I have a Gameboy

Chapter 337 Seeing Undead Old Joe Again!

Yan Chong rescued from the south of the city to the east of the city, got rid of the asphalt, forced Xu Guangyuan back, and then went all the way north to continue to gather the members of the debt collection team and save the people in the fire.

The further you go north, the greater the fire.

Yan Chong can handle it, but others can't.

Seeing that Yan Chong wanted to rush into the fire one by one, everyone beside him cried.

"Captain, their fate is fate, and your fate is also fate!" The people collectively wailed and persuaded Yan Chong, for fear that Yan Chong would be buried in the fire if he was not careful.

Yan Chong can also see their true feelings, but Yan Chong is a little worried about the acquaintances in Garcia's factory.

Finally, he tried several times, and it was indeed a sea of ​​fire, and on this wasteland, drinking water was already a very scarce resource, not to mention someone would use water to extinguish fires.

So seeing the fire getting bigger and bigger, Yan Chong could only give up.

Yan Chong led the people all the way to the west, and then went around Xicheng.

The West City was relatively less affected by the war, and after the few players raided a few hostile forces, they returned to defense in time and no longer took care of the debt collection team.

This is also one of the reasons why the debt collection team was finally annihilated.

Therefore, when explosions occurred frequently, the young man hurriedly ordered the people to intercept them, blocking the flames away from the arena.

So although in the end, the temperature of the arena has also risen sharply due to the large amount of burning around, but it is already the coolest place in the city.

As for the war, there is even less here.

After seeing that the arena has not been affected, the small gangs in the west of the city who were ready to move wisely chose to retreat or go to other people's places to make trouble.

So here is the safest.

Of course, Yan Chong doesn't know the attitude of the few players.

When they parted, the young player had a good attitude towards Yan Chong, and guessed that he might be the "star of the north city".

But this little player is a horny person!

Yan Chongdown, disguised as a rattlesnake, also has a bit of masculine charm, which can make the young owners swallow all the anger in his stomach, but now Yan Chong's clothes are not neat and his face is scorched, so can he speak well now? , That's another matter.

Yan Chong could only take these refugees south again and returned to the south of the city.

He didn't want these displaced people to continue to stay in the burning gasoline town.

Whether it is a riot or a flame, it is difficult for them to protect themselves. Once Yan Chong leaves, they will be in danger again.

So Yan Chong gathered in the south of the city again, and then led them out of Gasoline Town.

But the good thing is that because of the riots in the south of the city, no one is guarding the south gate. Even Xu Guangyuan now sees Yan Chong and their army chooses to retreat immediately, not to mention the little brothers who just work for him.

So Yan Chong not only brought them out, but also ransacked some of the vehicles in the Nancheng parking lot.

Yan Chong now seemed to have a mechanized army.

Next, it's about where to settle down.

Yan Chong hadn't figured out where to go, so a motorcade drove over there.

The one in the middle, very huge, is a monster spliced ​​by trucks, tankers, and all kinds of weird decorations. It is the car of Immortal Joe.

And on the front, rear, left and right of this car, there are a large number of large and small chariots, the ones driving inside, the probes next to them, and the ones hanging above are all white-and-white heroic warriors.

Their bodies may be unhealthy, but their fighting consciousness is absolutely firm enough, Yan Chong even thinks that even zombies may not be comparable to them.

Because it is only their survival instinct that drives zombies, and zombies will not take the lightning rod to die with others.

It's over, I can't run now.

Yan Chong and his team were not small, and they came out of Gasoline Town, so they were directly intercepted by the team of Undead Joe.

The heroic warriors held their guns one by one, as well as those with lightning batons. They all pointed their fingers at Yan Chong, as if they were about to go to war.

Yan Chong could only use the radio to inform other people, to calm down and respect the will of the king of this territory.

He got out of the car and walked forward alone.

Fortunately, the immortal old Joe didn't recognize Yan Chong now.

Even if he knew Yan Chong, he couldn't recognize Yan Chong as such.

"Who are you, express your intention!" The cruel Stokes, another son of the undead Joe, was sitting in the co-pilot of the undead Joe.He asked loudly with the speaker of the amplifier.

"I am a captain of the Gasoline Town debt collection team." Yan Chong said, "There was a big fire inside. I gathered some people and rescued some refugees who had lost their properties. The inside was messy. We want to go to the Immortal Castle. Find the great undead old Joe to ask for a living."

Yan Chong's flattery tasted good, and Immortal Joe was very happy.

Although the gasoline town may be destroyed, which makes him feel very angry, but he is not a mentally retarded.

Being able to organize a team and save people under this situation is an individual talent!

Immortal Old Joe nodded, but did not fully trust Yan Chong.

"Where did your car come from?" Stokes' voice came from the car again.

"They all parked in the south of the city. Many people died inside, and most of the cars were lost." Yan Chong said, "We borrowed them to escape, but the oil may not last long."

"Get all your people out of the car." Stokes said, "Put the weapons together. In front of you is the undead Joe, under his rule, no weapons are needed."

This is lying.

In this wasteland, no law can protect oneself, only weapons can protect oneself.

But Stokes' meaning is already obvious: they now have doubts about Yan Chong and they want to minimize the risk.

Although Yan Chong's main mission included killing the Undead Qiao, he didn't need it now, and could not bring these refugees to fight the Undead Qiao.

These refugees are innocent, and they are not capable of fighting.

So Yan Chong asked them to put down their weapons happily, whether it was from the debt collection team or from the pitch.

Their trust in Yan Chong's newcomer has now surpassed their trust in the undead old Joe, so they quickly died.

A large number of guns were piled up together, and Yan Chong also took them to keep a certain distance from the weapons. During the whole process, Yan Chong did not even hesitate.

"You are fine and very loyal." This time it was the immortal Joe who was speaking, with the kind of vibrato that could only be made through a ventilator.

"Thanks a lot." Yan Chong nodded and bowed to the undead old Joe.

"You can go to the Immortal Castle." A sign with a skull head was dropped from the giant truck. "Although you can't get in with it, you can get some fresh water. You can wash your face first. It's ugly now. Up."

Yan Chong: "???"

I'm a gentleman, do you care about me?

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