I have a hundred clones

024 Cao Ya’s specialness

Several people had serious expressions on their faces. Wu Xie looked through the binoculars and cursed in a low voice. .\\nCOM

Monk Hua also saw the cavalry below, his expression changed, and he asked Chen Pi quietly what should he do?

Chen Pi Asi looked at them, smiled contemptuously, and said, "It's good to come, it means we are on the right track. Keep walking and ignore them."

The fat man was envious of the advanced equipment of Aning's team, mainly the dozens of guns. He asked Chen Pi and Ah Si why he didn't get some thermal weapons in advance. What's the use of facial pads and sanitary napkins? Might as well get more food.

Chen Pi's Asi was disdainful, saying that people in their line of work did not rely on large numbers of people.

The fat man asked what he relied on.

Chen Pi Asi was too lazy to answer. He just said that he should just follow him after crossing the snow line.

When a group of people were having a conversation, they didn't worry about the guide Shunzi, but they still used the dialect. Shunzi is a Korean in our country and doesn't speak Chinese fluently, so he couldn't understand it very well.

However, he has been a guide for many years, and he also knows that it is best to listen to what travelers say, and never interrupt, let alone ask questions.

If you are too active, people might become murderous and kill you when you get there.

Cao Ya wanted to say that Shunzi was overthinking. They were indeed not tourists, but tomb robbers, and what they did was not an aboveboard business.

If it was just Chen Pi Ah Si and his entourage, it might be possible to silence Shunzi.

But he came here with Fatty, Wu Xie, Menyou Ping, and Pan Zi. They were not enemies, so he did not agree to attack unrelated people.

There is no need to worry about Shunzi's safety.

After watching Aning's team on the mountain for a while, the group continued walking up.

Wu Xie was sitting on the horse, wearing four or five pieces of clothing, both large and small, and a fur coat outside. When the wind blew, he still felt cold. The fat man and Pan Zi beside him all felt the same, especially the old guy Chen Pi Asi. .

He doesn't look old, he's not an old man in his nineties. After all, he's getting older. In a place with such a harsh environment, it's okay for a short time, but after a long time, he will inevitably show signs of fatigue.

Of course, Wu Xie didn't mean to laugh, and he himself wasn't much better.

Even though Shunzi is familiar with the road, he is also a retired soldier. He keeps exercising and is strong. In this place that is not suitable for human survival, he shows a tired and tired look.

The oil bottle is better, but it can be seen from the heavy breathing that the oil bottle is in no better condition than before.

Only Cao Ya acted like a normal person and even had the time to dismount and walk, his hiking boots making a special sound on the snow.

Cao Ya straightened his body and looked around the snow-capped mountains with a smile on his face. He really seemed to be traveling, and he was not in the depths of such an uninhabited and harsh snow-capped mountain, but in a scenic area with complete facilities.

"Damn, Cao Ya, you...what kind of body do you have? The horses are panting, but nothing's wrong with you." The fat man didn't have much energy to curse his mother.

Wu Xie panted and said, "Stop saying a few damn words."

Cao Ya occasionally left the team and walked around. Although he was a tomb robber before, he had been to many places and seen many scenery, but this was his first time to come to this kind of snow-capped mountains.

Because he used to mainly work alone, but one person would definitely not be able to handle such a large snow-capped mountain tomb, so he often stayed away from it.

This is also the first time I've come back. I still have strong strength and don't have any worries.

Cao Yasa had fun. No matter how far the team went, he could catch up quickly.

This made everyone envious and jealous.

"Damn it." Pan Zi cursed. For the first time, he discovered that Fatty's friend was so awesome.

Cao Ya was wandering in the deep mountains and old forests, and found some herbs that had been growing for a long time, but he didn't pick them, so they were of no use to him.

It would be better to stay in such an inaccessible place. There are some hunters or herb gatherers in the mountains who live off these things.

When Cao Ya arrived at the overnight place designated by Shunzi, the others were already eating in the dilapidated wooden house. Cao Ya actually didn't need to eat, but after thinking about it, he still ate a little.

This house is a supply depot for the Snow Mountain Outpost War. After the multilateral talks, several outposts here have been moved to different places, and the place is deserted. Several outposts on the snow line are also deserted.

Several people didn't sleep well that night. The wind and snow were too heavy, and they were always worried that the outpost would be crushed by the snow.

It was still only Cao Ya who ran out half asleep. The cold wind blew in, and the dazed group of people immediately woke up and cursed one after another.

Cao Ya apologized and closed the door behind him. The cursing in the room behind him quickly disappeared, followed by snoring one after another.

"What a snowy day." Cao Ya stood in the snowstorm, letting the snowflakes fall on him, and took a few steps to the top of a mountain. Looking around, the moon was half hidden behind the dark clouds, the sky and the ground were full of snow, and the cold wind was biting. .

"If it were me before, how could I dare to come to a place like this?" Cao Ya said to himself, thanking the others for sharing their power, and felt that he still had to work harder. Even if he was limited by the world, he still had to make some achievements. Just make some contribution.

Early the next morning, everyone got up and continued on their way. Shunzi found it strange that few tourists worked so hard. He knew there was something fishy about it, but he pretended that he didn't understand the idea of ​​accepting people's money and left everyone alone.

The temperature dropped drastically. Very few people in the south could adapt to this kind of weather. Except for Fatty, Ye Cheng and Shunzi, everyone else was frozen stiff.

Oh, Cao Ya is still an exception.

The relaxed attitude he showed made everyone look at him frequently.

By noon, the snow on the ground was so thick that there was no way to go, so it was up to Shunzi to lead the horse in front to clear the way.

Cao Ya was also holding the horse, and he was the only one among the few who was not riding a horse. Seeing that Cao Ya was still looking good, after some discussion, he asked Cao Ya to go to the rear. If something happened, Cao Ya would have someone behind him. Anaphora.

Cao Ya leisurely landed at the end of the team. With a few clicks of his fingers, Shunzi suddenly felt that the horse he was holding seemed to have gained strength, making him feel much more relaxed.

At this time, the wind suddenly started to blow. Shunzi looked at the clouds, turned around and asked, how about we come here today? It seems that there may be strong winds today, so we can enjoy the snow-capped mountains for a while, but going up higher will be dangerous.

Chen Pi Ah Si sighed and waved his hand, asking him to wait.

Everyone stopped to rest, ate some solid food, and chatted. None of them expressed surprise at Cao Ya's abnormality. They were just used to it.

Menyou Ping looked at the snow-capped mountains in front of him and frowned slightly, as if he was worried about something.

Wu Xie looked at Menyou Ping and knew that asking him would be in vain, so he turned around to chat with the fat man.

"What did he remember?" Cao Ya knew Men Youping's identity. He was the head of the Zhang family, named Zhang Qiling. He had Qilin blood and was very skilled.

Men Youping has been burdened with a lot and has experienced too much, and he is still looking for his lost memories.

But once he really gets his memory back, Menyou Ping's life will inevitably undergo earth-shaking changes.

I can't tell if it's good or bad.

But having a goal to guide you is better than being confused.

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