I have a Gameboy

Chapter 327: Clearing the Money and Goods!

Seeing the progress was going very well, the deputy captain returned.

During this time, Yan Chong began to seriously interrogate the scarred eyes.

"Alright, let's talk about it," Yan Chong formally sat in front of Scarlet Eyes, "What is the purpose of your party this time?"

Scarred rolled his eyes, and the two wounded eyelids suddenly felt a little pain.

"It's nothing, it's the representatives of four outstanding entrepreneurs from the southeast, northwest and northwest. They got together for a friendship." Scary said.

Yan Chong admired his ability to stare at him and tell lies.

Only you shameless can say this kind of thing.

Still an outstanding entrepreneur?

I bother!

Are you a pimp?

And although Xu Guangyuan has a hotel under his name, he has never been in business.

Is he also a good entrepreneur?

"Lianyi is in such a big battle?" Yan Chong said, "fired again and exploded again. Do you want to destroy the gasoline town?"

Yan Chong directly buttoned a big hat.

"Then I don't know." Of course, the scarred-eyed old cunning would not admit it.

"You won't admit it? But they all said you did it." Yan Chong said, "Look, Xu Guangyuan was severely burned, the young master of the arena was shot in a coma, and the pitch egg was kicked to pieces..."

"I didn't do the kicking of the eggs!" Scarlett explained quickly.

"Did you admit the other things?" Yan Chong laughed, "I'll say you can't keep it from!"

"When did I admit it?" Of course Scarlet refused to admit it.

Yan Chong said, "Regardless of whether you admit it or not, the three of them have all identified you as you. The gunman you brought was very powerful and killed all the other people's men. They are all trying to avenge you now."

"He, isn't he dead!" Scarlet said, "Everyone's men are dead, so why are you looking for me?"

"If your subordinates are as good as him, just assume that I didn't say it." Yan Chong said, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you, I can't be their master. I will ask you whether you are sure of being in the three houses now. Remain undefeated under flanking?"

Scarred eyes were silent.

"I'm not here to mediate the dispute, I'm here to collect the bill." Yan Chong took out the bill at this time, "You close the bill, and I can let you go."

"Isn't I talking about this matter to Master Cannibal?" Scarlet said.

His reaction was the same as that of asphalt, and he had an internal agreement with the cannibal.

But Yan Chong didn't care about those.

"Anyway, you are in my hands now. If you don't pay it back, I will keep you with you." Yan Chong said, "Now the pitch has been paid, and it won't be long before I will let him go. Tell me about you. Do you want to go back soon and lead others to resist, or do you want to wait for him to annex all of your properties and then pay you back the debt you owe?"

"As long as I pay the bill, you will let me go?" Scarlet asked.

"The money and goods are cleared, and the people will be released within 24 hours." Yan Chong said, "If you pay more, you can reduce the time. If you pay more, I can consider extending the pitch and going back. time."

"How much do you want?" Scarlet asked.

"Then it depends on your sincerity." Yan Chong said, taking out a stack of bills.

Scarred eyes began to settle accounts.

If he keeps not going back, his own territory is attacked, and his subordinates are caught off guard, then he will not be the boss in the future.

But if he gives Yan Chong a sufficient amount of things, then he might even assemble the army before the pitch returns and hit the pitch by surprise.

In this case, he can even make up for his loss from the asphalt.

"Okay, let's do it like this..." After understanding, Scarlet said helplessly, "I will sign as many as there are."

When he finished signing these bills, the deputy captain over there returned.

"I gave it to the pitch, very happy." The deputy captain said, "Except for what is on the bill, it has been shipped to the headquarters, and everything else has been hidden by me."

"Very good." Yan Chong nodded, and then gave him another list. "Now it's time to collect Scarlett's account."

The deputy captain was stunned.

Is it so efficient?

Then Yan Chong went to find the few players in the arena.

He originally wanted to let the few players take a break, so he came last.

Who knows, he hasn't spoken yet, the young player has spoken first.

"You saved my life." The young master said, "What do you want in return?"

"This is easy to say." Yan Chong said, "Let's settle the bill with the man-eater."

"Okay." The lesser host said, "You just ask for a price. If the interest is negotiated, I can call the shots."

In this way, it seems that there is no need for seduction?

Yan Chong was a little disappointed inexplicably.

Disappointed to disappointment, but they did things very neatly, and there was no need for a trial, so the few players agreed.

She didn't even need to sign here, she just gave Yan Chong a small token, saying how many things he needed, and went to the warehouse in the arena, just to get it.

Yan Chong went to the arena in person, showed the small token to the warehouse manager, and then, as the young owner said, he could take whatever he wanted.

Yan Chong was embarrassed by this.

He himself is not bad at such a small amount of canned food, clean water, and spare parts, so on the basis of the accounting, he just collected some interest less on the transaction, and did not use other things to fill his pockets.

So Yan Chong was very fast here, and when he returned to the venue, the deputy captain hadn't come back yet.

This is no longer a painful thing, Yan Chong directly released the young players.

After the young player was free, he hugged Yan Chong directly.

"What do you want to do..." Yan Chong was a little bit astonished, thinking that the few games would mainly hug him.

But the young player just whispered in his ear: "Although we only met for the first time, I have a very familiar feeling for you. I can't say it, it's like... Well, forget it, his name is forbidden. language."

After speaking, she let go of Yan Chong, turned and left.

The name is forbidden...

Isn't that the Star of Chengbei?

What, did you recognize me?

Yan Chong was very sober and didn't keep her too much. If she was really recognized by her, it wouldn't be easy!

After waiting for a while, the deputy captain still did not come back.

Yan Chong used the radio to contact him, but the other party did not respond.

Yan Chong is a little worried here.

"Does your signature work?" Yan Chong asked, "Why didn't he come back for so long?"

"How can it not work?" Scary asked, "Is it too much to count?"

There is no need to shut down the telegraph when you count things.

"What you say is what you say." Yan Chong said, "Anyway, in ten minutes, if my deputy captain doesn't come back, I will tear up the ticket!"

Sure enough, ten minutes later, the deputy captain did not return.

Yan Chong couldn't stand it anymore.

He went to put the asphalt first, and then returned to the scarred room.

He is ready to teach Scarlet Eyes a lesson!

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