I have a hundred clones

025 Things in the snow

"Well, I'm still not strong enough. If Menyoupin had the power of an outdoor scene, who would dare to plot against him? There's no need to do anything messy, just push it all the way and get it done.

"М" Cao Ya sighed secretly, and came up with the idea of ​​teaching the Menyou Ping technique.

"With a background in stuffy oil bottle, it should be easy to get started, right?"

But there is no reason, why should I teach the skills?

Cao Ya in different worlds has somewhat different personalities.

If it were Cao Ya from the [Global High Martial Arts] world, he might have spread the technique on the spot.

"Well, let's talk about it later." Cao Ya shook his head.

When Shunzi heard that everyone was still going up, he sighed, shook his head and said that if he wanted to go up further, horses could no longer be ridden, so he had to use a horse-drawn snow rake. Winter in Changbai Mountain is actually the most convenient place for transportation. Except for snowstorms, horses are usually used. A snow rake can climb anywhere a horse can reach.

But once the wind blows, everything must be obeyed by Shunzi. He will come back as soon as he is told, and he is determined not to have any objections.

Cao Ya didn't care, he had nothing to fear anyway.

Several other people also nodded in agreement, unloaded the luggage from the horse, put it on the rake, and prepared everything. Shunzi shouted, whipped to lead the way, and the remaining horses followed automatically. The group of people were walking in the snow. Speeding.

Cao Ya was still sitting next to the rake, with the oil bottle on the other side.

In fact, other people are quite cold.

Raking was quite interesting, but the others felt cold due to the strong wind and seemed to have lost consciousness. The freshness wore off and they soon became numb.

Cao Ya always found it interesting, looking around curiously, seeming to have regained his childlike innocence.

It was also because he had the confidence, otherwise his body would be frozen, and he would be damned if he was in such a mood.

Because it was a mountain road, the horse ran unsteadily and the fat man was too heavy. He almost rolled over and fell into the snow several times, but every time he was safe.

If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't stand the cold, the fat man would definitely start bragging.

In fact, it was not luck, it was just Cao Ya who took action secretly.

We continued like this until the sky turned gray, the wind became stronger and stronger, and the horses walked slower and slower, so everyone had to put on windshields.

Cao Ya didn't bring them. He had never been used to wearing glasses, and it didn't matter whether they had prescription or not.

The others were not in the mood to talk at all, and they didn't even ask Cao Ya if he could bear it.

Anyway, Cao Ya looked very rosy and was in much better condition than them.

Just worry about yourself.

Cao Ya admired the snow scene. There were white snowflakes everywhere, some falling from the sky and some scraped from the snow-capped mountains.

Everyone was stiff and uncomfortable. The fat man wanted to curse, but his words were frozen in his throat.

Something went wrong in the middle. The snow was too deep and loose, and the horse refused to go through, so we had to get down and walk.

Shunzi said there was an abandoned border guard post ahead, so everyone decided to rush there on foot.

Those horses had to be released in the hope that they would be returned safely.

Shunzi said that these horses are familiar with the road and have good endurance, so there is no need to worry.

Cao Ya gave up his plan to take action.

They were targeting a few horses to rob tombs. How could they not suffer a little?

Cao Ya would not take action easily without endangering his life.

Everyone pulled the sledge and had a hard time marching in the snow. This place is the wind outlet, which is in the middle of the ridges on both sides, and the wind is extremely strong.

Shunzi said that the border guard post could be reached in one hour, but after two hours of walking, he was still nowhere to be seen.

It turned out that the sentry post was buried in snow. No wonder everyone couldn't find it after wandering around for a long time.

Panzi and Fatty screamed, feeling cold and hungry.

Shunzi said there was a hot spring ahead, which was in a mountain with very high temperatures. If we could get there, we could last at least five or six days with the food everyone brought.

The fat man suspected that the hot spring was also buried in the snow.

Junzi said no, because the altitude of the hot springs is higher than here, and generally speaking, it is impossible to be buried in snow. If something bad like that happens, it is destiny and there is no way.

"Are you sure?" Fatty didn't trust Shunzi anymore.

Shunzi nodded heavily: "I will definitely make a mistake this time. If I can't find it, you can deduct my wages."

"Then you'll get the next damn life." Wu Xie rolled his eyes.

But there is no other way but to follow the straight path.

With sad faces, everyone followed Shunzi and continued to walk up. The sky became darker and darker as they went. Shunzi pulled up the rope and tied everyone to him. Because the visibility was too low, no one could be seen at all. The wind was too strong and the screams could not be heard. , only this rope can keep everyone together, otherwise you won’t know when there will be fewer people.

With Cao Ya here, of course it would be impossible for the situation Shunzi said to happen.

But others didn't know, so for safety's sake, they had to follow Shunzi's instructions.

Cao Ya did not tie the rope and refused Shunzi's kindness.

Cao Ya's previous performance was still vivid in his mind, and everyone knew that Cao Ya was not an ordinary person. Maybe Cao Ya would still be fine after they were all finished, so they tried a few words of persuasion. Seeing that Cao Ya was determined, they stopped persuading him any further.

Cao Ya just thought the rope was uncomfortable.

He's not afraid of anything happening, so why not let himself go more comfortably.

He was still walking at the end, but he saw that the people in front were walking further and further away, and those behind were dragging back further and further. Everyone seemed to have blurry eyes, and was shaky, fearing that something was about to happen.

Cao Ya frowned slightly, flicked his fingers, and a few rays of strength swept through the crowd, and they suddenly woke up and became conscious.

Everyone was frightened by the situation just now and felt that this was a revelation from God. This time they entered the mountain and nothing would happen.

These are words of comfort, but in fact, everyone has no idea.

Cao Ya smiled, "Oh my god, it was clearly him who took action."

After walking for a while, the wind became stronger and stronger, and the snow became heavier and heavier. For others, they could not see anything more than one meter away, and they could not distinguish between east, west and north. The strong wind was so strong that they could not even lift their heads. , almost crawling forward, and will be blown down when you stand up.

Cao Ya watched from behind, a little regretful that he didn't bring his mobile phone, otherwise taking such a photo would be a black history.

He was still in good condition and didn't feel anything, but the others were not. Everyone's face was pale. Chen Pi's eyes were blurry. It seemed that this old guy could no longer hold on in such a harsh environment and was about to go into shock. .

Shunzi, who was leading the way, was about to faint, swaying and swaying.

In fact, the remaining people were not much better. They only felt a numbness spreading from their limbs to their whole bodies. Everyone tried their best to remind them, but they couldn't hold on at all. Every step they took, their eyelids felt like an extra piece of lead. The same, heavy pull straight down.

At this time, Cao Ya's expression changed and he felt something.

"Are you there?"

He suddenly frowned and saw that the people in front were rolling like gourds on the ground. The snow collapsed under their feet, and everyone was pulled into the snow by the rope. They rolled around and rolled several times before they stopped.

Because there was no danger to his life, Cao Ya did not take action.

Cao Ya took one step forward, crossed the distance of more than a hundred meters, and came to the hillside where everyone was rolling down. He lowered his head and looked down.

The rocky slope was steep, and a group of people stopped five or six meters away from the bottom of the slope. The rope was hung on a corner of the rock, otherwise they would all roll down.

The bottom of the slope was covered with snow and stones that had just slid down together. Several black and slender claws were exposed in the snow.

Cao Ya looked thoughtful, was that thing used by the King of Dongxia to maintain his immortality?

So ugly!

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