I have a Gameboy

Chapter 351 Conditions for Promotion to Seniors!

Yan Chong sorted out his emotions and left the copy.

0031 is waiting for him at this time.

"How?" 0031 asked.

"It's okay," Yan Chong replied, "I almost killed these people."

"Let them die?" 0031 grinned, "As far as I know, the Hyena Gang and the Viper Gang are on the verge of extinction, and there are not many people left from top to bottom."

"Then I don't know. If you don't believe me, just check it! Anyway, it wasn't me." Yan Chong quickly denied, "Maybe there is a master? Don't say, I also met a master this time, named Xu Guangyuan."

"I haven't heard of this person." 0031 showed a puzzled expression rare.

His doubts are not only Xu Guangyuan's name, but also Yan Chong's attitude.

If these things have nothing to do with you, what are you doing so nervously?

"He might call it another name in other copies." Yan Chong said again, "but he has a very special mark. Both his hands are right hands."

"Two right hands..." This 0031 is even more unheard of.

Because Xu Guangyuan's two right hands were completely made by Yan Chong.

"You can investigate him carefully." Yan Chong said, "It's spread all over the copy. He killed the two sons of Immortal Old Joe and the debt collection captain of Gasoline Town."

According to Yan Chong's speculation, these three people are the highest combat power in the copy.

But 0031 is the embodiment of the will of the Qingbei Group, and she has a lot of data.

"You're talking about him... I know!" 0031's expression became a little serious, "It's rare that there are people who can cripple you!"

Yan Chong hurriedly waved his hand: "What can I do? I'm foolish, foolish..."

At this time, Yan Chong finally remembered to be low-key.

0031 stopped struggling with this question, and asked: "How many copies have you experienced now?"

Yan Chong counted with his fingers, and said, "Five?"

"It's a lot." 0031 said, "If you perform better in your next instance, you can consider being promoted to a senior."

"Senior person?" Yan Chongqi said, "Is it that fast?"

In his understanding, many people in the Viper Gang should have experienced more instances than him.

Although their fighting ability is indeed inferior to their own, if they rely solely on seniority, it seems that these people are more qualified.

"Experiencing six copies is only the minimum requirement." 0031 said, "There are many other requirements. I mean you should start working hard for the promotion of seniors."

Now that she said so, Yan Chong could only borrow the donkey and said, "What else do you need to prepare?"

"Experience six dungeons; have six talents, of which at least one talent is purple or above; have three attributes to reach ten points; have five skills, of which at least one rises to Lv7; one specializes up to Lv10, or all specialties Unlock..." 0031 muttered.

In this way, it does take some effort.

Even Yan Chong is a little short of this goal.

Going through six copies, soon.

With six talents, Yan Chong has not only six talents, but also a bunch of orange talents.

Yan Chong is also satisfied with the three attributes reaching ten points, physical strength, agility, and perception.

Have five skills...

Yan Chong does have five skills, and there are still others not equipped.

However, none of Yan Chong's current skills can reach Lv7.

Blue quality skills can be as high as Lv5, so Yan Chong still needs at least one advanced skill.

Considering that the skills acquired may not meet Yan Chong's needs, he may need to find more.

And to upgrade skills, it also costs potential points.

As for the specialty, if you want a single specialty to break through, not only you need attribute bonuses, but you also need to manually upgrade your specialty.

And if there is only one specialty that is upgraded to the highest level, but it is not very practical, then you will lose money.

Yan Chong's attributes have now been improved, and he began to consider whether he should fill up his attributes first, and then try to unlock all his specialties?

Yan Chong's specialties of the Secret System, the Survival System, and the Speech Art System have been unlocked.

The medical department's expertise has unlocked several in this dungeon, and the remaining one finds Su Yan to go back and think of a solution. It shouldn't be too difficult.

But because Yan Chong is not high in strength and intelligence, he has not unlocked much of the specialties of the two lines.

Especially intelligence, none of them were unlocked.

What I know is that Yan Chong has no experience in this area, and he doesn't learn much. If he doesn't know, he is still mentally handicapped.

Yan Chong felt that these tasks would be difficult to complete with a copy.

Yan Chong was also a little tired here, and told 0031 that he would work hard in this direction, and then left.

He didn't even go to the auction house this time, nor did he want to see Five Step Snake and Xu Guangyuan.

He has been in the wasteland for too long and feels a little depressed.

Yan Chong decides to take a good rest for a few days before thinking about the rest after eating poorly, sleeping poorly, and fighting all day long.

So he returned home, his warm home.

But the text message showed that his mother was on a business trip again...

Can't you stop at home?

Well, Yan Chong has never stopped.

If there is a mother, there must be a son.

When Yan Chong thought of this, a lightning bolt suddenly struck in his mind.

His mother could even know a senior person like Mr. Mellow, and she was very busy at work all year round, so she rarely had time to spend with her.

Although she has always explained that it is because of the nature of the job, Yan Chong has never wanted to understand what his mother does.

Could it be that……

Yan Chong shook his head quickly and shook out the unrealistic idea.

His mother is still just a middle-aged woman!

How could it be a reincarnation?

Yan Chong went back to school and clicked a Mao. By this time, the school had started.

However, Yan Chong's mother seemed to have greeted the school, saying that Yan Chong was not feeling well and would be back a few days later.

The school is not too picky.

But they have already treated Yan Chong as a good student. Yan Chong is now in the third year of high school, so naturally they have to ask him to take a new school test.

The other students had already finished the test before, so Yan Chong could only answer the questions in person under the supervision of the principal this time.

Without a student like Xue Shutao standing by, Yan Chong was naturally confused during the exam.

Those teachers and directors next to him also teased the principal: "Well, I just said he copied it?"

"You can't even find a cheating. What do you do for food?" The principal lost face and roared, "Everyone, withhold a month's bonus!"

Teacher and director: "???"

What does it have to do with us that he cheated on the exam?


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