I have a Gameboy

Chapter 350 - There's still a surprise!

In this copy, Yan Chong's other gains are relatively small.

He only gained one extra talent, the "Gladiatorial Champion", which was rewarded when he won the overall championship of the arena.

The effect is that when there are fewer enemies and more enemies, for each additional person, Yan Chong's damage can be increased by one point, with a maximum of ten points.

Therefore, in a team battle, if there are teammates, Yan Chong will always try to separate from the others, or keep the others still and perform himself, in order to ensure that the damage is increased.

It was a great tool for him to clear the motley crew, while still being able to act like a beep.

He originally thought that becoming the supreme leader of the debt collection team would give him another talent.

But I don't know if it was because it wasn't officially appointed, but he ended up getting nothing.

Yan Chong could only put the blame on Xu Guangyuan's head as well.

In terms of skills, Yan Chong could also be said to have gained nothing.

The only skill he had gained was the "Aiming Shot" that he had experienced from watching Xu Guangyuan shoot.

This was basically the long-range version of Stamina Heavy Strike.

By aiming with saving energy, it increases the hit rate and can also deal higher damage if it hits the target's vital points.

Because it requires a longer saving throw time, this doesn't fit with the dynamic combat style of Yan Chong's Quick Machine.

Of course this skill isn't useless at all, after all there are always small targets that are hard to hit, and the extra damage caused by hitting a critical is often the difference between being able to take out an elite level enemy or not.

It's also more bullet efficient when using some advanced weapons.

But the stamina time up front delays the overall pace too much, especially since Yan Chong now has Max's Rage, and the attack action can get faster and more continuous.

But not being able to make other attacks while aiming equates to all those seconds being wasted.

In terms of equipment, Yan Chong was even more pathetic.

His biggest gain this time was the full set of equipment on Mad Max.

The Survival Kit which mainly added the Survival expertise, and the tactical dagger he had was more for cooking than for healing.

Of course, Yan Chong wouldn't have to care that much when he was performing surgery on Scarlet Eye and the others.

If used solely for fighting, this dagger was far inferior to the wedge pill with a base damage of 8.

And if it was used to throw, it might not be as good as an ordinary dagger.

There was no pity in throwing an ordinary dagger, whereas this dagger was at least a blue piece of equipment that was tasteless to use and pity to discard.

Mad Max's v8 chariot, after being modified, was a divine item.

It had a v12 engine added to it as well as an unreasonable array of equipment such as turbocharging, nitrogen acceleration, chassis reinforcement, harpoon launchers, and trap nets.

Not only was it strong off-road and extremely fast, it was also Yan Chong's strongest offensive vehicle besides the tank.

Most importantly, it's also more handsome.

Tanks couldn't be sent out under normal circumstances.

That's why this odd-looking composite muscle car has become Yan Chong's latest vehicle.

In addition, Yan Chong also threw a large amount of junk inside the ranch, mainly simple armor and dirt guns from the unlucky bastards.

There were also some good equipment, such as Immortal Old Joe's full body armor which was considered good heavy armor.

There were also three trinkets that could symbolize status: the Undead Old Joe's respirator, the Cannibal's gold chain, and the Bullet Farmer's windshield.

These three items would be average if taken out alone.

The respirator could filter poisonous gases, the gold chain could increase bargaining by one level, and the windshield could increase shooting by one level.

When Yan Chong put these three items together, they were combined into a new item, named "Ruler of the Immortal Castle".

It was an advanced mask, which not only compatible with the effects of the three pieces of equipment, but also added three levels of Intimidate.

Intimidation was a specialty under Charisma, and it wasn't commonly used, but with three levels, it was very powerful.

Yan Chong already has the talent of "Extremely Evil and Unlawful", which can make the weak submit, and with the addition of a high level of Intimidate, it becomes a combination technique again.

But the problem is that this is a full-coverage mask.

The "Gift of the Thousand-Faced God" can only change its face.

After wearing the mask, no matter how much he changes his face, no one else can tell the difference.

This gift is considered to be useless. ......

The Black Mamba's body was also picked up by Yan Chong after being attacked by a self-destruct.

The main thing is that you can't get a lot of people to do the same thing.

The first thing you need to know is how to get the best out of the system.

The items are time-still, so there is no way to revive the Black Mamba in place for a while.

Yen Chong wants to look into how to help Black Mamba find a better body instead of bringing him back to life on his own. The Iguana gang leader never showed up, if the topography was anything to go by.

Yen Chong was very suspicious about this.

But as he rummaged through the bodies, he was surprised to find another half!

That half of the topographical map was on the gunman who was shot by the lesser field master in the middle of the fire.

He was the leader of the Hyena gang?

Yan Chong couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat as he thought about it this way.

That gunman's fighting strength was indeed strong, daring one person to guard Scarlet Eye and kill everyone else inside that small room.

If he hadn't left a bomb at the door and tried to hack that strongest survivor, the outcome wouldn't have been the same!

With such strength, he does deserve the title of Iguana Gang Leader.

But why isn't he out there leading the Hyena Gang's annihilation of the Viper Gang?

Did he already think he had the odds in his favor and didn't have to show up in person?

So he wants to get another job in Gas Town?

But with his power, without his own intervention, he might indeed take Scarlet Eye and unify the gangs of Gasoline Town in one fell swoop, or even overthrow the cannibals.

Before that, the only enemy he had was the incestuous Xu Guangyuan.

Can he was completely unaware that there was Yan Chong.

Yan Chong combined the two topographic maps together, and indeed he had put together a complete topographic map.

But he didn't recognize the text on it.

Yan Chong had already unlocked two language packs, and his knowledge could be said to be extensive, but he didn't even know what kind of text was in front of him, and which language pack needed to be unlocked.

He could only feel a divine.

Was it really the language of God?

He could only check it out in the library later and make plans.

And after knowing the identity of this gunman, Yan Chong had a deeper excavation of his corpse.

The two revolvers on the Iguana gang leader's body really weren't mere mortals!

One of them, the "One-Handed Remington", has a very slow rate of fire, but it does 30 fixed damage, hitting the average person with a single shot, and even more so if you hit someone hard!

The other one, called the "One-Handed Gatling", has a very fast rate of fire, but only 15 fixed damage.

Six rounds of ammunition together can do up to 90 points of damage!

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