I have a Gameboy

Chapter 335 See the pitch again!

The appearance of Yan Chong was like a ray of light that suddenly appeared in the dark night, giving them hope for life.

These newly joined debt collectors who were not very capable of fighting heard the voice in the telephony, and they really relayed it to each other, and then collectively rushed towards the south of the city.

Yan Chong took the materials on the spot, dismantled a few sticks from the unburnt house next to him, set up a simple flagpole, and hung it into a flag out of torn clothes with the logo of the debt collection team painted on it, and then stood up.

Yan Chong kept reporting their positions with a telephony, so that they could gather to him.

It is not just members of the debt collection team. On the way, all people who feel that their safety is threatened can be protected by the debt collection team.

According to the norm, it is Yan Chong's shelter.

And Yan Chong didn't charge any fees to these poor people.,

In addition to the automatic gathering of messages, some people are in danger and are trapped somewhere.

After their descriptions, Yan Chong quickly found them, even if there was only a message, they would be rescued.

Of course, those who are trapped are more because of the flames than the robbers.

When you meet a robber, as long as you are willing to hand over your belongings, you will not die.

The flame is ruthless, regardless of whether it is a billionaire or a beggar on the street.

At this moment, it is actually the fairest.

Fortunately, Yan Chong is fireproof, so in the city full of flames, his movement speed has not been slightly reduced, even if it is raging, he can't stop his steps.

He had a lot of water in the ranch, so he didn't hide his own personal information at this time, and he took out a bucket directly.

Seeing someone trapped in the flames, he rushed in, poured a bucket of water on the person, and then picked it up and left.

He moved quickly, and he could often escape to a safe area before all the water stains on the person turned into steam.

These remnants of the debt collection team saw him as if they had seen a god descend to the earth!

"Is he really okay?" Some people couldn't help discussing in private.

Although everyone didn't believe it, Yan Chong was able to rescue people from the fire scene one by one.

Although he was also blackened by the flames and his clothes were badly damaged, he was very energetic and could take time to comfort those who were rescued.

These people who were rescued by him now look at him as if they have seen the reconstructed parents.

In about half an hour, Yan Chong rescued nearly twenty people, and counting the collection of debt-collection team members, they had formed a formed team.

Because the members of the debt collection team have weapons in their hands, they stand on the periphery, and there are experts like Yan Chong walking in front. After the five-step snake is broken, the momentum is very high.

The small group of looters saw them and did not dare to approach them.

Even those who had already fainted and wanted to take advantage of the fire, saw Yan Chong, and they were basically sober.

The last person in Gasoline Town who can excite his relatives and fear the enemy is called "Northern Star".

Now, there is another debt collection captain.

In the past, the debt collection team was not a glorious name in the people's mouth. Everyone immediately avoided it after listening.

Carrying them, maybe even spit a few saliva on the ground.

But now, the debt collection team has become their savior.

Under Yan Chong's call, the debt collectors shouted the slogan "Help the people save the city", their voices became louder and louder, and more and more people came in.

Finally, they encountered the first large-scale enemy, Qiu and his troops.

Asphalt now has red eyes.

Although he had a good talk with Yan Chong before, after Yan Chong let him go, he went out to avenge the scarred eyes.

But now his oil refinery has exploded, and he knows what to do with the immortal Joe's arrival.

So now, on the one hand, he wants to rob some more property to make up for his own losses. On the other hand, he also wants to make others suffer the same losses. This is not simply his own responsibility.

When he saw Yan Chong, he remembered all the previous situations.

If it weren't for this guy in the debt collection team, would I run all the way to fight Scarlet Eyes?

As for the oil refinery being attacked?

It's all your fault!

Yan Chong originally hoped that Asphalt would retain some sanity, and work with him to restore order to the entire city.

But he was wrong.

When he took the initiative to talk to Qiu, Qiu directly ordered his men to shoot!

Yan Chong: "!!!"

Don't you mean death?

Don’t you remember that I let you go?

How can you avenge revenge?

Of course, since Yan Chong has the ability to spare his life, he still has the ability to get it back.

Yan Chong is basically bulletproof now.

After a volley of relatively "regular" weapons from these people under Asphalt, Yan Chong discovered that he still had nothing to do.

So Yan Chong gave them a cruel smile.

"It's him!" Yan Chong pointed to the asphalt with his hand, "It was the explosion of his oil refinery, which caused the fire in the whole city! The first crime is to be blamed. Come on!"

After that, Yan Chong greeted the salvo and rushed over.

"I am the son of destiny, the light of righteous way, you can't hit me!" Yan Chong shouted by the way.

In the cognition of ordinary people, if a normal person is hit by a gun, even if it is just a bullet, he will basically explain there on the spot.

But Yan Chong rushed towards the bullets, and nothing happened?

The difficulty said, really no fight?

Qiu didn't believe it, kicked a soldier next to him, snatched the semi-automatic rifle in his hand, and personally targeted Yan Chong.

He believes in his marksmanship, and Yan Chong's straight line of action is basically impossible!

But Yan Chong looked unscathed!

In addition, there are a lot of people shooting around, and the cries of flames burning, making it difficult for him to judge for a while.

But whether it was Yan Chong Bulletproof or the real Son of Destiny, Qiu and his men were deeply afraid.

Some people even murmured below: "The Star of the North City is resurrected?"

Although no one dared to take this sentence, the words "Star of the North of the City" pierced the hearts of everyone present like a sharp sword.

Many soldiers simply knelt down and threw their weapons to the ground.

"What are you doing? Get up and continue shooting!" Qiu shouted, and personally solved the subordinate who first uttered the words "City North Star".

However, it is too late.

Yan Chong rushed over.

Now that these people had surrendered, Yan Chong had no need to kill them all.

Yan Chong didn't even drew his sword, he just came to the asphalt by the momentum, and slammed his fist in the face!

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