I have a Gameboy

Chapter 330 Ambush of the Viper Gang!

After some chase, the two teams came to a Grand Canyon.

Australia’s terrain was originally so mountainous and gorgeous, but after the nuclear war, the landform here has become even more strange and desolate.

Yan Chong once passed this gorge when he was supervised by the steward of the cannibal and headed north as the "star of the north of the city".

Don't say how deep this canyon is. Anyway, as a person with acrophobia, Yan Chong is afraid to look down.

Yan Chong knew that there was a canyon over there, so the car slowed down in advance, found a relatively hidden environment, and watched from a distance.

But the hyena gang members who were chasing didn't know that there was a pit ahead, so they drove all the way without slowing down.

Seeing that this was almost approaching, the three Viper Gang cars suddenly slowed down and drifted and turned sharply to the side.

But those Hyena Gang cars did not have such awareness.

Although their reaction was good, they finally stopped after a quick brake, but they were a little too close to the edge of the cliff, and one car was next to each other, and they were almost squeezed together. They wanted to reverse the car. It's not that easy.

At this time, the Viper Gang appeared in an early ambush.

A heavy truck hidden in a hidden corner suddenly drove out and lifted the canvas that was draped on it to one side. From behind, the hyenas who wanted to turn around were rushed into the convoy.

The truck itself is big, and in order to increase the impact, some heavy objects such as stones are loaded inside to increase the total mass. When it starts to drive, it will not stop.

It didn't matter if it hit this one. The first few cars couldn't resist, even if the brakes were slammed to death, but this car pushed one car, but in the end it could only be pushed down by the truck.

As for what would happen after they fell off the cliff, Yan Chong could not predict it. Anyway, after the car was pushed down, it took more than ten seconds to hear the sound of landing.

Yan Chong felt that if he was in the car, he would definitely be unable to carry it.

Unless they can fly, it's just an explanation here.

Viper Gang, so ambush!

Of course, not all members of the Hyena Gang were pushed down.

They can live to the present, and it's not just luck.

Realizing that they could not use the power of a car to prevent their destiny from being pushed down, these people jumped into the car one after another, relying on rolling around to escape.

Although trucks are powerful, they are not very flexible. It is still very difficult to kill them by the crush of trucks.

With all the Hyena Gang's cars being pushed down, this big truck can be considered to have completed its mission.

Those Hyena Gang members who fled began to attack the truck desperately with long and short guns.

The outer shell of this civilian truck was not bulletproof. Soon the glass in the cockpit was shattered and suffered a strong attack. It is estimated that the people inside would not survive.

However, judging from the body he fell out of the cockpit, it was just an NPC hired locally in the wasteland.

At this time, the three escaping Viper Gang cars turned back, launching a new round of attack on the Hyena Gang.

Cars are always faster than people, and they are all sports cars. Once they hit, they will be a trapeze.

These hyena gang members can only gather quickly and shoot at the three cars with guns and guns.

All three sports cars are bulletproof. Although the people in the car dare not resist bullets, they dare to fight back in the car.

So even if they only have three sports cars, the number of them is much smaller, but they have played back and forth with the remaining 30 people of the Hyena Help.

Hyenas are called hyenas, and when fighting, they really pay attention to teamwork like hyenas.

They found that it was obviously unwise to go head-to-head with the car on a straight road, so they took the team and fled to the narrow boundary.

As long as the mobility of these vehicles can be restricted, they will win.

In the African savannah, when there is no male lion sitting in town, herds of female lions may not be the opponents of hyena herds.

Although these people in the Viper Gang may have stronger personal abilities, they now lack the lion, that is, the black mamba.

The Coral Snake died in the arena; Zhu Yeqing did not look like a combatant and had limited ability; the cobra contract was snatched by Yan Chong, which was basically a waste; the rattlesnake was killed by Yan Chong, and Yan Chong played the rattlesnake Watch the excitement in the distance.

So now the Viper Gang is left with the Five Step Snake alone to resist.

Soon, these three of their vehicles were also devastated by the fire of the Hyena Gang. If the black mamba does not appear again, their ambush will no longer be an ambush, but at best it can only be regarded as an ambush. Send a wave of heads.

At the most critical moment, the black Mamba finally appeared.

He seemed to be the savior of the Viper Gang, with a dozen weird monsters, and suddenly killed them.

These monsters have pink skins, bald like bunny skinned skins, some with horns, some with long tails, and others with three arms.

They stared round eyes, spit out their long tongues, and rushed to the hyena gang.

The sudden appearance of troops disrupted the Hyena Gang's defenses, and they had to separate their hands to attack the pink monsters that came up.

Fortunately, although these pink monsters look tough, guns still have an effect on them.

After a set fire, several pink monsters were knocked down to the ground soon.

But this is not the end of their lives. The pink demon that fell to the ground actually cloned in place and turned into two smaller blue demon.

Although these blue monsters are one size smaller than the pink monsters, they are equally hideous in appearance and faster.

They rushed into the hyena gang without fear of death, tearing open their defensive formation.

The Hyena Gang that had lost its formation was immediately defeated. The pink and blue monsters rushed to the people and began to bite and swallow the flesh and blood of the Hyena Gang.

And when these blue monsters are knocked down again, from their corpses, there will be another yellow monster that is one size smaller.

These yellow monsters smelled of sulfur and flames.

For a time, these monsters seemed endless.

And when the yellow demons were knocked down again, they would not split again, but instead would cause an explosion in place that was not violent but deadly enough.

Ten pink monsters can split into twenty blue monsters, and twenty blue monsters will turn into twenty self-explosive bombs.

So after this round of attack was over, the Hyena Gang would no longer be able to stand up.

Although these monsters suffered heavy losses, the Black Mamba didn't even care about it.

All he wants is victory!

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