I have a Gameboy

Chapter 338 Avoid the Jackal and Meet the Tiger!

After getting the token of Immortal Old Joe, Yan Chong was ready to lead everyone in the car.

No matter what, let them settle down in the immortal castle first.

These refugees are not easy either. If there is really no food, there are still some things in Yan Chong's ranch, which can at least keep them for a few more months.

"Who let you get in the car?" At this time, Stokes' voice came out of the car again.

Yan Chong smiled and said humblely, "Didn't you allow us to leave?"

"You can leave, but the car can't." Stokes said.

Yan Chong: "???"

Why didn't we let the car we stole ourselves?

Do you want us to walk?

The undead Joe did not object to this either.

Only then did Yan Chong understand that this was to make them completely refugees!

Gasoline Town is not far from the immortal castle, nor is it near.

Because these two places were completely set up in accordance with natural resources, the immortal castle had water sources, the gasoline town had oil wells, and the roads were all post-repaired.

In these two places, driving the car at full speed, it will take an hour or two to get there, otherwise the gasoline town will not be disrupted, and the undead old Joe and the others are late.

If so estimated, the distance between the two places must be at least one hundred kilometers, or even more than one hundred kilometers.

You let us walk over with our legs?

Then you can't walk for several days!

Don't accept it, don't accept it. Seeing that these people have been displaced and most of their property has been burned, there are still many of these people who are old, weak, sick, and wounded in battle. You let them walk one or two hundred kilometers?

Although there are many people who seek life on the wasteland and travel around on foot entirely, Yan Chong feels that this is a bit too much.

Yan Chong stood straight there, rebelling silently against Stokes' orders, like a sharp sword.

At this time, Five Step Snake spoke out to persuade him: "They are too crowded, but we are few. They were also handed over their weapons. It really hurts to fight!"

Although heroes don't suffer from immediate losses, Yan Chong is still very uncomfortable.

Sometimes, if you lick too hard, the other party will stop treating you as a person.

It seems that I felt the horrible aura emanating from Yan Chong, or maybe I didn’t want to waste too much time here. The Undead Qiao also explained at this time: “It’s the war time and the gasoline town is on fire again. All gasoline is a scarce resource, and your car and oil have been requisitioned. So, leave now!"

The undead old Joe is the supreme king of this land.

He wouldn't explain anything to anyone. All he said were orders.

But the fact that all five wives were pregnant had softened his spirit a lot, and he still felt that the man in front of him was very dangerous.

Even if his soldiers occupy an absolute advantage, at a certain moment, he still feels that he is a lamb targeted by a beast.

He hadn't experienced this feeling for many years.

Seeing that Yan Chong still didn't move, he didn't need to die, and Old Qiao didn't need to talk any more. The heroic warriors under him stopped doing it.

"Hurry up!"

"go to hell!"

"The victims!"


They screamed one by one, as if completely unacceptable in their hearts.

Why should Immortal Joe explain this kind of thing to you?

If you are not convinced, you can go to death now!

Yan Chong took a deep breath and said to the others: "Let's go."

If there is a fight between the two sides, of course he can retreat all over, and there is even great hope for Five Step Snake.

But the survivors behind them may not be able to survive.

And the debt collection team without weapons and the soldiers under Asphalt are no longer soldiers, just a piece of meat on the opponent's cutting board.

Yan Chong suppressed this breath and finally embarked on the journey with everyone.

But they were walking, and before they got far out, they saw a convoy coming from the west, from the Bullet Ranch.

They spotted Yan Chong and the others, so they drove over and stopped Yan Chong and the others. The cars formed a circle.

Why are you not over yet?

"Who are you?" The head was a convertible jeep with an old man with a hood sitting on it. He should be about the same age as the undead old Joe, but his body is thinner.

He has a big eagle nose and two jackal-like eyes. He looks like a sulky person.

There is no doubt that he is the farmer of Bullet Farm, the person responsible for mining the mines and making weapons and ammunition for the undead Joe.

Yan Chong simply told the bullet farmer that he was the debt-collection captain of Gasoline Town, how messed up there was and how he escaped.

"In such a big gasoline town, you came out of it and didn't get a few cars?" asked the bullet farmer. "Isn't it a bad idea to go to the Immortal Castle on foot?"

Yan Chong: "!!!"

Then don't you talk about it!

We want to drive too!

Isn't the car detained?

Yan Chong could only be patient and talked to the bullet farmer about meeting the Immortal Joe.

"Oh, do you have supplies with you?" The bullet farmer asked again, "Are there any valuables?"

"No." Yan Chong replied directly.

Don't say they are really gone, even if they are there, it is impossible to take them out.

If they walked, they could not walk to the immortal castle in a day or two.

If you don’t eat or drink, you’ll be dead!

"Nothing, you just don't plan to pay the road money?" said the bullet farmer.

Yan Chong: "???"

What to buy road money?

"We went to the Immortal Castle, not the bullet farm." Yan Chong could only patiently explain it to him again.

"Yes, but our bullet farm also doesn't produce food!" said the bullet farmer. "I finally met you. You don't let us make some money along the way. What should we eat?"

Yan Chong: "!!!"

No one can hold a sheep's wool like you!

At this time, Yan Chong was ready to fight.

Not only him, but even Five Step Snake seemed to feel that there was no way to end this matter, and had already begun to find a suitable cover.

Fortunately, although the bullet farmer is a regular army, he is a mine after all. There is no food, no drink, no oil, and ordinary people will not be willing to go in his direction.

Although his men are desperadoes and their equipment is very good, their numbers are not large, and they are far behind the heroic warriors, and their fighting will may not even be as good as those who fight all day long in Gasoline Town.

But their self-confidence is full, and they completely ignore these victims.

The bullet farmer arrogantly said: "Teach them a lesson!"

The people on his side hadn't done anything yet, but Yan Chong did it first!

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