I have a Gameboy

Chapter 329 Fudge Captain!

"I was just making a joke at the time, but I didn't expect him to take it seriously," the captain thought, "and it's finished!"

But he now also understands that Yan Chong's strength is definitely not something he can limit.

Instead of fighting him to the end, it is better to take the opportunity to accumulate benefits for yourself.

"Why are there only bills and no real objects for the scarred things?" the captain asked.

"Don't you want to leave the greatest credit to you!" Yan Chong smiled, "I was joking before, but I still respect you."

Yan Chongran became so talkative, which made the captain a little uncomfortable.

"I'm already the captain, do I still need to take credit for you?" The captain curled his lips, pretending not to care.

"It's different from the first two." Yan Chong said, "Behind the asphalt is the undead old Joe, and most of the accumulation has to be sent to the immortal fortress. The most valuable in the arena is actually people, so there is no oil and water. , And the scarred eyes are different..."

"Oh?" said the captain, "how much oil did you squeeze out?"

Yan Chong rolled out the bill in his hand and showed it to the captain: "This old boy has hired him, admitting that it was his fault, and he promised to compensate several times more. It just so happens that several of them have conflicts now. Xu Guangyuan is attacking the base of Scarlet Eyes. If we take advantage of the void now..."

"You are too bad!" The captain patted Yan Chong on the shoulder.

"Thanks to the leader for the compliment!" Yan Chong also lost a smile.

The captain also understood what Yan Chong meant.

Copy home and return home, pay off debts and repay debts.

In the past, Yan Chong only collected debts from the "little oil" bitumen and gladiatorists, and his gains were very limited.

Now that he had the opportunity to dig the corner of the scarred eye, he wisely gave the opportunity to the captain.

Except for the most basic accounting, the extra income can be controlled by the captain himself.

This kind of opportunity to make war fortune is Chi Guoguo's bribery!

Ruzi can be taught!

The captain felt very happy immediately.

"Everyone, rectify their equipment, and gather under the tower!" The captain announced in the talker, "Leave in half an hour, let's go to collect the debt!"

Yan Chong was still slapped beside him: "The captain is wise! The captain is mighty!"

But by this time, the debt collection matter has nothing to do with Yan Chong.

As long as the captain approves, even if his task is completed, he doesn't need to follow it anymore, saving the captain thinking that he wants to take credit.

When the people under the tower gradually assembled, the captain began to talk.

The reason why he was able to be the captain was not just because he could play, but also because of his ability to fool people.

He first praised the great achievements of the Undead Joe and the Cannibal, and then focused on the duties of the debt collection team.

Today, they must respect their duties, not be afraid of hardships, and touch hard bones to live up to the hope of the immortal Joe and the man-eater!

Even the biggest gang leader in the town, scarred, since they owe debts, they have to get it back!

Of course, his statement was widely recognized by the following group of debt collectors, and it was very angry for a while.

Then they headed to the east of the city under the leadership of the captain in a daze.

There was a good show this time.

Xu Guangyuan and Qiu's troops are now fighting the scarred troops, and the people in the arena will not sit idly by. It is estimated that the troops will be launched soon after the few players return.

Of course, they may not be pleasing to the eye when they look at each other, and it may well evolve into a large-scale melee.

And now there is another debt collection team, I don't know if it will become a mess in the end.

Yan Chong confirmed that the side mission had been completed, and took advantage of the chaos to arrive at the parking lot in the south of the city.

Good luck, because this is Xu Guangyuan’s site, and Xu Guangyuan has been busy fighting, meeting, and fighting again for the past two days, so he didn’t have time to clear the parking lot.

And the other Xiao Xiao may have been taken care of by Xu Guangyuan, and no one dared to pay other attention.

So the crazy Max’s V8 was still parked there.

Yan Chong was not polite, and took the key to open the door and sat in.

"Yo, who are you?" There was still a small gangster who was watching the scene next to him. "Do you know whose car this is? Do you dare to move?"

Yan Chong smiled and showed him the debt collection team sign on his chest.

"If I can get the key, it means this car is mine. No matter where I got it from, it is mine." Yan Chong smiled and said, "If you have an opinion, I will take your head. Screw it off and tuck it into your ass."

Yan Chong said the most cruel words in the softest tone, and the little bastard felt that the pores on his back were opened.

He decisively put a smile on his face the same as Yan Chong, then took two steps back and respectfully said: "Then I wish you a smooth journey!"

Yan Chong ignored him, drove out of the gasoline town in a V8 chariot, and drove outside the city.

Zhu Yeqing had already told Yan Chong about the location of the battle before, but in this place of Ma Pingchuan, as long as he identified the right direction, it was too easy to find a place where he was fighting.

The speed of the V8 tank was very fast, and it didn't take long for Yan Chong to hear a dense crackling sound, and it was certain that two groups of people had started fighting.

"Ooooo, it's faster than I thought!" Yan Chong nodded, lowered the speed of the car, and observed the environment ahead with the moonlight, which was not too bright.

Sure enough, two groups of horses could be seen ahead.

A wave of hyena gang members with hyena flags, they have basically joined the undead old Joe's command, and their equipment has also approached those heroic warriors.

They have about a dozen cars. If each car is full of four people, then the total number should be more than fifty people.

It was not fifty ordinary people, but fifty reincarnations, and at least people who had reincarnation several times in the copy, not a novice like Fei Duanhong.

And even Fei Duanhong, with his research and development capabilities, is no longer a cabbage.

Yan Chong was not sure that he could defeat them all, so he simply stopped showing up.

Of course, the number of people on the other side can be quite large.

The Viper Gang seemed to be all deployed.

As Cobra said before, although he has lost power, he still has no problem trying to get a few cars.

Three good-quality racing cars, with the flag of the Viper Gang hanging on them, are running away in front.

Behind them were the dozen or so Hyena Gang cars, surrounded them in a V shape, trying to make dumplings for them.

And these three vehicles are not completely defeated, just deliberately leading them to a fixed location.

The place where the Viper Gang ambushes.

The location of the Black Mamba.

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