I have a Gameboy

Chapter 326 Asphalt Reasoning!

Seeing that Yan Chong didn't cut them directly, but actively healed them, the two gangsters were a little bit unable to sit still.

Their attitude towards Yan Chong was slightly relaxed, but they were not sure what Yan Chong wanted to do.

But Yan Chong just didn't say it, and took the initiative to cheat their appetite.

After all, these are two big gangsters, who dominate hundreds of thousands of people all year round. How can they be persuaded so easily?

While treating, Yan Chong also carefully observed them through the observation mode, and finally obtained their respective weaknesses through the "insight" talent in "Reverse Referee".

Scarlet's attitude is relatively slick, he is a gangster, but he mixed well in the later stage, and the rules have become more and more.

He is very enthusiastic about people, but he is full of benevolence and righteousness, but his heart is full of business.

He is old, well-informed, and flexible in mind. He has a solidified worldview. It may not be successful to deceive him. People who are not afraid of death are basically not intimidated. In addition, he is not even good at the old aspect, so seduction is definitely not easy to use. .

But this can't change his greedy nature, as long as he has enough benefits, he is willing to betray anyone.

Asphalt is much easier in comparison. He is a standard soldier. Although he is a mercenary under the rule of the Immortal Joe, his strong body and strong character make his character very proud.

This failure is probably his only failure.

But even so, he did not lose confidence.

If you praise him hard, maybe he will become very cheating.

As for the young players in the arena, Yan Chong did not find any weakness in the conversation, but the "insight" talent told him that her weakness turned out to be... lust?

Yan Chong didn't know if he should sacrifice his hue.

Yan Chong stayed through them all night, asked the deputy captain to take the people and stare at them in shifts, and instead of giving them a chance to sleep, he found a place and took a good rest.

It was not until the next morning that Yan Chong came out to interrogate Scar.

"What do you want to do?" After catching a chance, Scarred finally started to ask Yan Chong.

"Guess?" Yan Chong said, "You have already said who you are, and you know who we are, but we still brought you back. Guess why?"

As soon as Scarlet Eye wanted to speak, Yan Chong turned around and went out.

Scarred eyes: "???"

Don’t you let me guess?

Why are you trying to suffocate me to death?

The reason why Yan Chong left was mainly because he felt that his scarred spirit was still very strong, and he probably needed further torture.

Yan Chong came to the asphalt room again.

Asphalt has a good physical foundation, is relatively strong, and has no substantial trauma.

So although he didn't sleep all night, he basically recovered.

Yan Chong knew that the most important thing with such a reckless guy was straightforward.

So Yan Chong told Qiu his intentions.

It was the pitch that owed the debt collection team a certain amount of money. Yan Chong didn't care how Master Cannibal agreed, but since the job was in his hands, he had to carry it out seriously.

"So, it's me that your debt collection team ambushed?" Pitch asked.

"How can I have that ability?" Yan Chong smiled, "We only have five people. How dare you offend your three top elder brothers? We are just watching around, who knows you are in trouble!"

Although what Yan Chong said was false, it sounded more reasonable than the facts.

The people on the debt collection team are not fools. With just five people, they want to catch the big brothers of the three big gangs?

"The debt I owe is easy to say, and I can pay it back to you after I go out." Qiu said, "but I want to know, who is calculating me this time?"

"This question seems very simple, right?" Yan Chong said, "Think about how you escaped."

That said, the person who ambushed him must have prepared in advance.

Whoever laughs last is the planner.

If you think about it this way, Yan Chong is indeed the most suspicious...

Of course, Yan Chong insisted that he just missed it.

Then go back a little bit, Xu Guangyuan?


Xu Guangyuan's subordinates were all dead. Although he sneaked in with a gun, it was more like a defense, and the fire was definitely not caused by him.

You can tell by looking at the direction he is running away, and he doesn't even know that there is a fire escape.

This fool really followed the door and rushed out under the flames.

Asphalt now also respects Xu Guangyuan as a man, I believe he did not do it.

Few players in the arena?

It's not like it. She was almost smoked to death in the fire, and no one came down to rescue him.

In the end, the leader of the debt collection team carried her out.

If she did it, what about her people?

Thinking about it this way, she was injured because of the gunman under Scarlet Eyes.

If it wasn't the vigorous young farmer who came here, but her grandfather, I'm afraid that the gunman had already been killed by that time?

Thinking about it this way, the suspicion of scarring is the greatest.

Not only does he have a very powerful gunman who can kill all other people's men, but he also knows that there is a fire escape in the fire!

Asphalt believed that this was not because of scarred eyes, but because scarred eyes were afraid of fire.

But now it seems that if he doesn't agree to his terms, he won't take himself away, obviously he is not afraid of fire!

When the last doubt disappears, then there is only one truth!

"So, the old boy with Scarlet Eyes calculated me?" said Qiu.

Yan Chong smiled without saying a word, just nodded slightly.

I didn't say anything, you guessed everything yourself!

Asphalt was angry at the time: "You let me go, I'm going to take him to the end!"

"It's not in a hurry." Yan Chong said, "I don't want you to thank me for saving my life. As long as you can pay back the money owed to the debt collection team, I will release you immediately."

"Okay, a word is undecided!" said Qiu. "Bring the list and I will sign it for you!"

Yan Chong smiled and took the asphalt bill and showed him briefly.

Of course, there is not only the money owed by asphalt, but also the interest over the years and some additional profits.

But the asphalt that is already in the air, no matter how much it is.

He just wants to regain freedom sooner than scarred eyes, and then take revenge!

So regardless of how much Yan Chong wrote, he signed them all!

Yan Chong took the order and handed it to the deputy captain, who asked him to go to the asphalt base in the north of the city.

As long as they hand in as many, then everything is easy to say.

If these people objected, Yan Chong asked the deputy captain to take a note and just come back directly.

Asphalt is in his base, and it is true that this may be the advantage he inherited from the immortal Joe.

So after the deputy captain went, the attitude of Qiu's subordinates was pretty good. Seeing that the signatures and seals were true, they quickly opened the warehouse and asked him to take the things away.

Even if it is out of stock, it is replaced with something else.

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