I have a Gameboy

Chapter 334 Escalation of the melee!

As a result, the entire gasoline town was caught in chaos.

On the contrary, the battle on the debt collection team seemed less intense.

And the petrol town has never been short of petrol.

Some people were assaulted by Asphalt's men, and they couldn't get angry.

Knowing that they couldn't beat the regularized units of asphalt, they attacked the asphalt refinery and directly set the oil depot on fire.

The explosion of the oil depot caused a large number of surrounding buildings to be affected, causing numerous casualties.

If it wasn't for the oil extracted from the asphalt, most of it was delivered to the immortal fortress on the side of the undead old Joe in the first place, then the entire gasoline town might have been destroyed.

But even so, the flowing fire that stretched out directly lit the gasoline town.

There is blood and fire everywhere, and no place is safe.

Not only the oil refinery, but other gangs were inspired and started to rob them.

Fire scenes have appeared in many places, as if gasoline town is about to be burned into a city that never sleeps.

Burning an oil refinery is equivalent to directly affecting the interests of Immortal Joe.

He has the most fleet and consumes the most fuel. If there is no fuel, his control range will be greatly reduced.

The cannibals have also realized at this time that the debt collection team and the city management who maintain public order may really be unable to manage this city.

When a riot occurs, the invisible hand of the economy will not come to help put out the fire.

So he quickly sent someone to notify the undead old Joe and the bullet farmer of the bullet farm and asked them to come and help.

Regardless of how this event will end up, he has now lost control of Gasoline Town anyway.

Undead Joe has been looking after his harem all this time.

The five wives were pregnant at the same time, which made him feel very happy and didn't even want to leave the door.

In these days, he even feels like a rich family.

He shook his fingers every day, guessing how many healthy children there could be among these five children.

But now that he heard that the gasoline town was on fire, he was finally anxious.

This means that in the future, a team of his size may have no fuel.

And this time Gasoline Town can riot, the next time Bullet Farm can riot.

So will his rule be reliable?

So he quickly entangled with the army and drove to Gasoline Town immediately.

At the same time, the farmer of Bullet Farm also received the news, and also assembled a team to come and support.

The best way to subdue riots is violence and centralization.

And Immortal Joe undoubtedly did a very good job in this regard.

When Yan Chong returned, the two teams hadn't arrived yet, but the entire city had already been on fire.

Yan Chong originally wanted to take the Five Step Snake to the debt collection team's dormitory to rest for a while to see the excitement, but now it seems that there is no safe place in the entire gasoline town.

They didn't have to go far before they encountered a team that was robbing houses.

They didn't care whether Yan Chong wore the clothing of the debt collection team, whether the Five Step Snake looked very fierce, anyway, the two of them were few and looked like they were rich, so they wanted to rob.

But the rich often also have guns.

In this troubled world, it is really not easy to survive without a bit of force.

Yan Chong and Wu Pip Snake then used their combat abilities and took out their guns to shoot randomly.

There are only five people on the other side, and even the gun makes it not clear.

For ordinary people who do not have guns, their weapons are still very useful.

But in the face of real masters, they became a group of fat sheep.

Yan Chong and Wuxi Snake got rid of them easily.

Five step snake even killed one more than Yan Chong.

"Your marksmanship has regressed," said the five step snake. "I killed three, but you only killed two."

Because it was easier to solve, the spirit of comparison arose in Five Step Snake's heart.

Like the rattlesnakes and cobras, he is a middle-level cadre, and there is no one who comes first.

But now the black mamba, bamboo leaf green, silver ring snake and others are all dead, and only the two of them are left. It is necessary to divide them in order.

Just now, Yan Chong saved Five Step Snake's life and put some pressure on him. Five Step Snake felt it was time to give Yan Chong a counterattack.

"No, it's just your luck." Yan Chong said lightly. "The one on the left has been aiming at you. His marksmanship is stronger than the others. If I hadn't killed him, you would have fallen."

Five-step snake looked over according to Yan Chong's statement, and found that Yan Chong did not lie.

And he hadn't noticed before!

In other words, in this short gun battle, Yan Chong actually saved his life again?

Seeing that the five-pace snake was silent, Yan Chong patted his shoulder lightly and said: "Don't think too much, let's go. The most important thing is to survive."

Five-step Snake sighed, but reluctantly accepted the reality.

The battle was solved easily, but it also showed a problem: Gasoline Town has been completely messed up, so messed up that many people forget who they are.

They slaughtered and robbed frantically for a little profit.

This has transcended Yan Chong's initial expectations and his ability to control.

But Yan Chong had never thought about establishing a new order here. He only hoped that the chaos the world would be, the better, and he could complete the main task.

To be honest, if there is no such chaos, he might not even be able to see the cannibals.

Wuyao originally operated a skin and meat business in the east of the city.

Now that the scarred site was destroyed, Chengdong was the main battlefield, and the two of them were even more afraid to go back.

It's not that it's dangerous, but it's unnecessary.

Yan Chong tried to contact the large group of the debt collection team through the speaker, and very few people could reply.

What they said revealed a message: their debt collection operation this time failed.

Even the captain himself was sacrificed in the front line position.

"What's the matter?" Yan Chong asked, "Who did it?"

"I don't know, the scene is too messy!" The person over there replied, "There are people everywhere around us, and we can't tell the enemy from us!"

"What about the deputy captain?" Yan Chong asked again.

"Dead too..." The voice over there was full of sadness.

"Is there anyone who can take care of things now?" Yan Chong asked, "Is anyone alive?"

Yan Chong asked three times, but no decent person answered.

Those who can answer are basically recruits who are not very strong in combat effectiveness, who flee when the battle begins.

Because this is not a serious battle between the two armies, deserters must die.

In a situation where the enemy cannot be distinguished from the enemy, those who run away are more likely to survive.

But they are also human.

Hearing the wailing from the speaker, Yan Chong couldn't help but sighed and said in the speaker: "I am the captain of the fifth team! I am the captain of the fifth team! Brothers who are still alive, can Move closer to the south gate."

"We, kill together!"

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