Cao Ya's method of breaking Yanling Time Zero is actually very simple. 520 official website

No matter how powerful the word spirit is, its existence depends on the user.

Ange is really powerful, especially after using the word spirit, it becomes even more awesome. But if you look into the essence of his life, he is still ordinary.

Even if he has dragon blood, he is still not sacred.

Cao Ya can break the effect of his word spirit with brute force.

This is not like the fierce ghosts in the [Mysterious Resurrection] world, which are products of rules and are essentially superior to the spirit spirits in the [Dragon Clan] world.

In this world, whether dragons or hybrids, they are still just one kind of creature.

Cao Ya said very sincerely:

"Ange, Kassel College, please merge it into my school. It's not impossible to rely on a small group of people to deal with the Dragon Clan, but how sure are you? And extraordinary power should not and cannot only belong to a small group of people. It’s better to make it available to the public.”

Ange was startled, but he didn't worry about Cao Ya's intention of incorporating Kassel Academy. Instead, he was surprised and said:

"You still have school? Where is it?"

Cao Ya laughed:

"In my mind, I also talked to the people above and they all agreed. As long as I am ready, we can start construction directly."

Seeing that Cao Ya didn't seem to be faking it, and seemed to really have this idea, Ange straightened his face and said in a deep voice:

"Kassel College does not belong to me alone. It is impossible for the school director to agree to your proposal. Moreover, I think the way Cassel College runs a school is very good."

The implication is that you are not prepared to change and merge into the university where you have no shadow.

Beside them, Professor Guderian, Nono, Ye Sheng and Jiu Deyaji were all excited, breaking away from the mixed feelings just now, which were both shocking and unacceptable.

In a head-to-head confrontation, the principal actually lost?

Well, Cao Ya wants to recruit our Kassel Academy. Is he drunk too much? Still not awake?

The four people silently questioned, how could Kassel Academy, independent of the world, accept the adaptation of another school?

Cao Ya believes that nothing is impossible, everything depends on human effort, and if he is strong enough, then what he says must be taken seriously by Kassel College.

Besides, he is not doing it for his own selfish interests, and his desire for power is very weak.

He believed from the bottom of his heart that the establishment of a martial arts university for the whole society would definitely be better than a small-scale academic teaching like Cassel College.

Dealing with the Dragon Clan is not the whole purpose, or in other words, it is just one of the purposes.

To make all people strong and sublime the world, this is the greater goal.

Simply talking about the Dragon Slayer Clan, the pattern is still not big enough.

Cao Ya said calmly:

"Don't worry about those school directors. It's best if you agree. If you don't agree, don't worry about them. Capitalists, street lights are where they belong."

"To deal with the Dragon Clan, Ange, you are an authority, but no authority is as effective as strength."

"Ange, you should understand this."

Angkor nodded and suddenly saw a burst of blood and asked:

"Your kind of power is not a word spirit, right? It can be spread, so you want to build a university and face the society."


The other four people were shocked and incredulous.

How could extraordinary power not belong to the Dragon Clan?

Cao Yahan smiled and said:

"Principal Ange still has a keen eye. Yes, it is martial arts. Everyone can learn and practice it. Of course, the final level will be determined by many factors."

Angers sighed:

"Compared to now, it's much better."

Nowadays, relying solely on the power of hybrids has resulted in countless casualties. Throughout the ages, countless hybrids have died on the dragon-slaying battlefield.

If Cao Ya's martial arts, he wasn't lying, and it is indeed possible for everyone to learn, and it is indeed possible to practice to his level, then the end of the Dragon Clan has come!

By then, the number of dragons will be far less than the number of human masters.

Do we still need to worry about the resurgence of dragons?

There is no need for it anymore, but there will be worries that not enough dragons will be revived to meet the needs of research.

Now he finally understood why Cao Ya said he wanted to capture the Dragon King for research.

Angers even had this idea!

He suddenly stopped laughing and shook his head.

Thinking too far ahead.

Angers spoke slowly:

"What would you choose to do if I disagreed?"

He meant that he did not agree with the merger of Kassel College into the university that Cao Ya planned to establish.

At the Kassel Academy, Angers's prestige was unparalleled.

Even if he lost to Cao Ya, it would not affect his status in the hearts of teachers and students at all.

If he doesn't agree, Cao Ya's plan will inevitably fail.

Cao Ya said indifferently:

"Forget it if you don't agree. I'll go there in person. The good things from Cassel College will no longer belong to Cassel College."

He said with a smile:

"You should understand that thermal weapons, firearms, artillery shells and the like are useless to me."

He wanted to say that nuclear bombs would be useless, but then thought better of it so as not to scare them.

Several people at Cassel College were dissatisfied. Cao Ya said this as if Cassel College was not a military institution for slaying dragons, but a paradise for a group of children to play house.

But in front of Cao Ya, isn't it like that?

Such a thought flashed across their heads, and they suddenly felt a little depressed.

Cao Ya's words were not a threat, just a statement. Angers was no match for him, and no one at Kassel Academy could stop him.

Regardless of what he said was plain, in fact, Angers knew very well that if he did not agree, Cao Ya would really leave for Kassel College.

By then, it may not be so peaceful.

With Cao Ya's strength, if Kassel Academy resists, there will be no telling how many casualties there will be.

It can be considered a threat.

Angers was silent for a few minutes, saying that he could not give an answer at this time and would go back to summon others to discuss.

This is indeed a big matter. Cao Ya expressed his understanding and reminded Ange that he would only give three days. If there was no reply within three days, he would treat it as Kassel College's disapproval.

The implication is that he is going to the United States in person to defeat Cassel College in person.

Angers was also sure that Cao Ya could really penetrate Kassel Academy.

As for the power of those school directors, to be honest, Ange couldn't see that Cao Ya cared about power and money. If he was angered, he was afraid that he would come directly to the door and kill everyone.

Cao Ya can definitely do such a thing!

But thinking about how to convince those school directors, Angers felt a headache.

"Well, forget it, to be honest, if you are not afraid of death, let them resist."

Angers raised his hand to rub his forehead. This trip to China brought him too many unexpected things.

Even the Kassel Academy was destroyed.

But he had to agree. Who said he couldn't beat Cao Ya?

The key is that Cao Ya is so powerful that he ignores all kinds of hot weapons.

In this world, except for nuclear bombs and the Dragon King, there is probably nothing that can threaten Cao Ya.

Angers sighed and left with Professor Guderian, Nono and the others.

On the way, Professor Guderian hesitated to speak.

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