I have a Gameboy

Chapter 339 Explosive Explosion!

Because it was Yan Chong's first attack this time, he didn't even enter the stone form.

The advantage of the stone form is that the defense power is greatly improved, so as to achieve the effect of bulletproof.

But this time, behind Yan Chong, there are still a large number of innocent people.

If these shameless bandits are allowed to shoot, then with their continuous firearms and inaccurate shooting techniques, it is easy to accidentally injure others.

There is nothing wrong with Yan Chong, everyone else is dead...

So Yan Chong didn't even plan to give them a chance to shoot.

This time, Yan Chong swallowed the battery infrequently, and entered an acceleration state. He was like a Flash, almost flying.

In this state, his energy consumption is extremely high and the duration is limited, so he must hurry up.

He took out a pistol in each of his hands, and Shinobi's hand also flicked out at this time, entering a complete state.

Magic Butterfly submachine gun, launch!

Yan Chong's speed was already rushing, the trigger of the pistol was pulled continuously, the sound of "cracking" was endless, and it seemed that he had reached the rate of fire of the submachine gun.

Under the same conditions, the speed of fire of the Phantom Butterfly submachine gun was naturally faster, spilling bullets like water, and covering several cars at the same time.

The most important thing is that before that, Yan Chong deliberately distanced himself from the survivors to ensure that he was playing more with less, so as to get an extra damage bonus.

A single shot of more than 20 damage is not something ordinary people can resist.

Especially these people at Bullet Farm, they really learn what they have a big brother. They all ride in convertible cars, and the front windshields are all patchwork furnishings.

Their cars simply cannot provide them with additional protection.

Therefore, whether it is a pistol or a Phantom Butterfly submachine gun, Yan Chong fired bullets that hit these people. It can be said that they are "stained to death and death", and the harvesting efficiency is not worse than that of "Upright-Undead". And the distance is farther, the coverage is greater.

In the eyes of everyone, Yan Chong stayed on the ground dumbly like a telephone pole for a second, trying to discuss with the bullet farmer, but he disappeared suddenly in the next second.

There was a sound of "clap", and then there were no more living people on the cars surrounding them.

That incredible bullet farmer, because he was sitting in a convertible, and in order to show his identity, he also raised his position, which was an obvious target.

So he just gave an order here, and his mouth was filled with bullets in the next second.

And the subsequent two shots completely blown the head of the old man.

The blood spattered, polluting the entire car, and coated the two dirty cars with a flowing red film.

And this is not the end of Yan Chong's action.

While moving fast, he made a quick circle along these vehicles, while continuing to increase his speed through continuous grappling hooks.

At a certain moment, he felt that he was about to catch up with the bullet he fired.

The bullet that had just been fired seemed to be still spinning around his ears, but suddenly disappeared as Yan Chong's direction shifted.

What followed was a wailing, representing the demise of a life.

Therefore, most of the soldiers from these dozens of bullet farms were wiped out in just one fight.

Before they could react, Five Step Snake also reacted first.

Don't care if it's right to go to war with so many people, anyway, now that you have already taken action, let's fight the fucking first.

Before Yan Chong started his hand, he had actually evaluated his strength in his heart and constructed several sets of action plans in his mind.

He evaluated the strength of both sides and felt that no matter what, the hope of winning was very slim.

But he found that he still underestimated Yan Chong, and within a second, the balance of battle began to "dump" over them seriously.

Let alone the balance, I am afraid that even the horizontal table top has been overturned!

Although Yan Chong's actions were far beyond his imagination, after eliminating the bullet farmer and many of the main forces around him, the idea of ​​Five Step Snake could skip a few steps directly and seamlessly connect to the back. Endgame stage.

The Five Step Snake directly followed Yan Chong and moved in the opposite direction, starting from the end, shooting away the most dangerous enemies in each vehicle.

Then, the soldiers under Asphalt reacted.

They rushed out fiercely, dragging the driver and others in the car out one by one, punching and kicking.

In the same situation without firearms, both sides are trained fighters, so it depends on who has more numbers.

And now that it has reached the melee stage, the number of one's own side has gradually surpassed that of the other side, and Yan Chong's "Gladiatorium Champion" has no effect.

Similarly, there is no need for him to play again.

He spit out the battery, sat down with a slumped butt, slowly regaining his physical strength that was overdrawn from the acceleration mode.

At this point in the battle, there is no more suspense.

The bullet farm was wiped out.

Fortunately, although he exposed his strength, none of the survivors were harmed.

Seeing Yan Chong sitting on the ground, the state of the five-pace snake can be said to be much better.

He walked over, looked at Yan Chong silently for a few seconds, then stretched out his hand to him and pulled him up from the ground.

"You are actually not a rattlesnake?" Five paces snake finally asked this sentence.

"Why do you say that?" Yan Chong asked.

"There are many doubts. I have been skeptical before," said Five Step Snake, "but I didn't really know for sure until just now."

"That might be because I have become stronger these days." Yan Chong said, "for example, a new talent or something."

"Impossible, what you are using is not a rattlesnake fighting method at all." Five-Pace Snake said, "He can't do this kind of speed, this kind of explosion. It's useless to give him ten more talents."

"It seems that you know him well." Yan Chong no longer denied it.

"Of course, before entering this dungeon, the two of us had a fight." Five Step Snake said, "I won."

But he has now discovered the gap between him and Yan Chong.

If Yan Chong really confronted him, he would not have won by a narrow margin.

Of course, for reasons of face, he didn't explain the matter thoroughly.

And Yan Chong also saved him face.

Because not only was he able to abuse the five-step snake to a complete body in singles, but in the copy of the Korean movie, even with fifty brothers, none of the three snakes were Yan Chong's opponents.

"Then do you want to avenge him now?" Yan Chong asked, "Now is your best opportunity. I have consumed too much, I am afraid I can't even stand."

"No, even if you kill him, it doesn't matter to me," said Five Step Snake.

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