.

However, for Yan Chong, this ordinary flame was far less than 50 damages in a single shot, so it was basically immune.

Yan Chong checked the scene. Well, many people died!

There is even the scarred personal guard who likes to pretend to be beeping, and the little player in the arena?

Hey, earned it!

So Yan Chong quickly threw the corpses of the people on the scene into the ranch, and then found that the young owner could not throw them in...

Yan Chong probed her snort. Although it was very weak, it should not be dead yet.

Therefore, in Yan Chong's ranch, living creatures cannot be put in.

The two dragons before can only be put in after they have been completely killed.

As for Aquaman Ah Lin, she is a female ghost!

In fact, this young owner has never done anything against Yan Chong, and Yan Chong can't be saved, and if she dies, the debt will be more difficult to collect.

So Yan Chong could only take up the young player and run out.

Yan Chong also knows the fire exits, so compared to Xu Guangyuan, the torture of the few players is actually much less!

The deputy captain outside was waiting for Yan Chong.

He looked at the young player on Yan Chong's shoulder, hey!Even if the Big Three are all captured this time!

Yan Chong shut the three big gangsters in separate rooms, prevented them from colluding, and gave them a simple dressing.

Yan Chong has been distressed that none of his medical expertise has been unlocked, this time he has a chance!

Although Yan Chong's technique was very rough, his attempts really achieved good results.

The most urgent situation was of course the young owner. When she was rescued from the fire scene, a lot of black and gray was already in her mouth and nose, and her breathing stopped.

If it weren't for pretending to be in the ranch, Yan Chong would almost think she was dead.

Because the situation was more urgent, Yan Chong took out a bottle of pure water, moistened the clothes, cleaned her nose and mouth, and then gave her a substandard artificial respiration.

Although Yan Chong's artificial respiration movements are not standard, his kissing movements are standard!

The young owner was a young and beautiful chick. Yan Chong gave artificial respiration next to him, and looked at the deputy captain next to him.

"Captain, are you tired?" the deputy captain asked, "Why don't I do it for you for a while?"

"No, this is almost the same." Yan Chong raised his head and said, "It's a good thing that you have love. Are there two wounded people beside this? They handed it to you!"

vice captain:"???"

Scarred eyes: "!!!"


What is left to him?

We are still awake!

However, Yan Chong's artificial respiration was also quite effective, which directly unlocked his first aid expertise.

Because Yan Chong had already increased his physical strength to ten, he had a natural three-point bonus, so he reached Lv4 as soon as he unlocked it, and first aid was an entry point.

Next, Yan Chong became more proficient in his movements. After several heart resuscitations, he finally recovered the heartbeat and breathing of the few players.

The next step is to unlock medical expertise.

The reason why the little player of the arena fainted was not just because she was smoked, but more importantly, she suffered a serious gunshot wound.

Yan Chong unexpectedly conjured a bottle of spirits, disinfected the tactical dagger he had obtained from Max, then stabbed it in and knocked out the two bullets one by one.

No way, Yan Chong didn't have medical equipment, and that dagger was the best quality in the knife.

You see, Yan Chong doesn't know nothing, at least he knows disinfection.

But because this is a tactical dagger, with a sharp blade on one side and a sawtooth on the other...

The few players woke up in pain!

Yan Chong quickly took out gauze and cotton to help her stop the bleeding.Then, before she bleeds and died, she sprayed some "Dragon Dew" on her, which suppressed her wound.

After some bandaging, Yan Chong gave her another healing pill, which unlocked the medical expertise.

It is also Lv4, enough to see many diseases.

The recovery of Yan Chong's pills is already very impressive for the blood volume of ordinary people, so the injuries of the few players in the arena quickly stabilized.

Yan Chong left her in a room to recover slowly, and then went to see the other two gangsters.

Except for the regular fire damage and bruises from being beaten by the deputy captain, the main pain for both of them came from the low-court owners.

Scarred eyes Now both eyes are scarred, swollen like a red-eyed toad.

As a fierce and strong man, Asphalt was kicked...

Seeing that Yan Chong was holding a tactical dagger in his hand and sprayed some alcohol, he was about to come and examine the wounds. The scarred eyes could still be invisible and innocent, but the asphalt complexion immediately became paved. The asphalt has a color.

Of course, Yan Chong didn't do anything to them, just paste some herbs for them, which are all conventionally visible materials, the main purpose is to provide them with some cool feeling.

The main reason for their injuries is to take care of them. There is no way to take medicine alone.

Who knows, Yan Chong accidentally hit by mistake, and even unlocked pharmacy.

It seems that as long as the attributes reach a certain level, the corresponding specialties will be easier to unlock!

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