I have a Gameboy

Chapter 336 The Star of the City North Is Resurrected?

Yan Chong in the form of a stone, his fist is very powerful.

And because he is now playing more with less, charging alone to face the army, so the extra ten points of damage are very sufficient.

Although his current image looks like someone who is good at shooting.

But now that he has been connected with the "North City Star", he will use the "North City Star" signature moves to launch an attack.

It must be like, but not too like.

"City North Star"'s fame battle is with "Ukraine-Undead".

This trick was spread out by witnesses at Garcia's factory, and the more it spreads, the more impressive it is, and it has almost reached the point where no one believes it.

If Yan Chong had another move directly to "Undead Slash", then everyone would know that he was the "Star of the North City".

Not just the people, behind the team, there is a five step snake responsible for the break.

He may not be able to tell whether Yan Chong is the "Star of the North", but at least, if he sees it, Yan Chong must not be a rattlesnake.

So Yan Chong chose to use his fists.

People who are good at using guns can also use their fists to vent their anger.

In the arena, the North Stars also fought like this.

The degree of similarity is naturally very high, but if you talk about uniqueness, who wouldn't use a fist?

Anyway, Yan Chong's punch steadily hit the asphalt in a state of surprise, shattering his face.

It’s not only that Yan Chong’s punch was too fierce, but also because the pitch had been abused a lot before. First, he was beaten up by a few players. After he was cured, he was not allowed to sleep for one night. The anger supported him, and it took him so long.

In fact, his body has long been unable to hold it.

Therefore, the empty-blooded him naturally couldn't hold Yan Chong's fierce punch.

Those who know the inside story might guess that the pitch is weak, but to outsiders, Yan Chong is a god descending from the earth.

Who can smash someone's face with one punch?

This is too great, right?

No wonder you don't need a gun anymore.

Does the gun hurt as much as your fist?

Yan Chong pinched Tar's neck and pulled him up, wanting to continue interrogating him.

But it's a pity that the whole body of Qiu has drooped completely, his head leaned back in an unnatural posture, and his breathing stopped.

It is estimated that if he is stuffed into the ranch now, there will be no resistance.

"Give up resistance, let's live together!" Yan Chong said to the soldiers.

He was not talking about "hand over the gun and not kill", but "we" to live together.

Such words are infectious and much gentler.

The soldiers under Asphalt thought that they would die if they met the god of murder.

But think about it, there is still a bit of life?

They all looked at Yan Chong.

Although Yan Chong's face is a bit dark now, it still looks quite gentle?

"Trust me," Yan Chong said, "it was his first hand, and I just want to save people!"


When he said this, his image in the hearts of everyone was even bigger.

The soldiers hulled to their knees.

Yan Chong quickly threw the pitcher's body aside, and then helped the soldiers next to him one by one, and said, "Save people first!"

This moved the people around him so unnecessarily that they only felt like they had encountered a savior.

But Asphalt has been in business for many years, and there are still a few diehard fans.

"You murderer!" Suddenly a soldier rushed towards Yan holding a short knife.

Yan Chong originally wanted to pretend to be a beep, let him stabbed him, and then take the wound, in exchange for everyone's sympathy, and say something like "because you are all my sons..."

But before the man's knife was stabbed, there was a gunshot, and the five-pace snake shot.

His marksmanship is also very good, although he may not be as good as Xu Guangyuan, but his biggest characteristic is his high alertness.

The shot directly hit the man's body and knocked him to the ground.

"Shame on your face!" Five-Pop Snake said next to him, "Don't you know how you got your life back?"

Then he turned his head to face Yan Chong and said, "This time I saved your life."

Yan Chong: "..."

Did I save it with you?

Do you know how much effort I spent planning this bridge just now?

And you said these two sentences together, "Shame on your face," does it mean me?

But Yan Chong couldn't say that the five-pace snake was not.

He could only feel his cheek jumping, and then squeezed out the word "Thanks" to Five Step Snake from between his teeth.

"You're welcome." Five Step Snake said, then put the gun back away.

What are you...

Yan Chong's plan A failed, so he could only switch to plan B.

He went so far as to treat the soldier who was hit by the five step snake.

Of course, Yan Chong now has first aid and medical treatment unlocked, and the bonus is not low, so there is no need to cheat with extraordinary items such as pills, potion gourd, and Shenlong dew.

He treated him stubbornly, using Max's tactical knife to gouge out the warhead from his wound, and then bandaged it.

Of course, now that the medical conditions are so simple, it is impossible to force anesthesia, right?

It can be regarded as Yan Chong's superb medical skills if it can be disinfected with fire.

The soldier's head was sweating with pain, but he didn't say a word.

What a tough guy!

In Yan Chong's eyes, this is a tough guy, but in the eyes of others, it feels different.

Not everyone of them has seen Yan Chong's treatment method.

Huh, the movements are quite skilled?

Hey, the person who was operated on didn't even call?

Does it hurt?

So in their eyes, this is not the person's firm will at all, it must be because of Yan Chong's superb skills!

So Yan Chong's weight in their hearts has increased again!

As a captain of the debt collection team, not only did he take the initiative to lead everyone to survive, but he also rushed into the fire to save people despite his own comfort. He has good marksmanship and strong fighting ability. Now it seems that his medical skills are good?

Such a person has not yet become the captain of the debt collection team. Is this the darkness of society or the suppression of the development of talents?

Anyway, everyone on the scene admired Yan Chong with a five-body throw, feeling that he was blind for not being a captain.

Yan Chong also arranged for someone here, made a stretcher, and put the wounded soldier on it.

"He is loyal, so he shouldn't die." Yan Chong also said to everyone, "You must take good care of him."

Then Yan Chong continued to lead everyone forward, saving people from the fire scene.

At least fifty soldiers survived under Asphalt, and their combat capabilities and equipment were much better than these novices in the debt collection team.

With their participation, Yan Chong's strength has undoubtedly turned over several times.

So when he met Xu Guangyuan's team again, this guy undoubtedly chose to retreat.

"You did the right thing." Yan Chong secretly rejoiced in his heart.

If Xu Guangyuan also launches an offensive mindlessly, Yan Chong might launch an attack on him in order to maintain his current personality...

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